Warren's Aunt Mimi was just as nervous as they were. Since he had never brought a girl he cared for home to meet his family, he grew anxious by the moments leading up to her doorstep. Mimi was a second mother to Warren. She always felt like she was. Now that her husband had passed she was mostly alone, she would occasionally walk to the park, plant flowers in the community garden and enjoy being retired from her teachings in the PS elementary school.
Seeing Warren felt like connecting with her sister Kathryn once again. She could tell he was really shaken soon as he walked in with Amelia. Mimi glanced at Amelia for a moment before smiling warmly at her nephew. She didn't realize how naturally beautiful she was, just like her sister had been. She wasn't wearing much makeup but it didn't matter. Amelia's mannerisms were close to Kathryn's, Warren wasn't exaggerating about that.
Warren breathed heavily and took off his coat and placed Amelia's coat inside the closet. He watched his aunt looking at the woman he cared about and smiled, blushing into himself.
Amelia hadn't taken off her sunglasses, it was out of old habit and Warren didn't mention if his aunt already knew who she was, she wasn't sure if his aunt even knew who he was. Warren hid his mutation well enough that it'd be challenge to suspect if he was or not.
"Shall we?" Mimi said demurely as the couple nodded and followed behind the elderly woman dressed to the nines in classy formal attire.
Amelia walked with Warren and his aunt toward the living room as she observed the condominium. It was bigger than Warren's place, it was covered in old art decor; antique furniture adorned the corners and one of a kind paintings hung in place as they belonged. She was beginning to feel like she had the more she stayed with Warren. Knowing his family was something she never thought would happen, he seemed so private. This must mean something.
"Would you both like a cup of tea? I just brewed a fresh pot." Mimi offered.
Amelia and Warren shared a small look before smiling.
"Sure thing Auntie." He said as he looked to the girl beside him.
"Thank you." She said as Mimi made her way toward to kitchen.
Amelia's eyes kept wondering around his aunt's condo, she couldn't help herself. It felt like a museum of old, classic art mixed with modern texture designs. She knew there had to be history behind everything in the room, including the sofas. They looked modern but had felt rustic.
Warren took Amelia's hand which pulled her attention away from the room. She glanced his way, blushing as she looked down.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry? Is there something you like?"
"It's just...I've never seen so much—life in a room before. Everything looks so incredible." She paused to share a look with Warren. "Your Aunt is very kind."
Warren relaxed against the couch, naturally leading Amelia to lay with him. As she rested on his body he kissed the top of her head. Amelia's eyes picked up as she looked at him in thought, why is he so good to me? Why won't I wake from this dream? Would I want to?
His blue eyes bore into hers, he knew they were pink through her glasses as he felt himself drawing closer but pulled back. "I'm sorry."
"Now why are you sorry?"
Warren tried but failed to hide the blush creeping on his cheeks. "Got carried away. I forgot we were at my auntie's."
Amelia understood what he meant but he shouldn't apologize for wanting to be intimate with her. She understood that it wasn't the right place. She almost thought they were completely alone too.
She smiled, fiddling with her glasses. "I wish I could take these off, so I could see you, so I could see everything..."
"You can actually. Mimi knows who I am, but I don't think she would judge you at all for being who you really are."
She fixed her glasses properly before looking away. "I don't want to scare her, maybe she accepted you, she doesn't really know me. I don't know, I don't want to risk it."
Warren brought her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss. "Maybe you won't have to. She is a Walton after all."
Amelia smiled, unable to contain her blushing. Warren was making her feel better by the second. She didn't know where she got so lucky to have him.
"Here we are then." Mimi spoke, returning back to the living room, placing the tea and proper fixings beside the fancy china cups. "Sugar and milk, sweetheart?"
Amelia smiled and nodded gently as Mimi began to pour the tea as she looked on. "Thank you." Amelia said as Mimi placed the tea in front of her.
The moments were quiet until Warren winced before breaking the silence. He looked to his aunt before he spoke.
"I apologize if we were late. I should have told you before we came."
Mimi smiled as she recalled his phone call. "Oh you did dear, this morning he rung me. All is fine. I wasn't expecting you to come right on time."
