The Dragon’s right eye comes down to look at him. “You know of one?”
“I do indeed and we are in luck for he is in my town. I will quickly go and get him.” The Masked Warrior throws on his clothes and disappears through a portal to return a moment later with a masked man who has a stretch.
“I am here,” he announces with a sleepy voice, “well, kind of… I think my head is still on the pillow. Let’s get this over with so I can get back to sleep.”
“I am so sorry my good man.”
“Meh… it is fine, Mèng, I can do this in my sleep. Just guide me where you need me to...” he pretends to fall asleep, until the king gives him a soft nudge. “Huh? What?”
They laugh and get on to the Forest Dragon’s neck who goes on to take them to hut that lies around three miles from the monastery. The Conjurer jumps down and begins to works his magic. He forms a bubble of warm air over the hut, which within minutes melts the snow and ice. The Dragon goes on to remove the mass of vies from the door and window. However, the moment the king opens the door the smell of dung and pee makes them start to gag. The reason for it to be so potent is because the hut is packed with men who are unconscious from not only their own stench, but also the cold has caused hypothermia to set in. 242Please respect copyright.PENANARB3fWxtc5E
The Forest Dragon uses his abilities to pick up one of the stinky men and soon drops him gently back down. “Yuck! Even though I did not touch him with my bare paw I feel dirty. Why do this to themselves? It is just so unhygienic. Eww!”
“It really is disgusting,” remarks the Great Warrior.
Chūnfēng is stuffing herbs into his mask and goes on to hand bundles of them to his fellow gods to help mask the dreadful smell. He then goes on to draw up all the puddles of water into a bubble which begins to steam and he places into it a nice smelling oil before letting it rain down on to the men. “Hopefully that will make them smell better.” The pleasant smell is a welcome relief to his fellow gods who give out a happy sighs. “Question, how are we going to get these men down to the monastery?”
The Forest Dragon transforms into his human form so he can stand inside the hut. “Let’s see,” he says going on to count them. “I can manage twenty men, ten in each paw and I can easily land on my back feet.”
Yūrei and the Elemental look to each other as there was clearly a hint of hesitation in the Dragon’s handsome voice. “Are you sure?” The Great Warrior questions with a smile.
“Yes, with you both on my neck we can do it one go. Unless that would be too much for you, Conjurer?”
Chūnfēng shakes his head. “No, I can easily make a bubble around us whilst you are flying. Are you sure about carrying us all down?”
“What am I?”
“A lovely Forest Dragon,” answers the Masked Warrior.
“There you go. I was more concerned about the bubble popping on the way back.”
The Elemental takes hold of his hand. “I assure you, I can manage as it is a short distance.”
“All right, let’s get them out of here and back to the temple.” The Forest Dragon goes on to transform back into his normal form and once all twenty sleeping, less stinky men are within his paws and the other gods are on his neck he takes to the air. Chūnfēng is able to keep the bubble around the mortals until they come into land and Commander Ōtomo helps to bring the men inside a large room that is being heated by two stone brazers.
The Forest Dragon holds up his front paws and grumbles, “Ooh, glad that’s over with. I can now give my paws a good scrub before I settle down for the night. They are discussing creatures. In the morning I will start to find and bring the dead here, so they can be given at least a proper burial.”
“That is so kind of you.”
“It sure is, Mèng, and I could make a nice big grave to lay them in,” offers the Elemental, placing a hand to his chest.
