Benny made seats all along his fence for children to watch. He also brought out a chair from the garage and an old carpet that he put on the floor. Len pointed at the carpet and yelled, " this area is the castle!". Benny placed the chair on the carpet and the play began when he took his seat on his throne.
Len began to sing, " hello audience, I am but a humble bard, here to regale you with the tale of the King of Xyla and his plights. We begin our tale in the hospital room of the castle, his knight delivers the news of an upcoming war".
I can't believe I didn't know my little brother has been putting on plays while I've been asleep, what else don't I know about my family and friends? There's so much of the world I don't know, I've wasted so much time sleeping, I'm in awe.
Before Simon pushed me onto the carpet Len whispered, " kneel in front of Benny then tell him there's a war coming, that's all you have to say". I stumbled onto the carpet, looked around the gate then swallowed my fears. I boldly stride towards Benny then take a knee. " my king, my humble liege, there has been talk of an upcoming war". I keep my head down but feel their looks of surprise.
After a brief pause, Benny clears his throat, " you tell this to me now? My wife and stillborn child are dead, and you think this is appropriate!". I feel the anger radiate from his voice. A cold sweat brews on the nape of my neck while I look to Len for guidance. Stars are in his eyes, he waits patiently for my response. I think to myself, ' it's just a game, just a game'. I meekly whisper, " im-I'm sorry". He waves his hand, signaling my leave, so I do.
I stumble back to Len and he whispers excitedly, "that was amazing! Where did you learn to act like that!". I let out a stream of anxious breaths, " mom... She used to force me to be in the church plays...". Len whispered with a smile again, " okay, you're not going to have to say anything else, just watch for now".
While I finished my mini panic attack, Benny calmly gave off a monologue over a sleeping Lilith. " my wife, oh how I love you so. Why has God forsaken me in such a way? To not only lose you, but our first and only child as well". Tears swelled from his eyes. " Delilah, my love, all I can do is cry. I'd give everything I own for you, even my own kingdom. Alas, fate deemed otherwise".
Len danced into the scene, " that can be arranged, my friend!". A twisted smile formed on his face. Benny scowled, " why is a bard dancing while I mourn the loss of my wife and child!". He shouted for no one to hear, " knights! Seize him!". When no one came, the bard replied, " you may call me what you like, but I am no simple bard".
Benny studied Len's appearance. Unamused, he responded, " I see, you are pretending to be a leprechaun. You're lucky this day is already filled with tragedy, otherwise, I'd gladly slay you in your spot!".
Len laughed, " so be it, but don't you want to at least make a wish?". Benny's eyes twitched, but then he looked at Lilith's sleeping body. With a sigh, " very well then, I wish my wife and child could live again". The leprechaun wheezed, " so be it, but be prepared, everything has a price". With a snap of his fingers, Len yelled, "end of scene one!".
The children sitting outside the fence clapped at Benny and Len's performance, rightly so. Despite their age, they were fantastic. You could feel their emotions. You could hear the pain in his voice. It was phenomenal in every sense of the word.
My little brother has been putting on grand stories for everyone to see while I've been asleep. My dad was right, I've been wasting my life. I need to experience more than just dreams. I need reality. I need love, dreams, hopes. I need more.
I look at Lilith while she stands from her makeshift bed. Her beautifully ruffled hair, and I know, I love her.