"Oh, alright. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure it was OK, I know," Warren replied, his voice slightly shaking.
He felt like he should be doing the talking, he didn't want Amelia feeling the burden to prove herself to his family. He didn't want her to feel the need to force herself to be liked. His aunt wasn't one to judge and yet knowing the track record of his family, he just wanted normalcy for Amelia, if it was at all possible.
Amelia then held his hand smiling as Warren glanced her way, tension released from his body. She nearly asked him with her eyes if he was alright and he shook his head with a nervous smile.
"Warren, is something the matter?" Mimi asked, placing her tea down and clasped her hands together like she always had.
He rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lip, "No, nothing is wrong. Nothing at all."
Amelia wanted to saved him, he was drowning and she had to do something. She thought fast and changed the subject, but making it authentic, so it didn't sound frivolous.
"You have a beautiful home. I've never seen anything like this." Amelia spoke softly; Mimi gently returned a kind gesture waving her hand around in a silky manner. "Everything is just lovely."
"Thank you my dear. It's been years since it's been designed. I hadn't changed a thing since I first came here. I'm happy you like it. I've been for ages trying to influence Warren, but I believe his modern way of living is nice. That balcony is exquisite. High ceilings. Those books, my goodness. Warren had you read all of them just yet?"
"You know me." Warren smiled, blushing. He was grateful for Amelia changing the mood. He could now sit back and erase all of the anxious feelings.
"Not just yet—but I plan to though. Worthington's value knowledge, they also honor friendship and loyalty. Our friendships mean everything to us." Warren said and couldn't help but share a look with Amelia, wanting to show her what he meant but pulled his focus away with all he had in him.
"Spoken like your mother, not a Worthington. It's just a name dear. Your mother lives on in you, she'd be so proud of the man you've become. What kind of person you are, I hope you know that darling."
Warren nodded, smiling slightly as his mother was brought up. His bittersweet feelings were mixed with genuine pride. "I do, she's always with me, wherever I go. I take her everywhere."
Mimi understood what he meant earlier about how he felt for her. She was seeing the affection first hand and it broke her heart. She knew he was going to find happiness again, she was grateful he let himself feel this way. She wanted so many wonderful things to happen to him. This was a beautiful moment to watch.
Amelia's eyes were returning his feelings, though Mimi noticed something was inside her eyes that weren't in Warren's. Doubt perhaps? Why would she ever feel this about herself? Mimi did her best to soothe the moment.
"As I do too dear. It's incredible how much I see her in you, it's uncanny. Amelia, sweetheart, how did you two meet?"
As if by telepathy they both looked at each other, unable to form any words. Amelia asked him if he wanted to answer with her eyes and he nodded. He wasn't going to get away with the truth, so he said the first answer that came to mind.
"It was fate, I knew the moment I met her that it didn't matter where it was or how, I knew she was going to be a part of my life. I didn't want to let her go, I couldn't." Warren's eyes glazed over, Amelia was looking on but was trying to remain calm. "I'm falling for her."
Mimi looked between the two of them, observing Amelia then her nephew. Her face slowly beamed with joy. To hear her nephew say these words meant everything, Kathryn would be so proud.
"I..." Amelia began to say, pausing so her heart could catch up, "I feel so strongly too. The truth is...I don't think I deserve this..." She said, closing her eyes as Warren's arm gently wrapped around her frame. "My feelings have never been this strong before, I just want to be near him, every second, every moment of my life." She opened her eyes finally, staring into the man who is holding her like he meant it.
"That's marvelous honey. I am so happy for both of you. My sister would absolutely adore you if she were still here." Mimi said gently, looking between both of them and turning her attention to Warren especially.
He had his head knelt over, staring straight at the ground raising his head when Mimi cleared her throat. Amelia was looking on as Warren smiled sadly. You could tell mentioning his mother even in the slightest way brought up those memories. Amelia slowly linked her hand with his, feeling his hand squeeze in return. He brought his emotions back in control, for the moment, for his aunt and the woman holding his hand like she wasn't going to let go.
