On the rare occasion, Amaris would visit an old friend from her first years on Earth. She met a girl around her human age in the middle of the woods. Her skin had been burned and she seemed to be running from something. Other humans were chasing her down like an animal. She had done nothing to invoke their rage, yet the color of her skin deemed her an enemy. Amaris killed the humans that hunted her for nothing, she hung their bodies by their intestines. She healed the girl's wounds and together they escaped into the country to live a life of peace. As time passed, the girl became sick with an incurable fever. No doctor would help, she lied on her deathbed before Amaris' eyes. Forced to use her gift once more, she placed a flame inside of the girl's heart. Many decades passed before Amaris felt a yearning to visit the realm for the Abandoned. The girl understood, she watched Amaris leave her side in silence. Pain resided in both their hearts. However, Amaris made sure to visit her old friend once a month every year without Agatha's knowledge.
"Beatrice, have you seen this man?" Amaris questioned from the kitchen table in her old friend's small apartment.
Beatrice turned to look at the picture Amaris held up, "Yes, his name is Arlo." She stated as she carried their plates over with a smile.
"Arlo? He tried to kill me." Amaris spat with a scowl.
"You mustn't fight with others, Amaris." Beatrice scolded her while placing their plates down.
Amaris hummed in annoyance, "They should not fight with me, it is futile of them to even try." She declared, burning the picture.
"You're right, but it is impolite of you to start fights without knowing why Arlo is fighting." Beatrice sang.
"The Earth informed me, he is a power-hungry maniac, who refused to return his power to the Earth." Amaris stated, ignoring the plate of food.
"Have you heard both sides of the story?" Beatrice questioned as she scooped up a spoonful of peas.
"Why bother?" Amaris grumbled.
Beatrice swallowed, "Communication and understanding are the keys to eternal peace, they are also the key to war and mayhem." She stated.
Amaris blinked, "Death lingers over everyone because of this man. Yet, I cannot do anything since it is not my place to defeat him." She watched as Beatrice finished both their plates within a matter of seconds.
"There is your answer, do not involve yourself with someone else's destiny. Although I have not lived as long as you, I have seen you do many things with your power. Do not waste it on this man." Beatrice told her in a firm voice while she cleaned up her mess.
"How is your flame?" Amaris suddenly asked.
Beatrice hummed, "Alive." She mumbled.
"Forgive me, Beatrice. I shouldn't have interfered with your destiny." Amaris lowered her head in shame.
"Well," Beatrice paused, "I am thankful you healed me when no one else would. I owe you a debt of gratitude. I still dream of having lived life normally, but I am grateful to you. My flame requires a lot of energy, which is why I am constantly eating." She told her as she fixed herself another two plates of food.
Amaris sighed, "I am forever thankful to you, you helped me through a rough time in my life. Without you, I would not be as stable." She smiled.
Beatrice smiled back, "Of course, what are friends for?"
They chatted about old times like Amaris had never left. They were lost in their memories for what seemed like hours. Until, the sound of laughter filled Beatrice's small apartment. A girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail and hazel eyes entered the kitchen while smiling. Amaris looked up from her cup of tea, she grinned at the girl, who immediately grinned back.
"Your Majesty, it is an honor to be graced by your presence." The girl bowed to Amaris.
Amaris chuckled, "Indeed. How have you been Wani?" She questioned in a light tone.
Wani looked up, "Ever since you brought me to Earth, I have never been better. Living among worthless beings brings me joy." She stated.
Beatrice scowled at Wani, "Humans are not worthless beings." She sneered.
Wani smirked at her, "In the eyes of an Androsian, they are lower than insects." She calmly declared.
Beatrice's scowl deepened, "Why did you bring him here?" She questioned, turning to Arlo.
Wani looked back at him, "A small gift for her Majesty." She said.
Amaris gently placed her cup of tea down with a sigh, "Arlo, please have a seat. I have no intentions of fighting you. If you do then you will have to face Beatrice's wrath." She sang out of boredom.
Wani blinked, "Your Majesty, why do you say such things? Surely, you wish to see him perish." She snapped.
Amaris scowled at her, "Wani, do not speak out of turn. Now, Arlo won't you join us for some of Beatrice's famous herbal tea." She spoke with a smile when she turned to Arlo, who slowly walked towards the table.
Beatrice walked to the china cabinet to take out another cup for Arlo. He scowled at Amaris as Beatrice poured him tea. She took her seat again in silence before smacking his cup out of his hands. A smile appeared on Wani's face while she stood on the opposite side of the kitchen. Amaris calmly sipped from her cup of tea as Beatrice calmed herself.
"Forgive me," she forced a smile, "I mustn't interfere with someone else's destiny. It is not my place to kill you for hurting my Queen." Beatrice growled.
Arlo looked at Amaris, "What is this the meaning of this?" He questioned.