The Masked Warrior gives him a friend a pat on the back to thank him, then the Forest Dragon takes off and they all settle down for the night. The following the morning once Yūrei has returned from taking his dose of blood they begin the process of sorting a place to lay the hundred mortals to rest. The Kannushi shows them a strip of land that has graves of those who have sadly not been not claimed by a love one, after they have fall victim to the harsh conditions on the mountains. He watches in amazement as the Elemental is able to make a mass grave within minutes. Normal it would take all of the monks an entire day or two to dig it. 242Please respect copyright.PENANAH3wvxrkmd2
The Forest Dragon soon arrives with the dead and everyone helps to first wrap the body before laying them to rest. It whole thing makes everyone upset to see such young lives lost and hope their leader along with Lieutenant Nakan Yuuji have learned their lessons. Once all the bodies have been given a decent burial Detective Saitō, Mr Nakagawa and Commander Ōtomo all continue along with their king to the village that lies outside the Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple. Farmers stop to perform deep bows as they pass by and one lady even enquires if she could help in any way. When Yūrei explains they were looking for the Takahashi family the woman points her hand towards the temple and informs them, “Another Aoi Koi was asking about that exact family. You will find him at Handa Gokuraku-ji.”
“Thank you,” answers the Great Warrior and gets his horse moving again with a few clicks.
When the group near the entrance they see a well-built man who is dressed in a light blue Kimono with matching Hakama is walking around the outside of the building. All of his long hair is in a neat bun on top of his head that is held in place by a black hairpin which has a blue fish dangling from it.
Commander Ōtomo emits a laugh and calls, “Brother, what on earth are you doing here?”
The man softy claps his hands and answers, “Asuka, I will give one guess.”
The group dismount and the Commander gives his brother a hug. “Tenjō?”
“Yes, Harusame and I got the fright of our lives when he came strolling into our very bedroom in the middle of the night. Harusame was slapping him and questioning why could it not wait until morning?” He sighs and shakes his head. “We all know what he is like?”
When the legend hears him mansion his wife’s name, the Masked Warrior realises it is Asuka’s eldest brother. He shakes his head and says, “Susumu, I have told Tenjō a thousand times to not go barging into peoples homes in the middle of the night. Clearly he has never listened.”
“I am afraid so. Harusame and I were thinking if he had come just a little sooner he would have walked in on us going at it like a pair of rabbits. “
They all laugh and Detective Saitō remarks, “That still would not have stopped him when he’s on a mission.”
“True, true. Another thing that annoyed us… he was not prepared to give me much detail why he wanted me here, when my home is in Kitakubo, Gose, that is above this village near Kumo-kutsu. Just over an hour and a half away. He was stating we would not see the fire because the forest is blocking it. I hope you all can all fill me in as I have no idea what is going on.”
Commander Ōtomo goes on to explain the visions Tenjō, Einar and Zhìhuì have had and his brother starts to look worried when he hears their king is saving a baby. He places a hand to his chest and tells them, “There is only one lady here who is expecting a child, Takahashi Fuyuka wife of Ninmyō. Why would this Rin be attacking them? What are you not telling me?”
Asuka leans closer to his brother and whispers, “Ninmyō is the son of Ōhiko, who by rights is king of the Sasaki family. He adopted the Takahashi family name from his loyal guard Sanjō, who is being treated for stab wound at a Healers.”
Susumu places a hand over his mouth and shakes his head. Then he points the same hand at his brother and questions, “Hold on, if Ninmyō was born after the collapse of their home how would this Rin, know he is a member of that family?”
The legend emits a questioning groan and begins to walk back and fourth as he thinks. “The girl I rescued told me Rin was fixated on this very temple,” he explains a little puzzled. “The problem is she had no idea why this place was being target. Wait, he’s not involved in targeting the Sasaki family… which means there is another reason why he is going after this place? He gave the girl to his brother because he wasn’t interested in her… Monk? Are there any new ones here?”
“Ah, that would be a yes, your highness,” answers Susumu, performing a slight bow. “A young man, who is defiantly running away from something.”
“Did the Kannushi mentioned the lad having a tattoo of a black koi on his body?”
“I am afraid to say, that is a little personal, your grace.”
“No, what I mean is, when they are bathing has anyone seen that tattoo?”
“Ah, now you mention it, the Kannushi did say the lad only takes a bath at night alone. The Kannushi is not bothered as he knows not everyone is happy about showing their body especially if they have clan or gang related tattoos.”
“I take it he is one hundred percent certain the lad is a boy?”
