I was in Kilang city, the same city that the courthouse was in, when the murder occured. Earlier that day, i had gotten my results for my mathematics finals test. I passed the test by two percent. I couldnt stop the self-dissapointment from overtaking my body. In that moment, i temporarily gave up. I had failed everything i worked for. To be fair, i hadn't studied very hard, but i knew i could do better. I just wanted to leave reality for a while until i was out of this mood. I had heard a movie was playing in the cheap cinema in Kilang city, so i left Suranne, my hometown, and drove to watch the movie. It was after 5.00 before i arrived in the cinema. "Lovestruck Stars" the movie title read. "Great. a lovestory" i muttered. Ignoring the fact that i was single and lonley, i paid the $4 fare for a small package of popcorn and searched for my seat in the movie.
Not only was the movie boring, it was two hours in duration. Thinking about it now, i feel horrible knowing i was watching a movie while something terrible was happening to my father.
After the movie, i treated myself to a feast of fast food before journeying home. As i pulled into the driveway in the low silver contraption i called my car, the clock showed 10.23.
I was exhausted. All i wanted to do was sleep. Sleep off my dissapointments in myself..
I showered and lay on my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
It was only until the next morning when i awoke to a knock on the door that i learned that bad news about my father.