Capítulo 4: The competition begins
Gru was getting out of his car to face the minions when he was intercepted by Rex, Meteoro's older brother.
“Mr. Gru.”
“Yes, yes, what do you want.”
“As you know, I'm Rex and I was working for MI6 to uncover corruption at the Grand Prix award. Now I work for Silas Ramsbottom as a colleague of yours.”
“I understand," said Gru, "I guess "butt" still doesn't trust me and you'll be my partner in the competition.”
“That's right, Gru. By the way, your wife came to see me before you left and asked me to give you a message.”
“It's not a punch, is it?”
“No Gru," said Rex and slapped Gru.”
“No hit, just a slap and it comes from your mother, for not saying goodbye to her.... as for your wife, she sent me a two-part order.”
“Really?” Fearful Gru asked.
“...lip paralyzer.”
Rex shot Lucy's lip paralyzer and poor Gru started to move funny from the electric shock and then passed out.
“Gru!” The girls shouted as they approached their father.
“I'm sorry about this, girls," said Rex, "but I promised your mother and grandmother, and I'm a man of my word. Now I'm missing the last order.”
“What are you going to do," Margo said, frowning as she protected Agnes with her arms.
“Here's your dog," said Rex, as he turned around and showed them Kyle, who was stuck with Rex because he was biting his ass.
“Kyle, my little doggie!” Agnes said while would let go of Margo's grip and pull the "dog" until she finally pulled him away from poor Rex. Edith laughed her head off.
“Good girls," said Rex, who rubbed his buttocks, "take care of your dad, who will start the competition in a couple of hours, and tell him to stop taking care of those minions and keep his eyes open for his work.”
“And what is the mission that Gru and you were given?” asked Edith.
“That girls, it's classified. Now I better go to my brother and really comfort him this time.... I wish he wasn't in this race, I know he doesn't need to be protected, but now everything is more complicated.”
The girls helped Gru to get up and recover in time for the race that was about to begin.
“Mamacita, what a brute Rex is," complained Gru, who shook his head to prepare for the race.
“It won't be: "What a brute Lucy is" because it's her lip paralyzer," said Edith, trying to be funny, but she stopped when she saw the disapproving looks of Margo and Agnes.
Far from Gru and the girls, Rex made peace with his younger brother.
“I'm really sorry, Meteoro. Now try to concentrate on the race and don't think about anything else, that the competition will be dangerous.”
“Thanks Rex, I'll do my best, but once the race is over I'll look for Trixie to apologize.”
“I hope you and your girlfriend can come to an agreement about the races. Well, good luck, little brother.”
Speed Racer/Meteoro stroked his vehicle and then put on his yellow gloves and took his helmet, saw his reflection on the visor and frowned.
“I promise you, Trixie, I will win this competition just for you.”
The strong smell of gasoline spread all over the place as the initial purring of the engines gave way to the thunderous roar of beasts made of metal and other materials whose heart, the engine, vibrated violently in its eagerness to begin the race.
The spectators on the high platforms watched with astonishment and expectation the runners and their exotic cars, unable to hear any conversation due to the loud noise of the motorists.
The vibration was so strong that all the spectators felt not only the seats vibrating, but also their bodies.
The red traffic light turned its mark yellow and each and every competitor could feel their forearm muscles tighten as their fists clenched on the handlebars that vibrated more subtly than the engine.
The green frame signal.
“And they start!” Nahikari shouted, who along with James was on the magic hot air balloon, which was invisible to the Muggles.
Several cars left the first time, but one or the other skidded their wheels on the asphalt producing a screech of the devil capable of bursting the eardrums, but in the end after wobbling a little bit, they started to whistle at full speed.
“Gru's huge car is in the lead," said Nahikari, as the main commentator, "but although it took the lead with a brutal acceleration, its enormous size now takes its toll as all the other cars are stuck in its shadow.”