“That would be a yes, because the Kannushi caught him completely naked and was using a cloth to hide his… em… privates.”
“Wait,” mutters Mr Nakagawa, slightly raising his right hand, “this boy could be Rin’s… emm, shell we say toy boy… and like the girl he wanted out of it. So, he escapes to here and Rin is going to set this place alight to kill him? That seems a bit extreme… unless the lad knows something Rin doesn’t want leaked. We still yet to uncover who is setting buildings alight with stinky oil, it could be this Rin who is providing that very oil.”
Akito nods in agreement. “You are on to something there. Susumu, do you think this lad would talk to us?”
“I nominate the king, because I have already tried and failed. The lad is clearly scared and refused to tell me his name.”
Yūrei places a hand to his chest and express, “I like the way you automatically think I am going to be any better, when it is clear the lad is very frightened. I am though willing to give it a go, being as you have nominated me.”
Susumu bows his head and apologises, “I’m sorry, your grace.”
“It is quite all right, please call me Mèng.”
The Commander’s brother performs another bow, then leads their king inside the main temple to a young man who is busy cleaning the statue of Buddha. “Young man, this is King Mèngjiàn, he would like to speak to you.”
The Great Warrior points his hand at him and enquires, “Are you a member of the Watanabe family?”
The man claps his hands and points them towards his face. “I knew the moment you saw my handsome features, the classic narrow eyes, and thin face you would instantly know I am a member of that family. I was not even born when my parents came out here. My father’s name was Takahiro and I am Takumi after a member of the family.”
“Yes, I remember your mother was a member of the Sano family who run most of the farms around my town. She inherited a farm from her uncle, that is way out here, right?”
“That is correct, your grace. Sadly my parents were killed in an earthquake when I was only in my early teens. My younger brother and I came into a massive fortune, which neither of our parents told us about. I am guessing you knew about it?”
Yūrei takes a seat and answers, “It happened during the Clan Wars when your family become highly regarded and sort after for a number of things. It was however mainly maps which set your family apart from the other clans. You seem to have the ability to not only draw detailed maps, you can also do these amazing 3D models, that have from little houses to trees and even rivers. The odd thing about it, was that, they kept their massive wealth a secret, yet they were proud everyone knew them and their business just continued to grow.”
“I see. Interesting... Well, I gave my brother the money he needed to start a new life in Nara and I remained on the farm. I would still be there if it were not for an odd man who wants me.”
Susumu performs a slight bow and asks, “Define odd?”
Takumi takes a seat on the floor and responds with a hit of hesitation, “Well, he was big and intimidating. One day he stopped at my farm to fix the wheel on his cart and began to ask about the Sasaki family, and if I knew any. Well, the thing was, I was not about to tell him my later lover was a member of that family. Yoshimitsu, Yoshi for short.”
The Great Warrior takes a breath and softly says, “That was the king’s second to last brother. I am so pleased to hear he had survived.”
The man gives a happy nod. “It was a month after the castle fell he arrived in this village, seeking a new life. I was more than happy to put him up, for I had plenty of room. Yoshi soon adapted to frame life and was quite content. However, his dreams would tell a different story, he had clearly seen a traumatic event which was also clear from the scars he had survived a fire. I began to lie with him, to comfort him and eventually those awful dreams stopped. He knew I saw him as he was, a man and not a prince. It is way he became my lover, because he knew he could trust me to keep his secret. Even though I saw his tattoos every night or when we bathed together... Speaking of tattoos, the strange man is a member of the Bitō Clan… He was going around topless, his back is covered in... em... a gang related tattoo of a beast and a purple orchid was upon left side of his chest, Yoshi had warned me to stay away from men that had those tattoos. So, of course I said nothing and that odd, smelly man continued on his way. A week later he was back to thank me for lending him the tools he need to fix his cart. Also I noticed the song smelling oil was gone not only from him but the barrels were no longer on the cart.”
