Amaris stood on the fire escape to watch the bustling streets below. The humans still reeked of death, they were unaware of their own fates. She softly hummed an odd tune as she ran her fingers against the cool metal of the bars. The sound of the front door opening and closing caught her attention. It was Beatrice, Wani, Alice, and the Goddess of Spite herself. Amaris turned to the window with a smug expression. Iria scowled at her after she gently placed Hanako's deteriorating body on the ground. Amaris slowly climbed through the window to reenter Beatrice's small apartment. She smiled at Iria.
Iria's scowl deepened, "I am in need of your assistance." She mumbled to herself.
Amaris glanced at Hanako's body, "The Nightseers have attacked her, haven't they?" She mused.
Iria sighed, "It is my fault for allowing her to venture into their territory." She spat.
Amaris hummed while approaching them, "The Earth must be plotting against her since she has become corrupted, it allowed her to be attacked." She explained with a wave of her hand.
"Of course it did." Iria rolled her eyes as she folded her arms over her chest.
"Hanako will be powerless when she awakens. Arlo will kill her in a matter of seconds," Amaris stated, "when is Laura awakening?" She questioned with a blank expression.
"Laura will awaken in a day," Iria sighed exasperatedly, "I am afraid I have created a monster."
"And why is that?" Amaris asked.
"She has chosen the corruption I placed inside of her as well as the light. I have never seen, nor heard of this...I am unaware of the power she may wield. I advise you to be cautious when she awakens." Iria explained with a saddened expression.
"As much as I enjoy seeing you regret your decision to create such a beast, I cannot allow her to affect Hanako's destiny." Amaris growled.
"Indeed, she mustn't stand in her way. I will deal with Laura while you distract Arlo. Hanako must beg the Earth for a second chance." Iria informed Amaris with a smug expression, which made Amaris smirk.
"My Ward are capable enough to handle his little tantrum. If Hanako does not succeed in reviving her gift, then my Ward will have no other choice but to subdue such a potential threat to their Queen." Amaris declared before twirling her index finger around as Beatrice and Wani stood in silence.
Her flames spiraled around Hanako, they lifted her into the air while entering her body through her mouth. Iria watched with her hands behind her back and a blank expression on her face. The bite marks from the Night Seers completely disappeared as well as the venom flowing through her veins. Amaris' flames healed every inch of Hanako's body in a matter of seconds. They lowered her back on the ground before returning to Amaris. Iria blinked before turning to Amaris.
"Amaris, why did you rid her of her co—"
Hanako's eyes shot open as she gasped for air, she cut Iria off before she could finish her words. Amaris ignored Iria, she approached Hanako, who stared at them in confusion.
"You are welcome, little bird. Allow me to inform you that you are powerless." Amaris knelt in front of her as she lightly tapped the tip of Hanako's nose with her index finger.
Hanako scowled, "The Earth abandoned me?" She grumbled to herself.
She knew of the consequences her actions would cause for her, it did not bother her as much.
Amaris pouted, "Of course it did, but needless to say, I may, or may not, have rid you of your corruption." She sighed while slapping her hands on her thighs as she stood up.
Iria pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance, "Why?" She and Hanako asked in unison.
"You are still powerless, the Earth wants you to grovel." Amaris changed the subject.
Hanako scowled at her, "Grovel? I will not grovel for some measly powers." She spat with disdain.
"You must." Amaris stated with a blank expression.
Before Hanako could refute, Iria interrupted her.
"As much as I hate to say this," she sighed, "Amaris is right."
"What do you mean?!" Hanako angrily stood up.
"You cannot fulfill your destiny unless you do." Amaris stated while Iria nodded her head in agreement.
"Your fate is set in stone, Hanako. You must grovel to the Earth, you need its help." Iria added in a stern voice.
Hanako scowl deepened, "Fine." She seethed through gritted teeth.
"Do not fret, little bird. The Tempus child will lead you to a place where only those of true purity will be able to show their utmost loyalty to the Earth." Amaris explained; a mischievous smile curled the corners of her lips.
Iria rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh, "You rid her of her corruption, yet you still yearn for her to break free from her fate." She shook her head as she spoke.
Hanako narrowed her eyes at Amaris, "I truly am playing into your hands, aren't I?" She growled.
Amaris chortled, "Now, now, Hanako. We mustn't upset the Earth with frivolous words, you are to prove the Earth of your capabilities." She proudly declared.
Hanako blinked, "Fine."
