Even though things have been going good even with Alchemy being in the hospital and the rumors buzzing around that I beat her up, I have slowly started to make more and more friends. Andy is a really good friend, but she has her overly protective moments and I understand that. But, there are times when I need to breathe.
During the lunch hour, we have the option of either staying and eating the school lunches or going out and getting lunch then coming back before that lunch hour is over. The school officials only do this every once in a while, basically if we haven't had any incidents of mishaps. I don't think they see me defending myself as a mishap as I sit and watch some of the students and their friends with cars walk out of the school to get some lunch.
Andy is at a doctor's appointment and Cole is working his job at the hospital. So, I am alone and eating some greasy pizza when I am approached by Tannya and two medium brown skin girls. Their shadows linger over me then they sit down in front of me.
"So, you are the one that beat up Alchemy?" The one with the deep brown eyes ask me crossing her arms on the table.
"Don't be rude, Kinsey," Tannya warns. She eyes me with a smile.
"I didn't beat her up," I correct her. "I just defended myself." I didn't want to come off as a bully myself. So, whenever I do hear someone say I beat up Alchemy, I either correct them or keep on about my business.
"Sirrah, these are two friends of mine," Tannya sits them down. "I will be back." She looks at her friends, "You two be nice to her and remember what I said." She trails off towards the lunch line.
"Either way, we think you defending yourself was cool." She continues. "I am Kinsey Morgan."
"And I am Tyasia Clayton." The one with the obvious green contacts introduces herself.
"I am Sirrah Winters," I say.
"We know. We want you to hang out with us." Tyasia offers. She picks up one of my fries and eats it.
"Me? Why?" I don't really get why they would all of a sudden want to hang out with me. I mean I am not against it, my curiosity is just a little peaked at the moment.
"Well, we just figured that you would need a friend," Kinsey smiles.
"I have Andy." I begin.
"What's wrong with more friends?" Tyasia takes another fry. "You have Tannya as well."
She is right about that. "Nothing, it's just weird that you would want to be my friend out of the blue."
They chuckle. Kinsey states, "I know it's weird, but sometimes it happens."
"Trust us." Tyasia picks another fry. "We are not here to pick at you and we don't want nothing from you. We just want to be your friend."
"For real for real." Kinsey starts picking at my fries as well.
"Okay, I guess there is no harm in that."
Tannya comes back with a tray and Kinsey begins eating the fries off her tray. Tannya snatches them back before they reach her mouth, "Get your own damn food, Kinsey."
"Sorry." Kinsey pouts.
"So, what's the move?"
With the lunch hour almost over, Tyasia and Kinsey give me their cell phone numbers and tells me to call them when I want to hang out. Or they will call me when they want to hang out. I nod.