Capítulo 7: Theremin
The husbands arrived home and Bernadette kept questioning her husband.
“You should stop hanging out with Sheldon, he's so, so... irritating.”
“I'd say it's like a vasectomy done with pliers, but you got too close," joked the husband, "I can't stop hanging out with Sheldon, he and Leonard live in the same apartment!”
“You should stop hanging out with him, too. I mean, he's an adult man now and he's still doing all that kid stuff!”
“Please, Bernadette, stop it. Let's go inside the house, I don't want to hear any more yelling.”
“Heavens," said the man as he looked out into the street in case the neighbors had heard. “NO MOM, I HAVEN'T SEEN IT, MAYBE YOU WERE HUNGRY AND ATE IT, IT WOULDN'T BE THE FIRST TIME.”
Sheldon was alone in his apartment because Leonard fed up with him, had decided to spend the day with Penny.
“Fools, they are all just fools to get angry because my Star Trek and Star Wars routine will now be interrupted by Raj's return to India.”
Sheldon realized what he said and a little saddened he thought it best to take out his theremin, and play the opening star trek.
“I think it will sound amazing if I play the star trek theme and put the music of the Star Wars empire in the background at full volume.”
Sheldon always played the empire's music when he was angry and decided to make sandwiches while charging his laptop.
“Damn it, Leonard, you never do anything right!” Sheldon complained when he discovered that Leonard had not bought the exact ingredient from the huge list that he should have followed to perfection.
“What did it cost you, Leonard? That's all you had to go to sixteen supermarkets, that's all!”
Sheldon was so angry that he slammed the door on the fridge and the fridge reopened because of the impact.... the inside contents were thawing and the water was falling to the floor.
“If I undress, maybe I'll play the opening perfectly. Many great composers stripped themselves naked to achieve a stronger creative effect.”
Elsewhere, Howard had fallen asleep on the couch but had nightmares that finally woke him up.
“Bernadette and Mom are still mad at me, and I can't stop thinking about the whole "death sequence" thing, I'd better check the Internet," Howard thought, but he remembered his computer was in the bedroom, he didn't want to see his wife right now. “I'll call Leonard and let him know I'm coming.”
His friend had forgotten his cell phone in the living room next to Sheldon, the device sounded loud, but the lanky man couldn't hear it because of the irritating cacophony of the theremin and the loud music of the empire.
The theremin was an ancient electronic device and its bare wires touched the ground. A couple of metres away from the refrigerator, a puddle of water was forming more and more.
"He doesn't answer me," thought Howard and decided to go to his friend.
A faint wind blew into the closed room of Sheldon's apartment, so faint that it was not felt by the man despite being naked.
The puddle began to move and as if by magic surrounded several obstacles that prevented it from reaching the bare theremin wires that were very close to Sheldon's bare feet.
Knock knock knock.
Howard was knocking, but no one would open the door.
“Hell, I think it's Sheldon for the empire's loud music. Maybe it's best to come home.”
This time the puddle of water rose a surface at a slight sloping angle, just a little more and someone would shout with a voice memo louder than the theremin....
“Sheldon, look out!” Howard shouted at the top of his lungs and took off his sweater and shirt at the same time and threw them over the puddle of water that the theremin was almost touching.
Sheldon didn't understand his friend's actions until he saw what he was pointing to.
“...Howard, you saved my life, you saved my life, O Lord Spock!”
The two men hugged each other and then entered Leonard and Penny, as the music of the empire reached the apartment across the hallway as Howard had left the door open.
“Are we interrupting?” said Penny.
“Gosh, I don't know what's going on, but you better hope Bernadette doesn't find out about this," Leonard said.
I don’t like Star Trek… write hateful commentaries below, please. JUST KIDDING! nyajajaja