Iria pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance, "Amaris, please. She is powerless, how will she possibly—"
"Silence," Amaris boomed, "Hanako will figure it out on her own, she will face death either way." She said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Iria rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. Hanako balled her fists at her sides while clenching her jaw. Amaris was right. She was powerless and could do nothing to save the ones she loves. Wani shoved Alice forward with a blank expression when Amaris snapped her fingers.
Hanako stomped towards Alice, "Take me there now!" She angrily boomed while grabbing her by her collar.
Alice rolled her eyes without saying a word.
Beatrice quickly pulled Hanako off of Alice, "Arlo has arrived." She turned to face the window with a deadly glare.
Amaris emmitted a deadly heat as her expression darkened, she walked towards the window in silence. Iria followed her gaze with a blank expression, she knew what would ensue.
"Your Majesty," Wani glanced behind her at Alice and Hanako, "I shall personally see to Hanako's safety, if you wish." She suggested.
Amaris hummed, an annoyed look appeared on her face, "Very well, I will tend to Arlo and his rats." She said before stepping onto the fire escape.
Amaris jumped several stories down, she reached the bottom unharmed. Humans ran from the strange being stalking towards a group of men with a deranged expression. She had left a massive crater in the ground, which caught a couple of humans. Arlo tilted his head back as he crossed his arms over his chest. Amaris body ignited in a golden flame, her clothes completely disintegrated once her flames engulfed her body. She levitated into the air before releasing a wave of energy, which caused every window within a fifty mile radius to burst. Arlo strengthened his energy to protect himself while his Epigone were affected by her energy. Five balls of flames formed around her body, two formed by each of her hands, two by each of her feet, and one appeared above her head. A wall made of asphalt that paved the streets formed a massive wall to intercept her attack. The ball of golden flames above her head fired a concentrated form of her flames at Arlo. A light blue barrier absorbed the energy from her attack and fired it back at Amaris, who deflected it with a wave of her hand.
"You cannot defeat me." Arlo cackled from within the barrier one of his Epigone created.
Amaris sighed, "I am merely distracting you." She mused.
Arlo felt a sudden change in the energy surrounding them, it had darkened at an alarming rate. He whipped around with an expression of horror. His eyes met those of pure evil, none other than Iria faced him with a menacing expression and eyes as black as night. She reached out to grab him, but another barrier surrounded her. The barrier reacted to the darkness within her, it began to purify her power. However, she overwhelmed it, which made both barriers implode in unison. One of his hooded Epigone flew backwards into a yellow taxi cab where a male driver hid away. He quickly escaped the scene of carnish before it became too late for him. Iria raised her right hand in front of her body with her palm facing Arlo, she hummed to herself before touching her pinky to her thumb. A wave of black energy shot up from the ground towards Arlo, who was protected by his Epigone's gift. A ray of purifying white light counterattacked her attack. Amaris fired a concentrated beam of golden of flames at the Epigone, rendering him unconscious.
"Sloppy." Amaris lowered herself to the ground.
Iria scoffed, "I would advise you speak for yourself." She lowered her ring finger.
Amaris dodged her invisible attack with a smirk, "Now, now, Iria. We have much more pressing matters to tend to." She gestured to Arlo, who felt fear for the first time.
"Evans informed me of your traumas, my sincerest apologies. The death of his child caused the formation of the Abandoned realm." Amaris stated.
Iria lowered her hand, "Surely, you jest."
Arlo shook with rage. “She speaks the truth. Humans killed my son.”
"You killed your son." Amaris whispered in his ear before jumping out of range from his attack.
"Lies!" He furiously shouted.
Iria hummed, "Evans told you, am I correct?" She looked at Amaris, who stood beside her.
"Yes, he explained to me that Arlo's selfishness caused the death of his only child." Amaris smiled innocently.
"I did no such thing! Humans took my power for granted, they did not fear me! They killed my son out of spite." Arlo angrily cried with a scowl.
Iria hummed, "Perhaps, if I were born then he would still live." She mumbled to herself.
Amaris laughed, "Goddess of Spite, if you lived during that time, you would have killed the Earth's first love and his child." She sang while slapping Iria's back.
Iria scowled at her, "Silence!"
Amaris shoved one of Arlo's Epigone back with her hand pressed against his face, "Child, we are speaking. Do not interrupt us again, or I will kill you and your entire family." She sneered venomously.
Iria rolled her eyes, "Amaris, please."
Amaris scowled at her, "I will not tolerate such insolence from the unworthy." She boomed.