"We all miss her sweetheart. Sometimes I feel like she's still here, watching us. My sister wouldn't have it any other way."
Warren bit his lip as he forced the tears that wanted to fall down his cheeks away. "She is...I believe she is."
Amelia slightly gripped his hand over his already strong hold on hers. She said nothing, barely making a sound as Warren spoke on about a specific memory he had when she was still alive. As she listened she watched his Aunt fight back her own tears but remain strong under the strong memories that provoked deep emotions.
She sighed as she relaxed against Warren's chest in a sudden deep thought. Amelia wished she could relate to the situation but she didn't know what the story was with her own mother. Not having much to go on she ignored her own personal origin and devoted all her attention to the lively conversation the man she held affection for and this wonderful woman who opened her into her home without judgments.
Warren dipped his head down as he paused, looking in Amelia's eyes. She smiled back as he returned the gesture. It felt like he was checking if she was OK as Mimi took over the conversation full blast, going into another story when she and her sister were young.
"Oh but that was ions ago...so much time has passed. She would have wanted us to remember her as she was. Would you both like to stay for dinner?"
Warren almost answered but he thought twice before giving a direct response. He looked at Amelia as if asking her silently if she wanted to.
"Um, well I sorta made plans, this is really nice. I know I don't come here but I had something in mind tonight. Is that OK Auntie?" Warren said, hoping she would accept.
Mimi placed her china cup down gently and folded her hands in her lap. "Of course, honey. I didn't know you made plans, maybe another night I'm sure."
Warren nodded, smiling slightly breathing a sigh of relief. "Thank you, definitely. I will let know what night. It won't be long, I like coming here."
"It's lovely here..." Amelia spoke up, earning almost surprised looks from Mimi and Warren, who blushed, Mimi following his blush with a warm smile.
"Thank you honey, I'm happy to meet you." Mimi said softly, it was Amelia's turn to blush back, she almost hide it but felt Warren's thumb circle over hers.
Warren moved slightly. "Can you excuse me please?"
Mimi waved him off as he stood up but not before whispering in Amelia's ear. She smiled and he turned toward the hallway of the condo.
They were left alone; Mimi looked on as Amelia kept her hands folded, staring off into the scenery outside, the tall horizontal apartment buildings near Mimi's condominium. Amelia sighed unaware Mimi was still in the room, observing her.
"He doesn't do this often." Mimi's voice almost startled her staring.
Amelia turned her attention to the woman sitting directly ahead of her.
"Warren, I mean. He doesn't come by here. I don't blame him." She paused, looked around the room, focusing on the picture frames that gave a border to the mantel on the fireplace. "But I do wish to see him more."
Amelia watched the moment as she looked to be struggling with her emotions, unsure what to feel. Amelia could relate. Most of the emotions she felt were somber, but Mimi looked as if she held no expression.
Amelia cleared her throat, wondering something, "I can understand. Maybe that will change."
Mimi smiled, knowing it was just words and was only meant to make her feel better. She sighed within herself, aware of the reality of Warren's decisions to see her more. She knew he was a private person, just like her sister. Looking at Amelia she saw something in her eyes, maybe it was a glimmer of hope of something better. Warren seemed more open with his feelings lately. He hadn't been this way since Kathryn passed; Mimi was worried he may never feel anything after she was taken.
"I want to believe that sweetheart. I pray for it. Every day. I want the best things for my nephew; I know he doesn't have many people in his life. I'm sure you know why that is. I know he trusts with you his secret, just as you trust him with yours..." Mimi paused.
Amelia felt her eyes closing as she knew they were showing once again. "Oh..." she reached for her sunglasses.
"It's alright, you don't have to. I could sense you were special before I saw. You don't need to be afraid."
Amelia stopped, her hands froze for a second before they awkwardly moved to almost cover her eyes. It was a hard habit to break.
Warren appeared at the corner but didn't enter the room right away. He felt himself listening to the conversation. He knew it was in poor taste to be inconspicuous but he was curious what his Aunt would say to the woman he cared so much about.
