Sunday morning, my mom and I took Andy home and made another sleepover date; next weekend. When we got home, my mom and I had a conversation at the kitchen table.
"Sirrah, I know you are 16 years old and you want your own space. I also, know that your sister wants her own space as well. So, do you want the room you and Andy were in?"
"Yes, I do," I say excitedly jumping up and down, then hugging my mother. I had no clue as to why she did not give me my own room in the first place. I do not question it at all.
"Great. We; meaning your father and your brothers can move your stuff in there tomorrow after school and make it your room."
"Are you serious?" I beam excited and titter at the comment she made.
"Yes, I figured you and Sydnie would want your own rooms. I just thought about it on the way home." She tells me.
I hug my mom tight again. "Thank you so much, mama."
"You are welcome." She chuckles hugging me back then letting me go.
I skip happily to my new room and plop down on the bed I was sleeping on during the sleepover. I sigh as I close my eyes. I still had a lot to think about with my choice about Alchemy. However, after the wonderful time, I had with Andy, I just wanted to relax in my new room and keep to myself.
Laying on my bed, I realized that I could not just relax and not think about what to do.
First thing, suspended from all the clubs that I am in for defending myself against Alchemy. Truth be told, I know there was a better way to defend myself other than punching her in her face and causing her to fall over the railing. But at that time, that is what my mind first produced. So, I acted.
Secondly: taking Alchemy to the YG courts to defend my own self in hopes I will not get into any more trouble. Because Alchemy did what she did she might be suspended from school and sent to that other school Mr. Ethics was telling me about. The school for teens with issues or whatever.
Third, this club that Andy and I are thinking about doing for the teenagers that are teased. I surely hope that she is serious about the club. Because any type of club that Alchemy and I came up with, it never happened.
Fourth and lastly; telling my parents about what happened and what is going on with me and what has been going on with me for years. That is going to be the hardest thing I know I will ever do. I am never one for getting into trouble. I can only pray they will understand.
I have to tell them what happened due to my own guilty conscience eating at me. Even though, Andy told me it was not my fault, I do not fully accept that. I sigh and look around my room, smiling at my own space.
A knock on my door makes me sit up. I get up with a groan and open my door.
"Nick?" To my surprise, not really. "Yes?"
He is nervous looking and fidgeting with his fingers. A trait that he and I have inherited from our father. "Uh, your friend, Andy."
I arch my brow.
"What of her?" It is very clear what he wants, but the brother of mine has been so mean and rude to me for the past few months for no reason other than to hurt my feelings. I want to hear what he clearly wants.
"Is she single or . . .?" He stammers.
"I don't really know. Why do you ask?" I adjust my glasses on my face so they will fit right.
"I want to talk to her. You know what I mean." He says outright. "Please?" He drops to his knees and clasps his hands together in prayer state.
Seeing him like this over Andy is something very pathetic, even for Nick who tries so hard to be a thug. Watching too many music videos and hanging around the wrong people at school.
"I am not sure that she is in to you or if you are even her type," I tell him.
"I can be. What does she like?" Nick asks still on the floor but dropping his hands to his side.
"You will have to ask her, once you aren't suspended from school anymore," I explain to him standing him up and then walking past him. He follows me.
"How about you give me her number and I can call her and ask?"
I stop in the living room and turn to Nick, "That is a definite no. Here is why," I say before he could open his mouth. "I don't have her number; we meet at school so I don't need it. Two, what I do know is that you need and have to straighten up your act before you even consider going up to her and opening your yap. Because Andy is a very straight laced girl and she doesn't tolerate the foolishness you talk."
Nick looks at me a little stunned then smiles. "I will do it." He rushes into his room and closes the door.
I arch my brow at my brother's statement to clean up his act. I doubt that it will happen in a few short hours, but if a girl makes her determined to straighten himself up, then so be it.