Chapter 9: Clues
It was a cloudy morning in the cemetery, the night before it had rained a lot and the whole ground was like a mire except where there was grass, but still the ground was very soft.
“I can't believe Howard and Bernadette are dead. They had just been married," Stuart said in a sad tone.
“Yes, a pity for that little doll, I would have liked to have played with her "two desserts”," said the idiot Barry Kripke.
“I don't understand," Stuart spoke again, "did they have the funeral home build a pool in the middle of the two tombs, did Howard and Bernadette like the pool so much?”
“Ji, ji, ji, ji," laughed Kripke and everyone looked at him frowning. “Hey, every time I cry, I make a laughing-like noise, it's my other illness besides rotacism.”
"You'll see Stuart," Kripke whispered to him, "that's not going to be a pool over there, that's Howard's mother's grave, she died too.”
“That's horrible.... a whole dead family.”
“Yes, at first I thought they were going to build a kind of pool too, it was so big that they could put the whale from "Free Willy”," explained Kripke, "but once I saw Howard's mother and I understood everything... instead of Free Willy, it seemed like I ate Willy. JI, JI, JI.”
They all turned around.
“I'm crying, I'm crying people!”
“Why is Howard's mother's grave in the middle?” said Penny, “shouldn't Howard and Bernadette be together?”
“It seems that this is what both Howard and his mother stipulated in their will. Bernadette didn't make a will.”
They had already placed the spouses' coffins in their respective places, and Howard's mother's huge coffin had yet to be moved, a task that was done with one of those cranes to move containers that arrived at the dock.
The crane took too long and so the friends decided to move things forward and go out to the front to say goodbye to the deceased husbands.
A supernatural wind blew down a wreath of flowers and the petals were carried by the air current to the crane operator's cabin. Turns out the man was allergic to the flowers on the crown and had an asthma attack.
The man let go of the controls and the coffin almost crushed the friends. Fortunately, the falling movement of the coffin moved the crane and one of its safety supports on the sides sank into the muddy ground.
The coffin fell a few inches from the friends and its contents were exposed. The body seemed to have been twisted by the muscular contraction of rigor mortis.
The girls screamed and no one could blame them. The obese corpse had a macabre laugh and one of his obese arms pointed at them as the other showed the palm of his hand doing the number four.
The four friends went back to Sheldon and Leonard's apartment to prepare something for their nerves. The cups of tea jingled because of everyone's tremor.
“Guys," said Penny, "maybe we should see the page of this Captain America guy, you know, the one who, when he's angry, turns into a green armor that flies and throws hammers from the palm of his hand because he's a god who comes from Olympus.”
Sheldon almost had a heart attack, but Leonard stepped in before he started another fight.
“Penny, you mixed up all the Stan Lee superheroes and you got them all wrong. Besides, it's not Captain America's page, it's Capt. leon's page. “
“Lion-O?” Amy-said, “Are you talking about those Thundercats?”
“You're wrong, Amy," said Sheldon, "he's a lion without an accent, not a Lion-O and he's not talking about Thundercats, he's talking about cat girls.”
“Thundercats... catgirls, bullshit, it's the same thing," concluded Amy.
“Guys," Penny insisted again, "just a week after the train crash, and Raj died. Two days later Howard and Bernadette died. Besides, don't you remember what that man told you about how death would haunt us?”
“Please, Penny," Sheldon contradicted her, "even someone with your near-zero education at a rural school in the Midwest could not believe in such a thing as ocus pocus, tell him Leonard.”
“Leonard!” his roommate shouted at him.
“Well, it's just that too many things happen at the same time.”
“You know! I'll go see what that Thundercat says in his web page.”
"To avoid the touch of death," said the website that, by a bewildering coincidence, appeared as an opening page on the laptop, not Sheldon's, but Leonard's, which was on, even though he claimed he had turned it off.
“What the hell," said Leonard and Penny told him to shut up.
"You must watch out for the clues. These vary depending on the taste of the survivors, for example, those who survived a parachute exercise will see clues in extreme sports programs and magazines that will tell them when and how death will strike; music lovers will find clues by randomly changing the dial to tune in to stations; and so on...".
“By Leonard Nimoy! If I, the Homo Novus, were to decide the fate of the people, I'd have this guy castrated! That's what we do with pigs in Texas!”
“You're right," Amy supported him, "I would rather order them to cut his penis, that's what I do with the monkeys who want to get too smart.”
Leonard and Penny, tired of "Shelmy", went to the front apartment and Sheldon remembered something important.
“Amy, today is our anniversary and I was supposed to invite you to see how I, I mean, the Homo Novus, worked, you know, to appreciate the work of a genius.”
“Sheldon...” Amy said in ecstasy because her boyfriend remembered her anniversary.
“Don't interrupt me woman. I was saying, as my brilliant idea couldn't have been, instead I'm giving you these DVDs, they're old but they belong to the greatest genius in history, they're sure to be worth a lot in the future.”
The DVDs belonged to the genre of terror and were: In the shadow of Kilimanjaro, which was about chimpanzee killers because of the drought in Africa; Link, about a homicidal chimpanzee who plays the butler; and Shakma, a baboon subject to medical experiments, the cover read: "They tortured him in the name of science, now Shakma comes to take revenge".
Amy hugged her boyfriend who looked uncomfortable with the woman's display of affection.
Quickly! vote and comment if you want Amy to realize the clues I gave her to avoid death.