“Stinky oil, you say?” Yūrei asks watching him nod. “Was he delivering the oil?”
Takumi has a think and answers, “Yes, and he was saying he did not mind the smell as he was being paid well. When he came to thank me, he showed me a large money pouch, which he placed in my hand. This is when it got creepy, if I was willing to give him a good time with some ladies he would give me half of it. Or he was happy to have me alone. I was nearly sick and had to quickly make the excuse I was ill and needed to return to my bed. Before he left he kissed my cheek and whispered, there is always next time. No way! Will I ever have sex with a man like that… Ooh, it makes my skin crawl. Takahashi-san, told me to just think of the money. Nonetheless he understood why I was hiding here.”
Both the Great Warrior and Susumu shiver at the thought of being with a large sweaty man and they all laugh.
Takumi sighs and places his hands together. “I really do hope he does not come looking for me when he comes back tonight.”
“To night? He will be back here?”
“Yes, your highness, just before dark. Why?”
The Masked Warrior rises and asks, “Would you be willing to return to your home with me and invite him in to face me?”
The man gives a sharp nod and he rises. “Yes, yes, I will be more than willing to do that. For I also would like to know where he is getting that stinky oil from and where he is taking it to.”
“His last stop was Izumi where a house was destroyed by the use of a stinky oil,” informs the legend, folding his arms. “I am thinking should I return for my full armour and give him a fight? Or would that be too mean?” The mortals look to each other and shake their heads with cheeky grins upon their faces. “In that case I am off to see my sweet husband and collect my armour.” He goes on to open a portal to Tower Island and steps through.
Einar is just dishing up some lunch when he is grabbed from behind. He laughs and turns around to face his love. “This nice to have you back.”
They kiss and Yūrei takes a bite of his husband’s flat bread, before he explains why he is there and watches him frown. “What is it, my love?”
“Sorry I was just thinking will the armour and the black smoke be enough to scare him? Or it turns out he is a real softy under all that fat?”
“I for one hope he is a big softy and I soon have him on his knees begging me not to kill him. He is too vital, he could lead us to the supplier and who is ordering such a cheap oil.”
The Westerner removes the mask from his husband’s face. “I was thinking there is a perfume oil factory in Asuka, however that village where you are is not on the main route back to Izumi. Unless there is another perfume factory in Gojō that we are unaware of.”
They take a seat at the table and continue to share the meal whilst they think.
The Great Warrior pulls his husband on to his knee. “Well, hopefully I can get the information out of him.”
“It is a shame I cannot be with you… I bet the weather is typical misty, damp and freezing?”
“Yes, that is about right. No fun for you, my love. I know what you are hinting I should take Chūnfēng with me?”
Einar starts to undo his lover’s Kimono and undergarment. “I just want you to come back to me. I could never be without you.”
They go on to undress each other and move on up to the bedroom to have sex. The Masked Warrior watches him move to the edge of the bed and places his legs around the Eternal’s waist. Yūrei gets on to his knees and takes him. Einar is soon making loud moans and places a cloth over his bits. They keep going until they both come and lie down along side each other. After a moment the Masked Warrior gets on top of his lover and oils him up to slip him inside.
Einar grips Yūrei’s waist and whispers, “I like it when you do this.”
“I thought let’s change things… another thing I have missed you being inside me.”
They carry on and eventually the Westerner has him in the figure of eight position where he is on top and gives him a kiss. He knows when he gets him like this his husband will soon have him doing the bridge position as he likes deep penetration. It is not long before Yūrei is giving him then signs to do just that and he strokes his chest before he does as he asks.
Once they have climaxed they once again lie down next to each other and look longing into each others eyes. The Great Warrior gives his husband a passionate kiss and sighs. “I had best be getting back.” He gives him a few small kisses. “The thing is I don’t want to… I want to do that again with you.”
Einar pulls him close and softly says, “Thank about it, you are not really needed back there until it is getting dark… hmm that gives us time to play, unless you feel you must return?”
