As the days passed and the court visit came closer and closer, the nerves began to kick in. I am not guily. Not of anything to do with the murder of my father. Cant they just let me heal in peace?
The following day, the trial commenced, and the jury proclaimed that i, Jasper Kane, am not guitly.
Now here i am, driving home from Kilang city. As i thought about the detailed officer anderson had told me about the murder, i began to feel the tears pricking my eyes.
According to the police reports, he had been found in the edge of a feild about four blocks away from our house. He had been shot in the forehead, casuing his brain and body to shut down before eventually dying. There was no gun on the scene, and no evidence of another persons being there.
The road seemed endless as i made my way home. I didn't notice how much time passed until my phone started ringing. I wondered who eould be calling, if not the police. I had no friends, i was an introvert at school, and i had no family that was alive. All of the relatives i had were on my mothers side of the family. Pulling over, i answered the call.
It was one of my classmates, Isaac, calling. "Hey Jasper...i heard what happened.." I sighed. Was this a pity call?
Isaac's voice continued talking, "I was eondering if you wanted to come ice skating with my family tomorrow? It just might help you get your mind off things?" I considered the proposal. I could really use a but of normality, the oast few days have been alot. I was silently mourning over my father. It was still sinking in that he was really gone and i would never be able to see him or talk to him ever again..
I decided to accept the invitation. "Heyy Isaac. Thanks so much, i would really enjoy that...what time?" I could hear Isaacs noise of approval on the other end of the phone before he replied, "we were planning to leave at 9am, we'll pick you up."
I mentally recorded the time, "Ill see you then. Thankyou so much!" i replied before i hung up.