Amelia as usual was quiet but spoke softly, almost raising her voice in volume just slightly. They were in the middle of a conversation about him. He knew it was wrong but he wanted to just hear what they said.
"You know, when Warren first told me who he really was I didn't want him to feel ashamed of it. He had this look on his face, I'll never forget it. Kathryn and his father already knew. It's a part of him, I never wanted him to change. He was meant to be exactly as he is. I always adored him. I don't think he knows that."
Amelia smiled slightly. "Maybe he does. I don't know what it was like for him but I couldn't face it. Every day—I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"
"No, it's alright sweetheart. You both have been through so much emotionally. Just know that you have people who care about you."
Amelia didn't know what to say but she extended her graciousness. "Thank you. I haven't known Warren for long, but, the way he talks about his family, I'm sure he knows every day how much you care about him."
Mimi smiled warmly; her thoughts drifting for a moment.
"Who cares about who?" Warren stepped into the room as Mimi and Amelia slightly startled, turned their attention to him. "Is everyone alright?"
He took his place on the couch as Amelia came close to him. He wrapped his arm slowly around her as she smiled and blushed.
"We weren't gossiping about you, sweetie. I was just reassuring Amelia that she is always welcome here and that our family is hers."
Warren came near Amelia, wrapping his arms as he pulled her close to his chest. "Of course she is."
Amelia smiled at him when he looked at her and closed her eyes calmly when he kissed her forehead. It was the first time she ever heard the word family and her name in the same sentence. Her hands shook and she stopped them before Warren noticed. He shared a small look with her and they both faced forward to see Mimi's eyes peering at them. Her face held many thoughts, so many that Amelia was nervous in that moment to think about herself.
"Well, we just wanted to see you Auntie. Again, I'll try to make good on my promises to see you more often. We'll come together, next time, maybe for dinner." Warren said as he stood up while holding Amelia's hand.
She had followed his lead as she watched him hug his aunt, giving her small kiss on her cheek. Amelia almost grimaced; she didn't know what she was supposed to do so she watched them slowly pull out of their embrace. Mimi noticed her glance and opened her arms to Amelia, slowly stepping forward.
"Come here my dear, welcome to the family." Her sweet voice smothered Amelia's heart and she felt herself walking into the elder woman's arms.
Amelia held on for a few long moments. She closed her eyes, knowing this was something that would never happen to her otherwise if she was still in her situation. She can't imagine going back now, knowing that she had people like Mimi and Warren in her life.
When Amelia pulled away she looked in between Mimi and Warren and came to his side. Mimi stared at the young mutant with glassy eyes. She could tell Amelia was going to be in good hands now that Warren was going to protect her. It was comforting to know Warren had someone in his life to make him happy.
"Well, have you called your driver or should I offer mine to you?" Mimi asked Warren.
He took out his cellular phone and typed a small message with one hand, looking up, "Already done. He's waiting downstairs. Thank you, though."
"Very well, Amelia, it was very lovely meeting you; I hope to do it again very soon."
"I want that as well, thank you for having me over. Everything is just so beautiful here," Amelia said softly.
Mimi gave her final hugs to both of them as Warren waved her behind him while he escorted Amelia out the door awaiting the elevator to take them to the lobby. The carriage came quickly and they walked inside without a word.
There was a comfortable silence looming over them. Amelia didn't want to ruin it by speaking but she wanted to say something to him. She squeezed his hand slightly, attempting to have him look her way. When he turned around he gave a small smile with a raised brow.
"Everything OK?"
"I've just never had a day like this. It felt...real. No stress, no worry, it was perfect, thank you."
Warren smiled wider and leaned next to her ear, "I've never seen my Auntie light up before. She was so happy to meet you, she really likes you. I'm glad she does. She saw exactly what I saw."
He brushed his lips against her cheek, lingering for a moment with his eyes closed. Opening them when he heard her breathe in sharply.
"I'm still so nervous. Your family is so different than mine. I'm sorry I keep saying that. I'm just not used to all this...affection."
He pulled her into his arms, close to his chest. "I'm sorry if it's overwhelming for you. We can take things slow. My Auntie really wanted to meet you."