“I get the feeling Takumi is not telling me everything. I was hoping to get him alone before we are taking down a fat, stinky man. Ooh, that makes my skin crawl, to think he wanted to have sex with a member of Tenjō and my family.”
“No, I also do not like the sound of that. Anyway, it is up to how you feel. As you know I do not mind this just seeing you for a moment, have sex and then you’re gone.”
They both laugh and kiss.
The legend sits up slightly and enquires, “What about the vision, any changes?”
Einar points a hand to his lover’s right shoulder. “I am also beginning to see your watcher, floating between us. Could it be the blackness that makes him come forth or something else?”
Yūrei slightly bows his head and mutters, “Fear.”
“Since when have you been afraid of the dark?”
“Oh, there goes my biggest secret,” states the king, dropping his forehand to his husband’s chest. “I am terrified of the dark.”
Einar shakes his head and pats his back. “There, there. I will be there to hold your handy dandy and keep you safe,” he says in a sloppy voice.
They both laugh and kiss a few times. Yūrei clears his throat and declares, “In all seriousness it is fear or anxiety which makes him pop up. Think about it, he only appeared when I could not see my parents in a crowd.”
“Ah, of course you panicked, which is only natural. So, could you be anxious about the baby being harmed as you get to us? Yet, it is not like you have not done this before, rescued a baby or people in the dark. If we are as mother said more towards the moon, which is in the vision to our left we must be near Mitama Shrine. The route there is a mix of small forests and wide open spaces and the occasional blind bend because the trees or high ground blocks your view. Also when you are getting to the shine you are going down a narrow street that have houses on both sides. I can see that getting your anxiety pumping the most not being able to see what is around the bend.”
The legend strokes his husband’s chest. “Sounds like someone has been busy planning the route whilst I have been gone.”
“Of course one of us needs to plan ahead and I was thinking like you, you would take the main road out of the village to get there. It still does not answer why Tenjō and I are involved in this? Why am I putting up a barrier? To protect us from the wind of the Dragon as he comes into land, or to keep us warm? I guess we will find out soon enough.”
Yūrei settles down with him and rests his head upon his chest. “This is why I love you, you always think of everything and leave the rescuing to me.”
“It’s why we make a good team. Right now I am thinking we need to freshen up before you go back.”
The Masked Warrior plays with the Westerner’s nipples making emit soft moans. “You are right. Come, let’s take a bath together.” He goes on to get off the bed first then helps him up and they make their way to the bathroom, to help each other to wash. However, when they are in the bath Einar has a vision and Yūrei takes hold of him. “What are you seeing?” he whispers.
The Soul Drinker takes a slow breath and answers in a soft voice, “You are showing me a map of Nara... a big red x lies over the Yamato Main Court... and another is over the very village you are in. Your eyes are filled with worry. Funny enough, you are standing before me in the middle of the night dressed in your armour. Looking out the window I only see once again a sliver of moon.”
“Ah, at least we know that is not happening tonight.”
The vision ends and Einar rests his head upon his husband’s shoulder. “No, I think you are in for easy time until the attack, for I cannot see one person causing so much trouble. Or is it because you capture him—”
“That could be why they are being targeted by his employer, the Kuro Koi," interrupts the Great Warrior, "they know he takes that route back to Izumi. So, the question is will it make any difference if I hold him or not?”
“I say go with the flow as we already know the fate of the village… and I hate to say it, I cannot see a way to save it. All you need to do, my love, is save the baby.”
They kiss and Yūrei gives him a hug. “I guess on that note it time for me to get back. I love you.”
“I will always love you. At least I know where you are if the vision changes.”
The Great Warrior nods, then he gets out of the bath and helps him to climb out and wraps a warm drying cloth around both of them. They take a seat on the floor and hug for a moment before they continue to get dried. They go on to return to the bedroom to start getting dressed and Yūrei puts on his famous armour. Einar is handing him the demon mask when he stops and stares at it.
The Masked Warrior gets him to take a seat on the bed. “What is it?”
