Capítulo 05: dog
The words of the man who was wearing a police forensic distinction frightened the friends and they told what happened to the girls. Needless to say, they didn't believe them at all, and they got upset when the guys kept insisting on the story.
Since Raj was the only friend who didn't have a girlfriend, and nervous as he was, he decided to take a day off from his college job and visit a tourist ranch with his lapdog.
“You'll see how beautiful we're going to have fun, who's going to have fun, who's going to have fun, you, my princess, you're going to have fun!” Raj said to his little dog, not caring about the mocking face and then about the disgust that other people put on the bus when they saw Raj kissing the animal on the snout in an unhygienic way.
When Raj came down, he got the call from Leonard.
“Hey Raj, are you sure you're gonna be okay?”
“Don't worry, Leonard. It's just a tourist farm, even small children come to this place. Besides, my champion is here to protect me. Who is my champion, who is my champion, yes, you are my champion, you are my champion!”
Leonard hung up, listening to the kissing noises between Raj and the dog.
Raj was queuing up but the little dog got out of hand and went to chase some chickens.
A hay trident, which was resting on a pile of processed straw, fell due to a strange wind that blew at the time. The trident did not fall horizontally to the ground, but stopped at a 45-degree angle, stopped by a milking bucket.
“Don't be a bad girl, go back to Daddy!” Raj ordered her without realizing due he was chasing the dog bowing too far, that he was dangerously close to the trident. His face was getting closer and closer... closer and closer.
“Watch out!” shouted a farmer and took the trident at lightning speed, preventing Raj from dying instantly.
“Thank you," he muttered in fear.
The little dog got tired of running and went quickly to her master, who lifted her up nervously.
Because he wasted time chasing his pet, Raj could only visit the cows, perhaps he could milk one.
The cows were locked up in a huge covered pen to protect them from hail, they were not in their cubicles at night, but came and went tame from place to place.
The farmer who saved Raj's life was the one who would show him how to milk a cow and then have him do it himself.
“Well, now it's your turn, friend," said the man, when a strange, calm wind blew into it.
“It's okay, it's okay, Wikipedia, it's okay," said the man.
“Yes, that's how my daughter named him.... I have a call on my cell phone.”
The man tried to answer, but the incoming call was cut off, as were the spotlights in the corral that flickered sporadically and sinisterly.
“Dude, I'll give you a moment, maybe they'll call me from the landline.”
Raj, impatient, sat down near the cow and proceeded to milk it.
“If I did this in India, even the "untouchables" would stone me. Don't worry, Wikipedia," he said with derision, remembering how years ago he was almost fired from college and deported to India for playing the lazy bum for years and just sabotaging Wikipedia articles on the Internet.
“Relax Wikipedia, don't act like karma, because this Hindu is not afraid to turn you into a hamburger and eat you.”
Raj's little dog was restless and jumped up to bite the Wikipedia tail.
The cow kicked forward and hit right into Raj's mouth.
Raj's jaw broke in the act and all the teeth in her lower jaw flew out everywhere, while the dog kept barking insistently all over the place and biting the other cows' legs.
“ghrruuruhghhhh!” tried to scream, Raj, but the lower jaw was separated.
People think that the muscles of the cheek support the jaw, but this is not so. The only thing that supports this large bone is its union with the rest of the skull.
Raj stood up and then the laws of physics did the rest. His jaw dropped to the level of his chest, giving him a similar but more gore appearance than the evil protagonist of the movie The Mummy.
The last thing Raj thought about was damned karma when he was struck by a stampede of cows running in circles around the corral, all chased by his little dog.
The cows ran over Raj and broke several of his ribs, but he had managed to survive by a miracle.
The nervous moo of the animals was overshadowed by the strident sound of the dog's bark and Raj saw frightened through the bruises in his eyes that the cows had completed a lap of the pen and were about to charge him again.
This time the cows crushed his right hand, making his fingers fly in all directions. They also crushed both his knees and crushed his lower jaw.
Raj wanted to run away but the pain was unbearable and he couldn't walk, so he started crawling but again he heard the sound of the barks coming towards him.
“Yhhhhelepeh jyhelllpp!”
The cows crushed his other hand, both femurs, coccyx and testicles along with his penis and lower spine.
Raj looked up and saw how Wikipedia lifted a hoof and then his whole head was crushed by the blow, spreading brains, teeth, eyes and so on in all directions.
Raj's little dog went to the center of the pen and sniffing around, found her master's tongue and after licking it a couple of times, began to eat it.
Author's final notes: ay Raj, that's what you get for sabotaging Wikipedia and being so racist with those people in India who are known as "untouchables"... stupid, spoiled rich kid.