"She knows..." Amelia trailed off, not needing to finish. "And she knows about you too."
Warren drew in a sharp breath, "We can trust her, she is family, my real family. She would never let anything happen to you."
"I believe you. She was genuine. She reminded me so much of this woman I..." Amelia shook her head, recalling Kathryn, the woman she met at the hotel when she tried to run away. She shook her head, wanting to say who she meant.
Warren would never believe her, it didn't matter. She hugged him as their floor level came and the doors opened slowly.
They walked together with his arms around her, pulling apart briefly to hold hands. Amelia smiled his way and he returned his smile. She didn't know if she should realistically get used to this.
Walking back to where Warren's driver is parked, Amelia stopped to think for a moment about everything. She wanted to know if this was where she belonged, if this was the rest of her life. It certainly felt calming; a life where she didn't have to live in constant fear of whatever came next. Her mind wondered to the possibilities of allowing herself the luxury this life had. She wouldn't have to worry about money, a place to stay, food, clothes, even being alone. Everything is here just waiting for her to take it and yet...
She still felt like she didn't deserve it. Like something or someone might rip it all away from her any moment. Warren is a good man, he deserved someone just as good, someone with the same things he had, not the opposite. She knew they were opposites and part of her didn't care, her affection for him was growing stronger, more powerful by the minute.
"Something the matter? You're quiet." Warren asked softly, rubbing her back as she leaned against him on the way back.
She grimaced slightly, feeling like she should be honest to the only person who cared about her but she didn't want him to worry. Maybe now was not the time to talk to him about everything at once.
"No, everything is fine." She said and sat up, looking at him, making sure he saw her eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just I know for sure I'm not going to get used to any of this. I don't want you to be concerned about me. Everything is fine."
You've said that twice now, he thought. Warren's blue eyes checked her expressions; he wanted to believe her so he chose to, for now. In his heart he just knew something was on her mind, the way she spoke about a woman she knew, it was almost like she knew something and she wanted to confess it, but wasn't ready yet.
He smiled as he kissed her forehead, closing his eyes as he embraced her against him. "Whenever you're ready, I'm here."
"I know." She said, her voice muffled in his chest. She thought, that's the problem, how do I begin to tell him that I don't belong in his life?
"You know, my Auntie in many ways is just like my mom was. If you got along with Mimi I'm sure my mother would love you if she was still here."
You keep saying that, she thought but instead said, "Well, she's very sweet, I'm sure your mother was just as wonderful."
He paused before agreeing. There was something she wasn't telling him and it was starting to make him worry. He didn't realize how far they were until his driver pulled inside the parking garage of his building. He sighed before brushing her hair away from her face.
"We're here." Warren said, waiting until Amelia sat up at her own volition.
She smiled slightly, following his lead as they walked together holding hands in silence. Once in the elevator, Warren gently released her hand because he wanted her to not feel like she had to be near him but it was hard. He felt like she had to be.
"Hey, Amelia," he called after her when she walked in ahead of him, taking off her coat.
She turned to him, her expression unreadable.
"Are you alright?" He meant it this time, he didn't want to move forward if there was something seriously wrong. "I mean, are you feeling alright?"
Amelia put on a smile; the truth was she is happy, very much so, but something was refusing to leave her thoughts. It was the same feeling she had whenever anything positive happened to her.
They reached his floor and Amelia followed behind Warren as he opened the door and put away their coats. Amelia came close behind him, unable to stop thinking of what she had been before. She didn't know if he would ask again so she filled the silence with her own questions.
"Umm, so, you said you had something planned for tonight?" She asked him and took a seat on the couch.
He rubbed the back of his head and snapped his fingers. "Oh yeah, I did, I wanted to give you something."
Her face creased in a curious smile, "Oh?"
"Wait here..." He left the room to go find her gift as Amelia sat down and leaned back on the couch.
A few moments later, Warren came in carrying a small box. Amelia's attention immediately focused on what is in his hand. Her mouth opened and she couldn't help by cover it with her hand.
"I...wanted to give you this yesterday." He said, moving the box in front of her, nervous himself of her reaction.
