Capítulo 15: Runners in love
As soon as Nahikari and James learned that the rally had been suspended, they went to Brazil's Minister of Magic.
“I'm sorry about this, Miss Lovegood, Mr Potter," said Minister Lynette saddened. I would have liked the rally to have continued so as to show the magical world that the Muggles don't have lives so different from ours.
“Don't worry, Lynette," the young witch comforted him, calling him by his first name as the young minister had asked her to do on the night of the gala. “Surely with the little we show to the magical world, we can gain a better understanding of the Muggles and thus put aside so many hateful prejudices.”
“I hope so, Nahikari.”
“Lynette... Are you all right?”
“Don't worry Nahikari, my lady and I are adults and we will weather the storm for sure.”
Nahikari nodded slightly worried and this time it was James who approached.
“Minister, I regret my attitude earlier, I just hope that this whole thing will not cause you any problems and that... well, you and my aunt will be happy.”
Lynette saw James with surprise and then bowed to him. The two young men then entered the chimney and then, using the flu powder, went straight to Hogwarts.
Several cars were printing a fast race and slowly approaching the space center of French Guiana.
“Guys, I think the whole place is very well protected," Dr. Nefario told the other runners, who slowed down.
“It seems that a whole mini army surrounded the complex, it would not be easy to enter.”
“And who are those?” Gru asked.
“It seems to me that they are the former Rebel army of General Donald Morden," Rex told him on the intercom in his car.
“We can't stay here," said Speed Racer, "we have to get through those guys' blockade if we want to rescue Trixie.”
“How about a diversionary maneuver?” Pedro Bello intervened.
“What do you suggest, Pedro?” Mafio asked him.
“If I remember correctly, Morden's army was characterized by its high-powered, offensive but slow Mechs. I think we can use that to our advantage.”
“You're right," said Baron Hans Fritz, "our machines have no armor or firepower, but we're much faster.”
“My love, you're a genius," said Penelope Pitstop to Pedro Bello. “But don't forget that Gru's vehicle carries weapons, or are those cannons and missiles I see in your mini hangar are toys?”
“Hora patabum patapam Dave” said Kevin and the other runners looked confused because they didn't understand anything.
“Yeah, you know how Dave is," said Gru, "he's a missile fanatic and he didn't clean the inside hangar of the "despicable me".”
“And why would your car have to have missiles?” asked Speed Racer.
“Well, you know... just in case.”
“Well, I too have a few surprises in my Stuka Rakuda," said Baron Hans Fritz.
“And the same goes for the Chugabum.” Mafio said.
“Gru, Baron, do you think you can get your vehicles back into full flight mode?” asked Pedro Bello and the two runners nodded. “I think I can think of a plan.”
The military base was calm as they did not expect any attack from a regular army, as it was fighting General Donald Morden in another part of the globe. This particular base was commanded by newly promoted Allen O'Neil, who wore a brand-new military uniform, wearing the galleons of an Army Major.
The huge bald, bearded man was mumbling against Silvestre dos Caras and Mrs. Yutani, when he heard the loud roar of explosions.
“What the hell is going on!” O'Neil shouted.
Soldiers told him that two airplanes had reportedly bombed the Mechs and tank hangar.
“All the tank Mechs that were not in the hangar come out to intercept the enemy ships!”
Both Gru and the Baron were attacking the enemy, who was firing anti-aircraft artillery at them, and for this reason they did not see how Doctor Nefario's vehicle, which had been converted into a huge Mech, was breaking through the external defences and causing the other runners to enter the complex.
Speed Racer, Rex and Pedro Bello's cars were headed for the space center in rapid motion. O'Neil's army tried to stop them, but they were intercepted by Mafio and the minions, who pulled out several weapons they had hidden.
Needless to say, the rebel army was made up of soldiers with very bad reaction and aim, so they were soon overwhelmed and began to flee the place. Only Major O'Neil was holding his ground and was already taking his first casualty.
Baron Hans Fritz's Stuka Rakuda was plunged to the ground by enemy fire.
“I guess it's not so bad," said Hans Fritz, as drops of engine oil fell on his face and resembled tears as the pilot had taken off his aviator's glasses while smelling a rose. “Just like the Red Baron...”
A scarlet shooting star crossed the sky and left behind it a trail of sparks resembling crimson poppies.
“Oh no!” shouted Dr. Nefario, while his Mech was about to face Major O'Neil.
Nefarious may seem to have the advantage, but the bearded giant was a tough, experienced soldier, a veteran of dozens of battles. In the end, the doctor's Mech exploded.
“Doctor Nefario!” Gru shouted as he tried to help his friend who was trying to get out of the rubble, unfortunately, several helicopters and fighters stood in his way.
“Hurry up, Penelope, put more missiles in!”
“There's no more Gru!”
Dr. Nefario had finally released his arms but the lower part of his torso and legs were still trapped by the junk that was once the borrowed car of the real Dr. Locovitch.
O'Neil was on Nefarious and was already pointing his gun at him.
