Capítulo 8: the bear and the beaver
The overwhelming heat of the Amazon struck the runners as they ran beneath the protective shadows of the high tropical groves on either side of the road. The warm air in the air made the hot air balloon of Nahikari Black Lovegood, and James Sirious Potter, fly efficiently, but the high altitude of the magicians did not cause the temperature to drop.
“I've got it, James," said the witch, as she cast a measured cold spell on her companion to relieve the terrible heat.
“Thanks Nahikari, I was never given these spells," the honey-colored curly-haired wizard thanked her, making the girl blush. “You should also apply the spell, it seems that the heat is affecting you, your face is turning red.”
“Emm, I'll do it.... let's start with the show because the magic camera is already focusing on the runners.”
"Welcome to the magical world of the rally: Rhea eggs, race developed in South America, James.”
“Magicians and witches who see us, this stage takes place in Brazil, however, unlike the previous stages, the goal this time will not be in the Brazilian capital: Brasilia, but rather in the coastal city of Rio de Janeiro. This is because the Muggles wanted to take advantage of the fact that the 2016 Olympics are about to take place in Rio de Janeiro, all in order to give a better and bigger show to the Muggle television audience.”
“Many trees cover the competitors," said Nahikari, "but don't worry, the magic camera has a built-in Weasley sweep spell that makes the trees around it look invisible and allows a perfect view of the Muggle corridors.”
“The "Weasley sweep," better known to Hogwarts students as the "peeping Tom," allows students to see from the corners whether the new cretinous janitor, Donaldo Trumposo, or the new librarian, Hillary "I turn a blind eye" Clintony, are around," James added.
Principal McGonagall spat out her tea as she swore by the memory of Albus Dumbledore that she would punish the young sorcerer as soon as he returned to school.
“Don't be so hard on young Potter, Minerva," said the portrait of Albus Dumbledore as he laughed amusingly.
“McGonagall, have that Potter clean the latrines without magic," Snape's portrait said harshly, "that's what I had his uncle, that Ronald Weasley, do.”
“The runners split into two groups," said Nahikari. In the first: Lucas and scared bear's Speedy Alembic; Brutus and Listus the beaver's Trunkswagen and; Dr. Locovitch's car/convertible, which literally runs down the track as a pair of metal legs come out to help him in the difficult terrain.”
"And way behind them are: the Split Banana of the minions; the Red Porsche of Mama Lobo; the Rocomovil of the macana brothers, Piedro and Roco; the Super Ferrari of Pierre no Doy Una and Patan, the dog; the Sinister Claw of Silvestre dos Caras; the Chugabum of Mafio and company; the Crushing Minion of Meena; the Shooting Star of Rex; the Stuka Rakuda of Baron Hans Fritz; the "despicable me" of Gru and his daughters; the Match 5 of Speed Racer; the Compact Kitten of Penélope Pitstop; the Stormy One of Pedro Bello; and the Frightening Mobile of the tenebrous couple.”
“The tough terrain makes racing cars or narrow-wheeled cars difficult this time," James explained, "and it's the unconventional cars that lead the way this time.”
“But Troncoswagen has the thinnest tyres of all.”
“Maybe, but remember Nahikari, those tires are really circular saws that give it a traction of not believing.”
“Ag, this is useless," complained Pierre no Doy Una, "Muttley, throw in the studs and break the tires.”
The dog grabs a small barrel and staples it through a funnel behind the driver's seat. The studs then come out of the villain's fake tailpipe.
“James, Pierre no Doy Una, is cheating!”
“Don't worry, friend, look.”
The ground was so muddy, the tacks sank when the tires of the other runners passed over them.
Pierre no Doy Una was furious and insisted on the low ploy of the tacks and Muttley continued to listen to him, but after a while the studs ran out.
“Useless dog, there are more tacks in that other barrel!” shouted the man to the dog, who tried to signify to his master that they were not studs what was left in the last barrel.
The villain punched the dog in the head and the poor fleabag had no choice but to pour the contents of the barrel through the funnel, which of course were not tacks, but naphtha, and when the liquid came out through the fake pipe that was stuck with the real pipe...
“What was that!” Nahikari shouted as the blast wave of the explosion hit the magic hot air balloon.
“It seems that a tremendous explosion came from the Super Ferrari," said James, who was hugging his partner at the time.
Nahikari blushed, and was not the only one as the young wizard with green eyes and broad shoulders had also blushed as he realized the embrace with which he had caught his friend.
None of the young men cut off eye contact or tried to separate, but the approach of the magic camera made them return to reality.
“...This, well, what can you tell us about the race, James?”
“Hey, sure.... it seems that all the runners in the second group were fired everywhere. I don't think they are hurt because the thick grove of trees stopped the cars from falling, but I think it will be too late until they come down from the treetops, so only the cars from the first group will have a chance to win the race.”
“It's a shame James, and there we see the riders who are already approaching Rio de Janeiro. Leading the way are Brutus and Listus's Troncoswagen; followed very closely by Lucas and frightened bear's Speedy Still; and at the end of the race is Dr Locovitch's car/convertible, which continues to run with those huge metal legs that came out just below his car.”
“Things are getting interesting Nahikari, the Trunkswagen and the Spedy Still are glued together and the goal is already in sight.”
“Come on, don't be afraid," Lucas said to the bear who was his co-driver, "take the wheel of the other car.
The poor bear who was scared to death complained, but in the end he tried to obey the pilot's orders.
“Hey, what are you doing!” Brutus complained when the big bear grabbed the handlebars.
Listus the little beaver, grunted threateningly and then jumped into the face of the bear, who wept mournfully.
The whole scene was chaotic and the two vehicles were still stuck side by side, but due to the confusion, they had slowed down, which had been taken advantage of by Dr. Locovitch, who was moving toward them in a determined manner.
“And the car/convertible "jumps" over the two cars and goes ahead of the race... and crosses the finish line!” Nahikari shouted.
“The end of the photograph shows us that the Spedy Still crossed the finish line in second place and the Trunkswagen in third, only millimeters away separated the two cars," said James, who passed the photograph to Nahikari, who revealed second and third place.
The young witch could not help but laugh when she saw the comical picture of the two pilots and their co-pilots "together and scrambled" trying to separate and at the same time separate the beaver that was still fighting the bear that put a frightened face that looked so funny.
Author's final notes: no animal was hurt in the creation of this fanfic and any resemblance of any character to real-life people is pure coincidence.