“In the vision the teeth and lips are covered in your blood.” Suddenly the Soul Drinker has grabbled the back of his husband’s head and is tilting to one side so it extends the side of his neck. “I love the smell of your blood.”
“Einar, go ahead bite me and get drunk on my tainted blood. You know you want to.”
The Westerner forces himself to stop, and he flips down on to his side. “No, I could never get drunk on your blood, or even bite you. I love you too much. Plus that ink smell is a little off putting. Smelling it is fine, I do not like the idea of drinking it.”
“I must admit it does not sound pleasant,” answers the legend giving him a hug. “I am all right, you did not hurt me.”
The Soul Drinker looks into his eyes and expresses, “I wish making love stopped the visions… instead in makes them sharper. I guess it is because it is not having to compete with my reading minds capability. hmm, I do not recall ever smelling your blood in a vision before.”
“You are right… I mean you have never reacted like that with me after seeing I am bleeding or, with the sounds of things, coughing up blood. It does not sound good.”
“I never like to see you hurt and when you are, it is because someone has caught you off guard… Then again it is dark… anyone could be lurking in the shadows. That could be also why your watcher has appeared.”
“I think so too. Are you all right?”
Einar smiles and nods. “I am fine just a little puzzled… will you be getting that map from the Bitō or someone else?”
Yūrei helps him to sit up and answers, “I guess I will find out this evening. And I will watch my back and give him chance to explain himself.”
The Westerner places his left hand to his lover’s chest. “He could just be a third party in this, and they haired him because of his shear size in order to move barrels from one place to another. He may not have any idea who is ordering them and he is just carrying out his job. I am saying this because it sounds to me like he is trying to get your attention.”
“Thinking about it he would have seen Takumi’s family name on the gate and that is why he kept going back to him. He may have the tattoos of the Bitō he is clearly not acting like one.”
“Exactly. We have seen first hand what they are like towards anyone who is in to the same sex. Yet it is clear he likes Takumi. Poor lad. Anyway, you need to get back incase he turns up early. Also if you are going to be staying there you need to make sure someone provide you with the blood you need.”
The Masked Warrior starts to kiss the side of Einar’s neck and whispers, “I wish you were with me… we could have more fun tonight.”
Ink Heart giggles. “I am too much of a distraction and you need to be on your guard tonight.”
“Yet you are a stunning distraction and making love with you all night should not be too much of a problem when we know nothing is happening yet… or are you saying this Bitō could be laying a trap?”
“You took the words right out of my mouth, he is Bitō and they are never to be trusted. I say again be on your guard.”
They passionately kiss, then the Masked Warrior ties his other mask to his belt and leaves the bedroom. He is in the hallway putting on his boots when his love appears to see him off. They embrace each other for a moment before Yūrei steps through a portal and returns to the monastery to find Watanabe-san. They go on to make their way down the street to the lad's home. Takumi’s house is at the far end of the village, it is made up of five buildings which are connected by covered walkways. There is the main house, the bathroom and the outer buildings are for guests. He shows the king into a fine sitting room where he goes on to put out some floor cushions and makes a fire in the hearth, that lies in the centre of the floor.
The Great Warrior opens the screen door to see the room overlooks a pond that is filled with golden koi. “You really are a Watanabe, for your family do seem to have a real thing for koi.”
“It is because they are pretty fish and easy to keep.”
“I cannot argue with that,” answers the legend, closing the door and removes his Katana from the straps of his Hakama. This makes Takumi get down on his knees in front of him holds out his hands and bows his head in respect as he takes the Katana and goes on to place it gently on a stand by the door.
“I will make us some tea.” Watanabe-san’s voice drifts off and he begins to listen.
The Great Warrior can hear the sound of a horse and cart is coming up the long gravelled driveway and there is every now then a hint of a squeak. “Is it him?” Takumi gives a sharp nod. “Just be yourself and try to invite him in.”242Please respect copyright.PENANAXjwziuesOR