“I don't think Gru will keep his advantage," James said, as co-commenter. “With its enormous size it tries to block the other riders, but it is becoming more and more difficult for it.”
“And the Rocomovil of the macana brothers does it!” Nahikari shouted Nahikari. “The brothers Piedro and Roco, manage to cross the blockade of Gru's huge car. And then comes Meena's Tritura Minion, along with Lucas' Alambique Veloz and the frightened bear.”
“That's right, Nahikari, these vehicles are small enough to have circumvented Gru's blockade.”
“And now it is Dr. Locovitch's car/convertible who spreads a kind of metal wings and wants to fly over Gru.... Oh no, it seems that Baron Hans Fritz's stuka rakuda is doing the same thing! And both cars crash and fall to the ground in scrap metal! Do you think they're okay, James?”
“It seems that they will not be able to continue for this phase of the competition. I would remind you that the Montevideo, Uruguay, phase does not award any trophies, but it does give points according to the order of arrival, points that will be of vital importance in the event of the famous "photo finish" or other eventuality. Nahikari.”
“The closed group of vehicles behind Gru compose it: Meteoro's match-5; Pedro Bello's El Tempestuoso; Brutus' and Listus' Troncoswagen; Mafio's and company's Chugabum; the Espantomovil of the tenebrous couple; the Super Ferrari of Pierre no doy Una and his dog patan; Penélope Glamour's Gatito Compacto; the Garra Siniestra of Silvestre dos Caras; The Yellow Bolido, Rex's Shooting Star; and the Red Porsche of Mama Lobo.”
"And closing the group, far behind are: the Especial of the sergeant and the soldier; and the Split banana of the minion team. James.”
“These last two vehicles are either too heavy or too slow and are falling further and further behind.”
“The rocomovil, the Tritura Minion and the Alambique Veloz are approaching a border town," said Nahikari.
“It's Fray Bentos," said James, "the huge cellulose bins on the Uruguay River send out huge columns of smoke through their chimneys... cog it's hard to breathe up here.”
“What is the name of the bridge right in front of the competitors?” Nahikari asked in a hoarse voice from the smoke.
“It is the Libertador San Martín International Bridge, and connects the Uruguayan city of Fray Bentos with the Argentinean city of Gualeguaychú. And it is half the bridge, which marks the arrival of the Uruguayan phase of the race.”
“James, a strange car snuck into the race!”
“It seems to be a peta, I think it's an old Volkswagen model 87 color cerulean and.... By merlin, that old thing seems to be modified because it activated nitro acceleration and beat the competitors of the vanguard!”
“James, the little vehicle stopped inches from the finish line!”
“A fat, apparently old man gets off and.... By Albus Dumbledore, the Muggle is none other than the former president of Uruguay: José Mujica, who greets the riders who are already crossing the finish line!”
“And Meena's Tritura Minion wons, followed by the Alambique Veloz of Lucas and the fearful bear; and thirdly, the Rocomovil of the Macana brothers!”
“What a race Nahikari, I didn't expect the former president of Uruguay to sneak in at the end of the race! Sure to say goodbye to the runners and wish them a blessed competition!”
“Curses! I lost again!” complained Gru, as he was booed by the other runners.
“That bald man will pay for it," said Pierre no doy Una, "I don't give a damn, Patan, launch the missile.”
The dog presses the button and a missile shoots out of the wicked man's car and hits the end of the bridge but it doesn't explode and Gru, along with the other runners, arrives on Argentine soil.
“What's going on? The missile didn't explode!” Pierre no doy Una cries out, and when he was about to cross the bridge, the missile explodes creating a hole so big that the villain's car falls through it and crashes into the mud.
“UMGDFD MALGUIVB” tried to say Pierre no doy Una but his mouth was covered in mud.
“GISH, GISH, GISH, GISH, GISH, GISH” the dog laughed.
Hello, in this fanfic I'm going to give Penelope Glamour a more modern and strong image, and not the one she had before as an eternal damsel in distress.