Iria watched Laura as she lied on a bed in the infirmary, she had yet to awaken. Life in the Academy continued without a second thought about the two powerful beings, who defeated Agatha with ease. A fluke, a facade, anything but the truth, their denial spread as quickly as a wildfire. None of the students dared to believe the rumors of their Headmistress being defeated by beings from the Normal realm. Amaris had yet to return to the Academy, which left the students anxious for her return. Alice still acted suspicious and only moved in secret, she even went behind her First's back. Agatha had her suspicions about the daughter of Tempus' actions as well. Hanako requested a leave of absence so she could train her mind and body to defeat Arlo. Iria bit the inside of her cheek as she lost herself deep within her thoughts. How could there be so much disorder under her command? Once Hanako defeats Arlo, she would put them all in their place. If they dared to defy her order then she would simply put an end to their disobedience. Laura began to seize, which tore Iria from her thoughts. Vita students immediately ran to her aid, but Iria held them back from helping. A chill radiated off her body and frost formed throughout the room. Laura abruptly stopped convulsing, she sat up with eyes as black as night. She slowly turned her head to look at Iria, who narrowed her eyes at Laura.
"Goddess of Spite, daughter of Atë," Laura paused when Iria's face darkened at the mention of her mother's name, "she has chosen both." She spoke in ancient greek before falling unconscious once again.
Iria's face twisted in disgust, she glanced at the Vita class members who looked at her with worry, "Do not allow Laura to leave the premises, nor do you allow her to speak with Hanako. If she attempts to do so, then you have my full permission to subdue her." She commanded in a firm voice before leaving without another word.
Iria scowled at the ground as she walked through the corridors of the Main hall where the infirmary was located. She could not wrap her mind around the idea of Laura choosing both. She must have defeated both the light and darkness in her mind. She must have combined both their power to gain an even greater power. Why would she choose both? She would be unable to activate her true dragon form. Iria bit the side of her thumb as she lost herself further into her thoughts. She forgot about her surroundings entirely. A darkness began to seep from her body, it ate at the ground and walls of the Main hall.
"Iria." Gik tapped her on her shoulder, bringing her out her thoughts and stopping the death of every student.
"Gik?" Iria stared at him in confusion.
"Are you alright?" He questioned with a look of concern.
Iria took a couple steps backwards to put distance between them, "Yes." She mumbled while avoiding his gaze.
"Is it Amaris?" He wondered out loud with a sigh.
"No." Iria grumbled while fiddling with her thumbs.
"Hanako?" He tilted his head to the side.
"No." She scowled at the ground.
"Perhaps, Laura?" Gik's face darkened as he lowered his head.
Iria slowly looked up at him, "It is none of your concern. None of those fools are worthy enough to bother me. We are not friends, so do not attempt to play one." She venomously sneered before storming down the hall.
Everyone would need to be reminded of their place, she thought. They all needed to be reprimanded for believing they were equals. Agatha must be reminded of her place too, even though she stood as Headmistress, she did not stand a chance against her wrath. Iria scowled while emitting a menacing aura, she left the Main hall. She glanced at Agatha, who had been watching from the sanctuary of her office. Iria pointed at her before running her thumb across her neck. Agatha blinked before sharply turning away from the window with a scowl. However, she could not lose control of herself before Hanako's battle with Arlo.
"Speak of the Devil." Iria grumbled as Hanako stumbled out of the woods with her head down.
She looked as if she had been completely drained of all her energy. Iria did not even know how she held herself up to walk back to the Academy. Hanako collapsed face first a few feet in front of Iria, who watched her with a blank expression. Weak.
Iria slowly walked towards her, "What have you been doing during your training to become like this?" She mumbled to herself as she turned her over to reveal several bite marks, bruises, and lacerations all over her body.
Iria clicked her tongue, "Fucking Nightseers." She spat with disdain.
She glanced up to see Alice watching her from the shadows with an unreadable expression that made her scowl deepen. Alice approached her with a blank expression, she glanced at Hanako's limp body before speaking.
"Your creations seem to always fail you. Why is that?" Alice questioned as she tilted her head to the side with a smug expression.
Iria glared at her but did not speak.
Alice raised her arms in defense, "I am merely stating the truth, Goddess of Spite. There is no need to glare at me with such malevolence." She stated with a smirk.
Iria ran her hands down her face as she sighed, "Tempus child there is no need for you to hide the truth of your schemes. I am fully aware of the games your kind like to play." She said as she lifted Hanako's body over her shoulder.
Alice chuckled while licking her lips, "Don't be such a sourpuss, I am simply doing my duty as my Father's daughter." She declared while shrugging her shoulders.
Iria turned away from her, "Do not bother me with your petty little shenanigans, my patience runs thin these days. I would not test it if I were you." She seethed before vanishing into thin air.
Alice laughed to herself, "You have no idea the knowledge I acquire." She mumbled to herself.
Wani laughed from behind her, "And you have no idea about the power my Queen wields. You have been summoned by her Majesty." She clapped her hands together with an excited expression.
"Silence, Wani." Beatrice ordered with a scowl.
Alice stared at them blankly, "May I ask why she requests my presence?" She asked.
Wani hummed, "Why does her Majesty want this thing to come?" She asked in a bored tone.
Alice scowled at Wani, she lifted her hand in the air to snap her fingers. However, Wani appeared before her with a devilish grin. She grabbed Alice's hand to stop her from freezing their time. Alice's eyes widened when Wani wrapped her slender fingers around her thin neck. She squeezed with the strength beyond her imagination.
"I will fucking gut you, you insolent child of Temp—"
Beatrice silenced her when she raised her hand, "I despise being bothered by such nuisances. I will allow your disobedience this once, but if you repeat your actions I will slaughter you myself." She spat.
Alice tried to speak, but Wani only tightened her grip around her throat. Wani released her before turning to Beatrice, who had an annoyed look on her face. She cleared her throat before opening a gate through the ground. Alice stared at her in confusion as she opened a gate without alarming Agatha. No one other than Hanako, Iria, Amaris and herself had the power to open a hidden gate in the Abandoned realm. Beatrice gestured for them to step through the gate with a stoic expression. Wani forcefully lifted Alice over her shoulder before jumping after her.