Hesitating at first, she took it and held it for a moment, just staring at it. "I'm sorry, I didn't ask for anything."
"I know, I know you didn't. I wanted to; this is the start of so many things I want to give you."
She was finding it difficult to accept it but she looked at his face, almost begging her to open the box and she didn't want to disappoint him. Upsetting him was the last thing on her mind. She swallowed, knowing she should openly take anything she can get but trauma from her life prevented her from firmly taking it as her own.
Amelia took the top off the box and almost dropped what she saw; a golden locket, pendent-like with an emerald and ruby center reflecting back at her. Her eyes began to water; her throat went dry as she let her fingertips touch the trinket, transfixed.
"Tell me what you're feeling?"
Slowly she began to let herself relax and even smile as she felt the corners of her mouth lift in small joy. Deep down, she wanted this, she only dreamed of this life and now she has it, with a wonderful man.
"So many things...this is too amazing, so beyond me, I don't know if I should accept something so beautiful." She whispered.
"I already do." Warren confessed with a shaky voice.
Tears released from her eyes as Warren brushed them away, cupping her face, "Warren, this is so much. I'm not worth—"
"Yes, you are. You are to me. You've been amazing these last days. I know you've been scared, but you don't have to be anymore. I can take it all away. Let me." He said gently, leaning his forehead against hers.
Her eyes were closed as her face came near his. Their lips touched slightly, feeling that familiar sensation rush through her. Her heart beat faster than she knew it could, shockingly his was too. She could feel him against her as they came together once more, their lips touching more fervently this time. Innocent, pure and angelic. Describing the kiss was impossible; she was feeling so many things all at once.
Amelia pulled away to catch her breath, before anything else happened. "I don't want to fight this."
"So don't, be with me. Right now, don't fight. You don't need to fight anymore." Warren said, his lips pressing against her forehead, trailing down to her jaw line.
Her shallow breaths were making her body heat up, she put the box down and looked at Warren.
"This can't be real; I can't be here right now living this life. It doesn't seem possible."
"Why can't it be? We found each other, we need each other. This feels so right Amelia. Everything about you, I need you in my life."
"But what do I give back to you? I have nothing left...you forget I'm cursed like this. My eyes..." She glowed a soft pink which made Warren smile as he cupped her face. "There's something wrong with—"
"There's nothing wrong with your eyes. And you're not cursed. I'm not cursed either. We're the same, split down the center. We don't have to live in fear of the world. What life is that? Amelia, you don't have to give me anything, I just want you."
She couldn't speak, it's not that the words weren't allowing her to it's that she couldn't come out with them, they were too honest and they might change everything.
"What if I don't feel the same way about all this the way you do?"
Warren flinched back, confused, he was almost getting to her and now it seemed like she was pulling away. "What do you mean?"
She shook her hand; she had to keep her distance to say what she wanted to say. Warren glanced at her with a mix of fear and confusion, she could see fear more and she hated herself for what came next.
"I just think, maybe this is all moving too fast. I know I can't make you understand me. I'm sorry," She said in a rush, walking to the balcony windows.
Observing the door handle she broke off, she got flashes from when she tried to escape. She shivered, falling on the floor; she was conflicted, letting the flashes take over her. She didn't even notice Warren coming down to her level, touching her shoulder.
"Hey, look at me, Amelia, breathe it's alright. Just breathe, come on, I can't lose you now."
She felt her head go blank; she was in a daze, hating herself for making such a bold move.
"How could you just do this?" She asked, he looked confused. "I mean, deal with this...how?"
Warren licked his lips, knowing he would have to withhold the truth to give her the answer she needs to hear. If he confessed the reality, he really would lose her, he couldn't risk that.
"I'm sorry, OK? I don't know how you feel about all this, I'm really sorry if it feels too fast. I just...I've never met anyone like me before. It's always been me and I had to live with that. We can help each other, I promise, we can take all of this slow as you want." He whispered, slowly pulling her in his arms. "There"s no rush."
When they pulled away, Amelia had a look of apprehension. Her hesitancy was scaring Warren and he was running out of reasons to convince her to stay.
