Was he right? Do we use God? I hadn't really thought about that. I mean, I've been going to church since I was young, but did I really believe?
I felt my heart beating and a pinch of guilt. Pastor Craig cleared his throat. " that will be all today if you feel the urge to give, we have someone by the door that can help".
Everyone beside me looked confused, I'm guessing it's how my face looked. I don't know what to think anymore. Everyone keeps telling me different things. I know Pastor Miguel wasn't talking to me, but still. I... I don't know what to think. What does it mean to live life? I'm so confused.
Before I had realized it, Len dragged me to our parents. My mom had her signature smile, but I couldn't see her the same way. I was silent the drive back home and through most of the day. Mid-way through dinner, I asked my mom, " why do we serve God?". She sighed, " because he created us". It wasn't a real answer. My dad interrupted her, " actually. We serve God because he saved us". My mom's eyes were filled with anger, but my Dad didn't back down.
My mom laughed sarcastically, " Which one of us was the philosophy teacher?". My dad sighed, " you were". My mom swallowed her anger, " he's right. Jesus saved us from sin, that's why we worship him". She offered my mom offered my dad a sympathetic smile and he took it.
My dad saw the look in my eyes. " I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. It's yours to do what you like. If you don't want to believe that's fine, but I want you to know, I'll love you no matter what". I felt some tension lessen from my chest. My mom held her tongue, but she clearly wanted to say something. She didn't let a single word leave her tongue all throughout dinner.
I spent the night looking at the ceiling, contemplating my faith. I'm not sure when, but I chose to believe. When I saw the sunrise, I felt like giving my life to God, so I did. I prayed, " Lord Jesus, you rescued me from a life of sin. You died for me, I want to dedicate my life to you".
In response, I heard silence. I'm not sure what I expected. Maybe I thought some divine light would shine over me and sing, " you're going to change the world", but no one said that. I tried sitting in silence, I hoped something anything would change, but it didn't. I was the same me I had always been. Eventually, I succumbed to the land of dreams.
The dream itself was peaceful. There wasn't a monster chasing me, nor did I pull my teeth out. I wandered around a library, pulled out every book I could, but the words we're blank. I felt myself panic but didn't know why.
I couldn't find any words. Eventually, I started to yell at them. It was an unintelligible screech that grated my ears just as much as it did the books. When that didn't work, I fell to my knees crying. I wanted desperately to find a single word, but couldn't. I won't pretend to understand why I felt so desperate, but I felt a hand press against my shoulder.
A gentle smile greeted me with a hug. I'll never forget the way that smile made me feel, but then the dream faded back to where it came. I was alone in my own head again. A sea of darkness encompassed me. I wasn't drowning, I was just existing.