My school day goes the same as any other school day. Teases and jokes made about my skin tone and about me being adopted into the wrong color of family. I begin to think this is the 1950’s where black and white aren’t supposed to mix together. In the last class, P.E. someone went as far as to trip me outside while running laps around the track causing me to scrape my knee and be sent to the nurse's office. Cole is in most of my classes except Science, he knows who had tripped me. I didn’t know that he had told the nurse and the Principal when I left the nurse's office. I found it very odd that someone would go through ruining his or her rep to protect me.
Sitting outside with the rest of the car riders, I am glad and relieved that the school day is over and tomorrow is Friday, then the weekend. Cole stands a few feet from me, leaning against the brick post with his music in his ears. I do not look at him to ensure he does not recognize me. Some students come out of the school building in groups, talking and laughing. Some girls exit the building and stand in front of me.
"Why are you still here? It's almost dark; shouldn't you be nighting up the sky?" A male student taunts and the friends behind him laugh.
"No, because if her 'masa' catches her out again, she will totally be lynched for sure." A light-skinned girl in the group titters as they walk away from me.
I hang my head; I cannot continue to let them see me when I am down, I grumble to myself. I pick my head up when I see Alchemy coming out of the building with the teenage boy from the lockers. He puts his arm around Alchemy's waist in a protective manner. Seeing Alchemy puts a smile on my face.
"Hey, Alchemy," I call out waving at Alchemy, so she would notice me.
Alchemy rolls her eyes and stops hesitantly beside me, "What do you want?"
"Wanna come over and study? I can ask my mom to make your favorite snack." I try to entice Alchemy with a grin.
"Naw, she doesn't be-." The boy begins.
"Hush!" Alchemy silences the boy. "I can't, Sirrah."
"W-why not?" I can feel my heartbeat quicken in my chest. What is going on with Alchemy?
"There are other things to do besides studying all the time. You should live a little, Sirrah. It might help you in the long run." Alchemy leaves linking her arm with the boy's arm.
I sigh; maybe, I should stop trying. It is starting to get obvious, she doesn’t want to study or go to college. Or even hang out with me anymore, for that matter. I guess I don’t want to give up hope just yet.
"She seems very backstabbing and two-faced to me."
I turn to Cole who has pulled his earbuds off, listening intently, "What?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.
"Your friend, Alchemy. I have her as a partner in science class. She talks shit about you a lot. Doesn't seem like a really good friend by the sound of it." Cole offers his two cents taking his earphones out of his ears; he wraps the earbuds around his mp3 player and puts them in his pocket.
"That's not true," I yell angry that he would make an assumption like that. "She's my best friend. She'd never say anything--."
"Are you sure about that? I am pretty sure she does say some awful things about you. But, then she says some awful things about everyone, I am starting to realize." He interrupts arching his brow and offering a smirk.
I see my father pull up in front of the school. "You," I stand up and hike my book bag on my back, "are very wrong. She would never do that to me."
"Alright. If you say so." Cole shrugs his shoulders, takes his mp3 player out, and puts his earbuds back in his ears.
I get in the car and my father drives off. The ride home is a silent one with small questions about school and any projects that are due. I answer them accordingly, then zone out into my own mind. Thinking and questioning everything, I have been through with Alchemy and why Cole would a complete stranger say those things about Alchemy.