"This is so unpredictable Warren. Anything could happen, you deserve better than this. I feel like something horrible is going to happen and neither of us can handle it."
"You don't know if that's true, Amelia, you don't, neither do I. I'm scared every day. I've been so alone in who I am that I haven't realized how blessed I am to be alive. Our pain doesn't have to dedicate our lives. You can let it go."
He stood up from his knee not tearing his eyes away from her. Finally, she looked back at him, her frown slightly disappearing.
"I don't know if it can. That is all I know. I've been alone too. I just hope nothing bad happens."
He pulled her in his arms for another embrace and rested his chin on top of her head. He closed his eyes wondering if everything he said was enough to eventually convince her to stay with him. He had never felt so scared in his life of losing someone, not since his mom. He hadn't realized that Amelia was right about everything moving so fast. He hugged her with more urgency than before, just making sure she felt what he wanted to give to her.
When they pulled away, looking in each other's eyes, he tried his best to look at her with confidence, hopefully he succeeded.
"It won't, not while I'm here."
She let him pull her into a strong but soft hug as she said nothing. She didn't feel like she needed to. He would never lie to her, would he? She had understood that not everyone is her father. Not everyone wanted to hurt her. Maybe this was something real. Something she needed for a long time.
"I'm happy you're here. I want nothing more than to protect you. I don't want you feeling regrets. You don't need to feel them anymore."
When they pulled away Warren's fingers lightly touched her face, brushing her skin as they warmed under his own.
"Thank you, for...everything, giving me a second chance. That's more than—anyone can give me."
Warren smiled as he let his lips gently brush her cheek, lingering near her face; his lips finding hers as he softly touched them.
"This feels so real." She whispered against his lips.
"It is real." He covered her mouth with his again. "We can't be having the same dream."
But is it happening to me? Please don't get attached. Nothing lasts forever. She couldn't help those thoughts from coming. She smiled but it was false, she knew in the back of her mind that this was all just a dream, like Warren said. That's all it will ever be.
They sat down together near each other, Amelia put some distance between their bodies. She knew he was upset and confused but he was making it too real and she knew better.
"Do you wanna talk or..."
"No..." she said, not meaning for the words to sound so abrupt. "I'm sorry, I don't think I should."
Warren bit his lip, unsure of what was going on. He thought everything is fine and that she was finally coming around. Could she have figured out what he was keeping from her? There was no way. He shredded the evidence. She wouldn't have found it. He knew it wasn't right to keep such a secret from her but it wasn't fair that her staying changed nothing, she would be unstoppable eventually and there was nothing he could do about.
To not frighten her more, he relented. "OK, I'm sorry; I don't want you to think I'm forcing you."
She sighed, the truth was, "You aren't, it's not that. Like I keep saying, forgive me, it's just all so new. All of this. Your world is just so different. Seeing it up close is a bit scary. Do you know what I mean?"
"Yeah," he said in a shaky voice.
Things were getting unpredictable now. She was hot and cold. He didn't know what mood she was going to reveal next.
He hadn't realized she stood up slowly and walked to the opened balcony. The last time he watched her do that she was pulled from the edge. Instinct got the better of him and he followed behind her. He sighed with relief as she only just stood in place. The gust of wind pulling at her dark brown tresses, Warren still kept a close eye on her. Everything looked fine on the surface.
Warren observed her profile; he had never seen anyone more perfect. It was almost too good to be true. He hated that meeting her came from pain, he only wished if things were different and their paths crossed in a more positive light, he wouldn't have to struggle so hard with trying to know her. And that was just the thing that bothered him.
He has feelings for her, strong ones, and she has the same with him, he felt it, but can he go on like this? Can he be what she needs? Is he going to live in constant fear of what she'll be, what the doctor said she could be. Did he want to still be with her in spite of knowing who and what she is?
Warren walked beside her and stood near her, slowly he touched her hand, "Hey, are you OK?"
To Amelia, the question felt redundant. How many times was she going to lie to him?
One more time, it appeared. "Yeah, I am."408Please respect copyright.PENANA5LuvXgH8iq