Wani raised her hand to speak, which Amaris granted, "Her Majesty wishes to inform you, she is in no position to kill you. I presume the Earth has a role to play in this situation." She explained.
"However, if she commands us to, then we shall." Beatrice quickly added with a deadly scowl.
Amaris nodded her head, "Arlo, the Earth seeks its power. Hanako will die trying to give the Earth back its power."
"Then she shall die." Arlo seethed.
Beatrice slammed her hand on the table, "Do not speak to her Majesty with such rudeness. You will show her respect."
Arlo glanced at her, "I see why you ditched the Goddess of Spite and Hanako in the Abandoned realm. They have no loyalty towards you." He stated, leaning back in his seat.
Amaris chuckled, "Of course not, they are incapable of understanding my decision to leave my home. However, Wani and Beatrice understand very well the feeling of shame and despair." She said while placing her cup of tea back down.
Arlo hummed, "Hanako believes you will aid her in my downfall, if she is unsuccessful. If not then the Goddess of Spite will have to take your place." He explained with a blank expression.
Beatrice laughed dryly, "Fools."
Wani chuckled, "Indeed they are. Nonetheless, your Majesty what will become of you if this Goddess of Spite steals your thunder?" She mused while leaning against the counter with her arms crossed over her chest.
Amaris shot Wani a glare, "Silence," she seethed, "Arlo, you cannot defeat Hanako. Hanako cannot defeat you. Iria and I possess strength beyond your puny minds. I refuse to aid those beneath me, but Iria will certainly come to Hanako's aid. You most definitely cannot defeat her, the Goddess of Spite." She stated as she leaned back in her chair.
Beatrice flipped the table over to reveal his hands, which had been moving. She looked to Amaris for permission, who nodded. Wani sat back while Beatrice grabbed Arlo by his throat with a menacing expression. Amaris watched him carefully without moving a muscle. He tore Beatrice's hand away from his neck in one quick motion. Arlo raised his hand and the electric wires from within the walls wrapped around Beatrice's neck. Wani and Amaris watched in silence as he electrocuted her. Beatrice's body went limp, which caused Arlo to toss her to the side. He charged at Amaris, who stared at him with a bored expression. Wani quickly stepped forward before he could reach her. She wagged her finger in his face while shaking her head.
"We are Amaris' precious Ward. If you believed we were to die so easily, then you are a fool." Wani sighed while shrugging her shoulders.
Beatrice appeared behind him and placed him in a headlock, he could not breathe through the intensity of her strength. She nearly crushed his windpipe before he broke free while holding his throat. Wani kicked the back of his knees in with a blank expression. Beatrice reached through her chest with her right hand, she pulled out a whip made of Amaris' flames. Wani looked at Arlo in disgust.
"Beatrice." Wani spoke calmly before turning away.
Beatrice began to whip Arlo without showing any mercy to him. He cried out in agony while Wani poured Amaris a fresh cup of tea. They watched Beatrice in silence with blank expressions. Amaris raised her hand to indicate that Arlo had received enough punishment.
"Thank you, Beatrice. You may relieve yourself of your duties for the night. Wani tend to her wounds, I will accompany Arlo to the door." Amaris commanded in a firm tone.
Arlo struggled to push himself off of the ground, "I see why the Earth fears your power." He mumbled, several lacerations appeared on his back as well as burn marks.
Amaris laughed, "This is just a sliver of my power, no one has seen the full extent of my gift and lived." She stood up from her chair.
Arlo struggled to stand, but Amaris stomped on the back of his head. The force alone sent him through several floors. He groaned before coughing up blood for the first time in thousands of years. Amaris jumped through the holes in the floors until she reached him in the lobby. She knelt beside his weakened body with a deranged expression. Wani and Beatrice watched from above in silence. Arlo winced as Amaris pulled his head back by his hair.
"Cowards send lower life forms to do their bidding, if you come near my dear friends, I will cut off your head. You cannot make a fool of me, I know all." Amaris growled through gritted teeth before beheading the poor human, who had been blinded by Arlo's power.
Wani appeared beside her with Beatrice, who had been completely restored, "Your Majesty," she dropped to her knees, "forgive my insolence. He has made a mockery of me, I do not deserve this life."
Beatrice glanced at her, "Possession is an ungodly act, he is most certainly a coward." She declared.
Amaris stared at the human, "I shall have someone restore your home, I must go." She casually spoke while dropping the man's head.
"Your Majesty?" Beatrice blinked.
"Wani raise your head, you needn't be infuriated by your actions. You were wise to bring Arlo to me, now I know his truth." Amaris said as she walked towards the revolving doors.
Wani slowly lifted her head, "Yes, your Majesty."
"Beatrice is in charge until I return." Amaris ordered.
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Wani scowled at Beatrice, who stared at her with a smug expression. They turned in unison to watch their Queen leave their home. They had no idea as to what she had in mind, but they were prepared to give her their lives. There isn't anything they wouldn't do for their dear friend and Queen, Amaris.