It's a little weird. Growing up, I never guessed that I would be sitting in court at sixteen years old, being accused for murdering my own father. Everywhere I go, people look at me weird. Walking down the hallways to the courtroom, everyone was looking at me like I really had murdered him. They don't believe me when I say it wasn't me. I left the house and watched a dumb movie that I didn't even like. I wasn't even in the same town as him when the murder apparently occurred. Do they think I would actually kill my own father? The Jury has been sent to deliberate. I won't lie, I'm very anxious, but I have nothing to be scared of. I'm not guilty of anything. I'm not scared of them finding out anything because there's nothing to find out, except who really did kill my father. What I'm really scared of is being convicted for something I did not do.
My only hope is that they decide not to prosecute me.
As I stand in the lobby waiting to meet my lawyer and go into court, I can feel a sense of trepidation over the whole situation. As if something bad is going to happen, though I know for a fact it couldn't.
After all, nothing will ever come to me and I will just sit there, waiting on the jury to make their decision.
As I entered the courtroom aside my lawyer, I could almost hear the prosecutor saying "Guilty". I'm scared of what will happen to me now.
The few seconds of silence that passed between me and my future tore me apart. The whole court was tense, until the judge spoke. "The jury have arrived at a decision....."