The bus dropped us off directly in front of the main building like it always did, but the entrance had a dreary grey haze looming overhead. Looking at the somber setting only added to my questions. I never liked the school building. It was built atop a hill, but it's architecture looked and felt like a prison. Usually, the sunlight complimented the masonry in a way that made it look like it was made out the finest blocks of silver, but this time, the walls looked more like concrete separating us from the real world.
While we walked, Lilith talked my ear off, but I didn't notice. When she finally became fed up with my introspection, she pinched my side. It successfully pinched me back into reality with a screech of pain. " what was that for!", I yelled in as quiet a voice I could. She pouted, " nothing. I just felt like pinching you".
Lilith always does this. Whenever I do something she doesn't like, she pinches me. It's an awful habit of hers, not to mention painful. Imagine twelve years of this! Oh well, not much I can do about it now. As we walked through the halls, the grey really started to stand out. Everyone held a similar sense of dread hidden behind a smile.
I don't know how they can do it. Every day, they wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, then start it all over again. We're only fourteen years old, but we're acting like we're in our mid-forties. How is this right? Why do people think children need to be stripped of their childhood?
Lilith pinched my side again, her burrowed eyes begged for attention, but her glare warned me to stay away. She's a confusing one, so I did what I always do. I laughed awkwardly, " I'm sorry?". Even though my apology was fake, she always accepted it. Her frown turned into a smile and she pulled my hand into our homeroom.
Johnathan sat at the front of the class with his group of friends, but the second he saw me, he diverted his attention to us. Tension filled the air, I smiled at him, but we both knew it was fake. Our battle only lasted a second, but it was fierce. If Lilith hadn't dragged me to the back of the class, I'm sure the battle would've continued.
"Why don't you like him?". Lilith's question amazed me. " I'm going to pretend you didn't ask that". She knows he started our feud all those years ago. Just thinking about it frustrates me to my core. " oh yeah, didn't he steal a juice box from you or something?". My nostrils flared, " what, no... I dont think so?".
Lilith laughed at my decreased enthusiasm. " fine, you're right. I dont remember...". The truth is, sometimes you don't need a reason to hate someone. The idea of having someone challenge you is fun, at least, that's what I think.
Now that I think about it, why does anyone hate anyone? Is it only because we're different? I know I said it's because it's fun, but that doesnt really make sense. Is it because they wronged you? I guess that can make sense, but that feels wrong.
If someone doing you wrong is all it takes, then why do we allow some people to wrong us, and not others? Before I could finish my thoughts, the teacher walked through the door.
The teacher wore a blue cardigan, but it did nothing to hide his massive hangover. He stumbled through the doorway clutching his skull. As quickly as he could, he shouted, " everyone read the next chapter... it'll be on the test...". Before he finished his sentence, he fell into a drunken nap.
Since the teacher was out cold, everyone began talking in their own groups. Jonathan and his click spoke about sports or some nonsense. The group of girls whispered gossip. The nerds in the center of the class talked about some television show. Lastly, Lilith started talking about her worries.
I took the time to go back to my thoughts, but before I could zone out, I saw Lilith's eyes burrow. Without thinking, I asked, " what's wrong?". In response, she laughed, " this is the first time you've paid attention to me all day". I took a moment then laughed, " oh I'm sorry, I didnt think you'd notice...".
She stared at my eyes, "Of course I noticed". An awkward silence rolled through our moment while I felt myself turn red.