Capítulo 13: The appearance of the superhero
Lucas, the countryman; Brutus, the enormous lumberjack; Piedro and Roco, the cave brothers; and Meena, the girl scout, followed the trail left by the red porsche of mama Lobo, who in reality was none other than Scarlet Overkill, who had kidnapped Margo, Edith and Agnes, for revenge on Gru and the minions.
"Good thing my minion-tracking device works with those three," thought Meena, who was driving her car ahead of the other adults following her in their own vehicles. "They stink so much of minion that they'll be easy to find."
The trail led the group to an area of abandoned warehouses and buildings on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
“I think it's that warehouse over there," Lucas said, pointing to the lights on in the place.
“I see only one door and it's locked," Brutus reported.
“We can't just walk in, we'd put those brats in danger," Meena said.
“Blablug notaglu” Piedro babbled.
“Ohgbi nugotablag” his brother Roco babbled this time.
The other members of the group did not understand what the cavemen meant, but they signaled that the adults would create a diversion while the girl scout would enter the place through one of the ventilation corridors.
“I don't want to get my scout suit dirty, but it's already ruined anyway, so I will have to," Meena said in a tsundere way and proceeded with the plan.
Scarlet Overkill while she was challenging Gru and the minions to find her.
“And if you don't give me what I ask for, I will turn these three little girls into precious jewels. You don't see the irony of it, you took away my crown jewels and now those girls will soon become gem sculptures.”
Of course the villain didn't try to free the girls, whatever they brought her, she just wanted to torture Gru and the minions.
Suddenly a shrill noise like that of burning tires from the friction in the asphalt reverberated all over the place.
“What the hell is that!” shouted the woman and turned off the transmission of her threats and then looked at the monitor that showed several camera shots from various areas outside.
"How did those clowns find this place!
The villain rushed out of the place and Meena descended through a vent and landed gracelessly on the ground.
“Meena, what are you doing here!” Margo shouted from the impression, making his lenses slide down to the tip of his nose.
“Jo, what a beating you gave yourself.” Edith laughed unintentionally.
“Did you come to save us?” said Agnes, who clutched her stuffed unicorn.
“Ag, shut up, you're too scandalous. I just came to settle up with that lady after...”
“After she kicked your ass?” Edith sneered, at Meena's silence.
“Edith, stop it!” Margo scolded her.
“What! I'm just saying," replied her otaku ninja sister, and she stick out her tongue just as her older sister looked back at Meena.
Meena glared at Edith, but she smiled sarcastically back.
“Meena, can you free us?”
“And why should I do that?”
“Because that woman is planning to kill us, that's why!” Margo replied in an indignant tone.
“All right... but you'll have to do something for me.”
“What!” shouted Margo and exchanged confused looks with his two sisters.
“You'll have your father smash the minions' car in the middle of the race for the whole world to see," Meena said with a psychotic smile. “Of course it's my right to crush those yellow things, but it wouldn't look good around the world if an innocent, good girl scout like me acted that way... I'll take care of those minions later.”
“You're out of your mind, not a chance!” Edith shouted, At that moment she wanted Meena in front of her, without a barrier to separate them. Just her, her katana and Meena's hateful face. “Please help us," Agnes asked, as she put on her familiar pity face and those eyes with the kawaii cat on boots style.
“Hey... no, no, no... Stop looking at me like that!” A series of explosions sounded off-site and Meena saw the exit. As she turned around, she stared at the sad look on the face of the girl holding her cuddly unicorn tenderly. It was too much for Meena.
“Bruaaaaaaaa... Okay, okay!” she roared with frustration, and she'd head for the checkpoints.
Agnes was flattered by Edith.
Edith was released with her sisters and went to Meena's to hit her, but she was stopped by Agnes who hugged her.
“Thank you, I knew you were good!”
“No, get away, you're too sweet... Oh, my gosh, how did they convince me into it? This girl is dangerous," Meena thought as she sighed in frustration.
“Agnes, let's go," asked Margo, and the three sisters and Meena went to the exit.
When they opened the door though, they saw how right in front of them and looking at them with insane eyes, there was Scarlet Overkill.
“Were my girls going somewhere? You know, it's dangerous out there, you might run into the big bad wolf.”
Behind the evil woman, you could see how Lucas and Brutus' cars were shattered and their occupants lay passed out on the ground. Piedro and Roco, they were inside the rocomovil, but they were frozen by one of the villain's weapons.
“What pretty little pigs this wolf found," Scarlet said insanely. “It's not three, it's four. And they left the door open, I won't have to blow and blow to break it down.... I'm going to eat them like gingerbread cookies!”
Scarlet moved closer and closer to the four trembling girls with a threatening gesture and threatening arms raised.
A loud explosion rumbled right where the Rocomovil was.
The Piedro and Roco brothers merged and created the oldest superhero of mankind: Captain Caveman.
The captain caveman flew off and headed straight for Scarlet.
“No, who the hell are you!” shouted the villain as she fired her cold gun at the superhero.
“Beware!” the girls shouted at him, but it wasn't necessary. The tip of the caveman captain's huge baton opened and a small dragon cub emerged from it that began to spit fire, neutralizing and then destroying Scarlet Overkill's weapon.
“Me stopping you, evil woman. Girls not to worry about saving yours” the superhero encouraged them and again charged in mid-flight against his adversary.
“Two can play that game.” The villain hissed and then her skirt turned into a kind of rocket and she too flew off to her rival.
“Uga buga!” exclaimed the captain as he saw his rival approaching him and launching a dozen missiles from his skirt/propeller.
The captain retreated as one of his hands was lost in his thick, tangled, long hair covering his entire body in search of something.
The captain laid several prehistoric eggs and threw them into the sky. Pterodactyl wings hatched from the eggs and they went to intercept the missiles.
"No, it's impossible, nothing can intercept my high-speed IA micro missiles!" thought Scarlet who was surprised to see all her missiles explode.
Scarlet's "skirt" provided her with two weapons: one launched a beam of electricity and the other spiral fired a series of lethal acid shots. Both discharges formed chains that spanned several meters and seemed not to decrease in length, so lethal were the weapons.
The capi was not deterred and from his club emerged a caveman electric eel brood that shot out towards Scarlet. The eel swallowed the entire electricity discharge and then crashed into the villain's weapon, destroying it.
The capi then pulled a baby caveman turtle out of its "fur" and threw it at its opponent.
The acid discharge hit the shell of the turtle and in the end the acid was neutralized. Like the other weapon, this one was also destroyed.
“No!” Scarlet shouted, but she didn't have time for distractions because the captain was already charging at her.
Scarlet was retreating but more and more the captain was closing the gap. Something seemed to be happening to the captain who was starting to convulse in a ridiculous way.
“Oh, run out of fuel!”
The captain began to fall to the ground, not without first throwing his baton at the woman.
The baton reached Scarlet's "skirt" and she too fell to the ground.
The capi was battered on the ground unable to move when suddenly he was covered by a shadow.
“Now you will see what happens to those who face me," the villain gesticulated as she lifted a large rock above her head with the intention of crushing her antagonist.
Suddenly an explosion enveloped Scarlet Overkill, sending her flying several meters into a scrap metal wreck.
“Wow, nice toys that lady has," said an impressed Meena, who had taken the gun out of the warehouse's weapons compartment, .
The sound of several police sirens approached the place, the girls were safe.
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