In this part appears the subject that warns the protagonists that death is after them. For those of you who don't know, the subject was the evil protagonist of the horror film "candy man".
Chapter 04: The Coroner
Leonard seemed to come out of a trance and was sweating like he was when he first asked Penny out.
“I hope nothing goes wrong," Raj said, "this solar-powered train reminds me of the Simpsons.”
“Calm down my ¡chucu, chucu, chuuu!" Howard told him, "in that chapter, the train leaves control because Homer Simpson is at the controls. They'd never put anyone in real life that stupid.”
“...Leonard, are you all right?” Penny asked him.
“Oh God, Oh God, we must get off this train!” cried Leonard, who became increasingly hysterical despite his friends' attempts to calm him down.
“Zack Jhonson drives the train, we're going to die!”
The seven friends were evicted from the train and it left without them.
“It' s supposed to be Penny that' s suffering from delirium tremen, not you Leonard!” shouted Sheldon, who had little use for Amy's attempts to calm him down.
They all went to Penny's apartment and kept arguing with each other.
“We'd better put this behind us and watch TV," Raj suggested, and he turned on Penny's tiny black and white TV.
“...The number of deaths on the recently inaugurated magnetic levitation train is still unknown," reported the news report “...The death of the driver, Zack Jhonson, is confirmed...”
No one paid attention to the granular image on the TV anymore, everyone was watching Leonard, as if he had suddenly stretched out and now measured the same as Penny.
“How did you know that?” Bernadette asked him.
“...No, I don't know. It was like, like I had a premonition.”
“That's impossible," Amy contradicted, "there has to be a logical explanation.”
“It's true! Even you should know that these things about premonitions are nothing but nonsense," Sheldon exclaimed.
“Come on, Sheldon! How do you explain the train going off the rails just like Leonard said?”
Sheldon opened his mouth a couple of times in a spasmodic fashion, but he couldn't argue with that.
“And don't forget that Leonard, too, was right about the driver," said Raj, nervously looking at Penny.
They all looked at each other, that last detail could not be explained.
The next morning, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj went to see the crash site. There were a lot of curious people and police officers cordoning off various areas.
“What's stranger to me," Leonard said, "is that I saw the accident, not only from my point of view, but I also saw the whole thing as a whole, as if I were a spectator in a film.”
“You said you saw the accident before it happened?” Suddenly there was a deep, sinister voice behind the friends. He was an African-American as tall as Sheldon, but with a chunky, sinister complexion.
The friends tried to deny the man's words, but they only managed to stammer and nervously shake their heads in denial.
“I've seen this before," continued the stranger, "people who have a premonition of death and are saved by it. They think they're safe, but then...”
“Then... then what?” Leonard asked with a voice thread.
“All those who were saved died one by one. Death, in the end, claimed them.... You will not be the exception.”
The grim stranger turned and walked away with a sinister smile on his side and whistling a mournful tune.
Above the cabin that was supposed to have crushed Penny, a white cat stood, wagging four long, long tails, and staring at the guys with a wicked, intelligent look.
That's scary, quick! vote and comment to save yourself