“Kiai buta zoquete pam pam pam!” shouted Kevin and together with his brothers the minions jumped on the man's back. And they weren't the only ones.
“Come on guys, let's show this guy what the ant hill mafia's worth!”
Thus, it was that the enormous O'Neil was defeated by the fourteen tiny characters.
Seeing as their leader was defeated, the rest of the soldiers threw down their weapons and fled in disarray.
Already on the platform of the space rocket, Silvestre dos Caras had just left the xenomorp eggs in their respective pressurized packages and was leaving to meet his former victim.
“This time you won't be saved Penelope Pitstop," laughed the man who had put his old villain costume back of the Sinister Claw.
“Don't even think you'll get away with it!” shouted Trixie, who was still disguised as Penelope Pitstop.
Poor Trixie was held with several ropes at the tip of the space rocket that would soon take off into space.
"I don't think it would do me any good to tell her I'm not Penelope Pitstopr," Trixie thought anxiously. "As long as this madman still thinks I'm Penelope, I still have time."
Suddenly Trixie could see from her advantageous position how some racing cars were approaching the takeoff platform, one of those cars was her boyfriend's car.
“Help, help!” Trixie began to scream, knowing that the Sinister Claw would start laughing in a manic way and that way he wouldn't see or hear the cars approaching.
Speed Racer, Rex and Pedro Bello arrived at the launch pad and got on the elevator that would take them to Trixie and the villain.
“I'm sorry to cut this fun short, Penelope, but it's time for me to meet Mrs. Yutani. But don't worry dear, soon you will enjoy a magnificent view, I hope you enjoy the scenery.”
“Well, I think you'll be the one who'll enjoy it, behind bars in a cell," said Trixie, then shook her head and dropped her golden wig.
“What, no! Who are you and where is Penelope!”
“I don't know, you better ask the guys behind you.”
As soon as the despicable man turned around, he saw three fists headed straight for his face.
The villain was thrown out by the force of the blows directly into the cockpit of the rocket and fell unconscious.
“Trixie, wait!” shouted Speed Racer, and with his two friends, he climbed to the top of the space rocket and released his girlfriend.
“Trixie how good you are safe” started to say Speed Racer, but suddenly his girlfriend looked at him frowning.
"Trixie, I'm sorry. I was a fool to leave like that.”
“You left just as the wedding reservations and everything else were ready.”
“Trixie... can you forgive me?”
“I've forgiven you many times already, Speed Racer, and I'm already frustrated. What would be different this time?”
Speed Racer took off his helmet and then threw it away.
“This time I've matured and my priorities are very clear to me," said the young man and approached his fiancée and held her firmly by the hips.
“Speed Racer, I know it would hurt you to stop running.”
“This time I have someone with whom I want to share the rest of my days, if I run again it will always be thinking that I must return to your side. I promise I won't be any more impulsive in racing.”
Trixie held the meteor face lovingly and then painfully stretched his cheeks.
“This is for looking at me so silly when I was dressed up as Penelope Glamour! You like blondes that much? Take, take, take, take!”
Pedro Bello and Rex exchanged glances and laughed at the poor young man.
A green shadow emerged from the cockpit and tried to grab Trixie, but the black-haired young woman saw the threat in her fiancé's eyes and turned around.
“I... don't... think so..." Trixie said and with a hard blow sent Sinister Claw back into the cockpit, which fell right over the rocket's launch controls and activated them.
“We've got to get out of here!” shouted Rex.
The four friends went to the elevator but knew they would not make it.
“Hey, you guys down there, up here, get up here fast!” they were shouted at by the real Penelope Pitstop, who was upside down and supported by her feet on the steps of Gru's ship, which was just flying over them.
The four of them held on to Penelope, forming a human chain and then Gru's ship shot out of place just before the rocket took off.
Silvestre dos Caras regained consciousness and regained control of the rocket.
“I'll be back, Penelope Pitstop! They can't always save you.”
Just as the villain said that, when a facehugger jumped right over the villain's face.
The rocket began to spin uncontrollably and exploded in the blue sky.
Three months later.
The church bells rang harmoniously as the huge doors opened and Trixie and Speed Racer who had just been married passed through them.
The other runners applauded, including Pierre no Doy Una and his dog Muttley.
Trixie turned her back and threw the bouquet of flowers that was held by Gru's eldest daughter, Margo, who looked blushingly at Meena's older brother.
“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, throw the bouquet again, Trixie!” Gru gawped, while Gru's "dog" Kyle was making eyes at Muttley, Pierre no Doy Una's dog.
Muttley ran away from the church persecuted by Kyle, and Pierre no Doy Una laughed as his evil dog did.
At Hogwarts, Nahikari watched the wedding broadcast thanks to the magic camera set by Lynette.
“Awww, James," said the young witch as she wiped away her tears, "I wish you could see this.”
Poor James was cleaning Hogwarts' bathrooms without the help of magic, while in Director McGonagall's office, Severus Snape's painting laughed much like Muttley's.
Everyone who read this far, thank you. You' re a sweetheart, see you soon.