It was early when the knock sounded on the door. I stumbled downstairs rubbing my eyes. The knocking came again. "Coming" i mumbled. When i opened the door, my mouth dropped open. There standing at my doorstep were two policemen.
"Are you Jasper Kane?" one of the policemen asked. I nodded hesitantly. "We have some discouraging news about your father," the policeman hesitated before continuing, "He was the victim of a homocide last night."
I couldnt breathe. He was gone just like that. How could somebody do that to him. He was all i had after my mother left us when i was metely three years old.
"Mr Kane, we have reason to believe that you may have been involved in the murder of Landen Kane, your father," the larger policeman continued.
My knees buckled as the gravity of the situation hit me full force.
Landen, my dad, he was dead. And now, im the suspect! This is going to make things ten times worse then they already are.
"How long has it been since the murder?" I managed to ask.
"You can learn the details at the police station." the smaller policeman replied. "Come with us please Mr Kane."