The rest of the day was a blur. I took out the trash, cleaned the gutters, mowed the lawn, and even replaced the water in the fish tank. I passed out the second my head hit the pillow. I slept the night away, if I did have a dream, I don't remember it.
My mom flipped on my lights and screamed, " church in twenty minutes!". After taking a shower and getting ready, my mom herded us into the car. Typically, the ride to church was the only time our family actually spent together. Once we got off the car, Len and I went to the youth service, while my mom and dad dropped Violet off at the children's center. Len and I always sat together, he never really paid attention to the preacher, then again, not many children do.
I don't blame them, Pastor Craig goes on and on about the love of God and how we have to love each other, but I heard some of the mother's gossip about his affair. When the church leaders asked him about it, he cried "it was a moment of weakness, God forgive me". He and his wife are still together, but whenever he touches her she looks like she's about to puke. I don't get how he can condemn us when he won't accept responsibility for what he did.
As children, we're taught marriage is a sacred union where a husband will never hurt his wife, but that's just not true. People are always hurting each other, and being married won't change that. His words don't register in my head anymore. At the end of every service, I just hear him say in his proud voice, " I'm a cheater. God lets me do what I want". He just looks so smug. I can't stand it. I don't blame the others for not listening, but something is different about today. I can't explain it.
When we settled in our seats, Len said hello to his friends while tried not to fall asleep. From the podium, Pastor Craig announced, " today we will be having a guest preacher". I expected to see a man in an expensive suit parading as holy to march in front of the podium and read some random scripture. To my surprise, a man in ripped jeans, a plain white tee, and a wide smile goofily walked to the pulpit. With his messy hair, he laughed, " I'm sorry, I didn't know I was supposed to dress up".
Pastor Craig kept his smile, but his eyes were furious. The man cleared his throat, " my name is Miguel, it's a pleasure to meet you all!". We were all in awe of his appearance, he was nothing like the other preachers, so no one said a word. Half of us expected Pastor Craig to run Miguel out of the church.
He took a breath, " do you know why you're here?". He waited for someone to answer, but it took us a minute to realize that. Someone from the first row stated, " to serve God?". Miguel laughed, " that's a great answer, but it's not what you really think". The boy blew steam out of his ears, " how do you know what I think!". Miguel sighed, " I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound rude. It's just, people at the adult service don't really think that".
The boy's eyes twitched, " fine than tell me what I think!". Miguel offered him a gentle smile, " we think life is about us. All that matters is you". The kid didn't respond, instead, he sat back in his seat. Pastor Craig was moments from kicking Miguel put of the church.
" for what it's worth, he was right. We are here to serve God. To worship Jesus. It's just you've been taught that for so long, but you still don't know what it means. I sometimes wonder if anyone does. Mark 11, 15-17.
On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.”.
Miguel clenched the pulpit, " Jesus is Lord. Our lives are his, but so many people treat him as a tool to get ahead in life. They use him. He died for you, but so many people don't seem to care". Tears swelled from his eyes, " he defied death for you, and we don't care. I can tell you, come to church repent and you'll be forgiven, and you will be. However, how can you say you love him when you're only ever using him?".
He let out a sigh, " I'm sorry if I sound rude. I love you all, but I want you all to be saved. I want you to know, Jesus loves you. Pursue him and everything else will follow". Before he could finish, Pastor Craig jumped on stage. " that was Pastor Miguel, say good night everyone". There was scattered applause as he left the stage.