Capítulo 3: New corridors appear
The pink stele approached the other cars and made a spectacular skid that slowed down the motorized one to few centimeters of the match-5 of Meteoro.
“Wow, that must be Penelope Glamour!” exclaimed Nahikari.
“It seems so, although from the information I have, the runner is supposed to wear a retro racing suit, but we see that the one she wears is very modern, but it does keep its characteristic pink color.”
“What about the car, James?”
“Well, this one's changed for the better too. His previous motorized car was a stereotype racing car type of a Barbie doll car... is a toy of Muggle girls, Nahikari . Just like her racing suit, her car looks very modern, a Dodge Viper GT but with an open cabin, it keeps the bodywork in various shades of pink.”
“It looks awesome, James.”
“I know Nahikari, even though I'm a man, I wish I had a car like this, despite the pink color.”
“And what's the name of the car?”
“Her driver named her: Gatito Compacto.... well, it has nothing compact, that thing is huge!.... Oh this is going to get good Nahikari! Penelope just got out of the Compact Kitty, without opening the door, she just jumped and landed on the ground using the same pose of Speed Racer! Yeah, the blonde just stole the pose from Speed Racer, and the Muggle journalists went crazy! She's bombarded with questions and pictures, but she doesn't even flinch!”
Penelope approaches Speed Racer with a determined step and stops a couple of steps away.
“I know it's rude to point the finger, but listen to Speed Racer," Penelope said, pointing at Speed Racer. “You may have won the last Grand Prix, but I, Penelope Glamour, will beat you.”
Penelope then pointed to the sky.
“It's not only with Speed Racer, I'll also defeat you all, I'll be the winner of the Rhea Eggs trophies!”
All the runners opened their eyes in surprise, including Gru. Margo, Edith and Agnes also opened their eyes, but unlike the adults they did so with a marked note of adoration.
“Hey, James, it looks like other cars are coming.”
“It's true, a dark green Aston Martin is approaching. It seems that it is the Garra Siniestra by Silvestre dos Caras, who gets out of the vehicle and makes a very exaggerated caravan towards Penélope.”
“Hey, James, I think it's a ruckus!”
“The driver of El Tempestuoso, Pedro Bello just threw a punch at Silvestre dos Caras! Several security guards separate the two guys! Mafio and his co-pilots, they also add to the chaos, I think those seven also want to settle accounts with Silvestre dos Caras!”
“I wonder what all this fighting is about?”
“I receive information, it seems that Silvestre dos Caras was Penelope's tutor and he made several attempts on the runner's life. The subject was years before acting as a masked suit and green mask guy called The Sinister Claw.”
“That's terrible, James! What could that guy be doing in the race?!”
“Apparently Silvestre dos Caras were discovered and sent to prison, however, he has just been released for good behavior. And as for the fight, it turns out that Pedro Bello is Penelope's husband. And as for Mafio and company, they saved Penelope on numerous occasions and have been friends ever since.”
The security guards put the place in order again and just in time as another corridor approached.
“Another car is coming," said Nahikari, "it's the Estrella Fugaz and it's driven by the Rex.”
“Nahikari, I understand that Rex is the older brother of Speed Racer. Wow, although old-fashioned, Rex's yellow car looks pretty intimidating.”
“It's good that after the previous fight, two brothers met and fraternized... Oh no!”
Rex had gotten out of his vehicle and approached his younger brother. Sped Racer approached to greet his brother, but was punched in the left cheek.
“This is for dad, he's very disappointed in you, little brother, you promised him you'd only do mechanics.”
Speed Racer stood up and was slapped on the right cheek by his brother.
“This is for mom, she's very angry because now she'll have to undo all the calendars and reservations for the wedding.”
Speed Racer/Meteoro tried to answer, but was punched right in the mouth of the stomach and fell to his knees.
“This is for me, like your brother I can't forgive you for breaking your girlfriend heart.”
“But Rex...”
“And this is from Trixie," said Rex, who was delivering a letter to Speed Racer.
“My love, now I realize I was a fool to try to keep you away from the races. You're so wild to drive that I was always terrified of losing you, but trying to protect you only hurt and isolated you from me. I know you'll never stop driving, at least in such a dangerous way unless you find someone to outdo you. Penelope Glamur is a good friend of mine and I asked her to calm the fire in your heart by beating you in this race. Meteoro, even if that happens, I don't think anything will be the same between us anymore, so I'm retiring from your life. Goodbye my love and I wish you all the happiness and trophies in the world. I'll always remember you... yours, Trixie.”
Speed Racer started crying as Rex walked away.
“Nakihari, another car is coming.”
“I'm sorry," the Hufflepuff wiped her tears, "the new car is a small scarlet car and is driven by Mama Lobo.”
“The red car is a porsche boxter," said James, "a woman's car.”
“It's not a woman's!” said Alan Harper, who watched the presentation of the cars on cable TV back in North America. “It's not like that, Berta, Jake!”
“Of course, Dad," said his son, who had returned from the army barracks, and then without his father noticing, he and Berta shook their heads.
“Nahikari, I see another car coming... it's yellow, wait... it's a banana split! I think it's one of those cars that delivers food just like the bodywork of the vehicle.”
“It says here that the Muggle "dessert" is called: banana, and is driven by Kevin and his co-pilots are six...., just like the drivers of the chugabum. And there the corridors come down that apparently....for Merlin's sake!”
“I don't know Nahikari, they look like elongated yellow pills. They are a kind of Muggle medicine that varies in content depending on the disease of the Muggle.”
“I had never seen such creatures before in Magic Creature Care with Hagrid.”
“Well, I hope the Muggles keep swallowing that they are humans in disguises.”
“Look James, the driver Gru looked out of the open window of his big car and is yelling at those little yellow guys!”
“Right, and the little guys make faces at him and threaten him with their fists! Whoa, Gru wants to go out the window, but he's held by his three co-pilots! they look like they're little girls from here.”
“What could little girls be doing in a race?”
“I don't know, but here I get new information, apparently Gru's co-pilots are his three adopted daughters, and the yellow guys are called minions and worked for Gru. Now I understand Gru's fury, those little yellow guys are competing against him.”
“Zoquete! ¡Zoquete!” the minions shouted to Gru as they laughed.
“And the last car is coming, James, it's small and it's driven by a little girl! She is wearing a Girl Scout outfit but with a pink skirt and hat, and her name is Meena.”
“Oh no!” exclaimed Isabella, Phineas and Pherb's friend, to her explorer friends, "It is Meena, just when we thought we were getting rid of her because she was an evil explorer, now appears in this race.”
The other Girl Scouts shook their heads as they looked at Meena's car.
“Nahikari, Meena's car is a white go-kart stroller that was apparently modified. It has rear wings on the sides and powerful turbines at the rear.
“JE in your face, I told you I was going to tell my mom! What do you think of my go-kart? I call it: The Minion Crusher.”
“Oh popo," said the minions as they exchanged nervous looks.
Meena from Minion Crush, showed up!
Hurry up! vote and comment so that our little friends don't get crushed by her.