Arlo lifted his head with a deranged expression, he charged at Amaris who did not evade his attack. However, his attack struck her, it did not harm her in anyway. Amaris hardened her the flames engulfing her body to withstand his attack. Iria noticed she had stepped in front of her as a shield, she felt a twinge in her heart, but decided to ignore it. Amaris flames returned to their fluid form, another concentrated beam of her flames fired at Arlo. A wall of black flames swallowed her light, which made her extinguish her flames.
"My sincerest apologies, Gik. I am in no mood to play." Amaris turned in the direction of Gik, who scowled at her.
"Agatha ordered me to protect him." He stated.
Iria groaned, "If Agatha seeks to protect Arlo, then I must withdraw from battle." She muttered.
Gik smirked at Amaris, "You cannot defeat us all." He declared.
Amaris chortled loudly, "Boy, you know nothing of what I am capable of. Iria may withdraw, but she will not interfere. Hanako must succeed in defeating Arlo." She retorted before disappearing and appearing in front of Gik.
Gik raised his arms to shield himself from her attack, his flames unconsciously covered his body. Amaris clicked her tongue in annoyance as a wall of golden flames blocked a wall of asphalt from striking her from behind. Iria's eyes returned to normal, she moved to walk away from the battle. Although she formally withdrew from the battle, the twinge in her heart made her look back at Amaris. Amaris had focused herself on defeating Gik instead of Arlo and his Epigone. His Epigone surrounded her as she fought against Gik. Iria forced herself to walk away instead of bothering to aide Amaris since her Ward would be at her side anyways. Wani came crashing down behind Arlo, who stared at her in disgust. A crater appeared under her and a huge whirlwind of air knocked them all down. Golden chains slithered around the Epigone as shackles appeared on their hands and feet. Beatrice slowly walked towards them from her apartment building. Amaris continued to battle against Gik, whose flames formed a hardened sphere around him. Each of her attacks were either absorbed or deflected. Wani shattered his hardened flames with a single strike from her fist. Gik stumbled backwards as Beatrice's chains bound him. Amaris extinguished her flames before kicking him backwards into a black SUV parked on the curb.
"Your Majesty, Hanako will return shortly with the Tempus Child." Wani bowed to Amaris, who looked at Arlo.
"Then shall we continue to entertain Mr. Arlo?" Amaris sang cheerfully.
"Yes, your Majesty." Beatrice and Wani bowed in unison before standing up straight with menacing expressions.
Amaris licked her lips, "Arlo, my sincerest apologies, I must take my leave. Do not fret, my Ward shall appease you." She mused before disappearing in a column of golden flames.
Iria soon disappeared afterwards, leaving Amaris' Ward to tend to Arlo and his Epigone. Wani slammed her knuckles together before slowly pulling them apart while golden brass knuckles with three large spikes appeared on her fists. Beatrice pulled her whip from her chest in unison. Wani charged at Arlo while Beatrice charged at his Epigone. They moved in a synchronized dance that took several years to perfect. One would defend the other while the other attacked. Arlo only grew angrier as their battle progressed. He raised his hand upwards in unison with two waves of liquified asphalt. It consumed both Wani and Beatrice's entire body, incapacitating them. The asphalt hardened around them making it difficult to escape.
Arlo turned to face Alice, who stared at him with a blank expression. She stood inches away from his face.
"Pardon me, sir, my father does not tolerate lowlifes running amuck in his realm. Either perish, or disappear." Alice seethed, her face grew dark with anger.
"Lowlife? How dare you, you insolent, vile, creature. I will put you in your place." Arlo raised his fist to strike her, but Alice slowed his time as well as his regenerating ability.
She used all of her strength to kick him backwards into the same car Gik had nearly crushed. Alice turned away from him to kneel down so she could pick at the asphalt. She rubbed a few loose pebbles in between her index finger and thumb while humming. The asphalt that incapacitated Wani and Beatrice suddenly evaporated. Alice dusted her pants off as she stood up. Wani satup with an annoyed expression.
"Took you long enough, Tempus Child." She grumbled as she shook her hair free of dirt.
Beatrice scowled at Wani, "Silence, she incapacitated him just in time for Hanako's arrival."603Please respect copyright.PENANAlIJjpXia6s
Alice looked at them from over her shoulder, "Hanako will fail." She declared before vanishing in a blur.
Wani and Beatrice glanced at one another as a low, yet eerie, rumbling shook the Earth. They braced themselves for the danger they would soon face.