It was a nebulous night, as Diego handed out flyers to some tourists and Klaus hung around Marcel, playing nice, as Marcel told him how he kept a never ending source of human blood for every vampire in town, trusting his sire and best friend with his secret.
“The city of New Orleans…people of all stripes and flavors from all over the country come here to party on our streets. Some are just looking for fun…some are looking for something a little dark, more dangerous. So, we invite them into my home and we give it to them. Then, at the stroke of midnight, everything changes, and it’s time to feed,” Marcel informed him. Marcel led Klaus to the balcony at the compound and he and Klaus watched, as the vampires below fed ravenously on the humans. “This is how I keep my guys happy: the occasional, all-you-can-eat buffet. My night-walkers love it. I’ve got ‘em working hard, trying to earn one of those Daylight rings. They deserve to blow off a little steam. My day-walkers, the trusted few---they just like the party.”
Klaus saw the ‘M’ monogram with a coil serpent crest, on the stone wall but didn’t comment on it. He wasn’t happy, though. This was disgracing the Mikaelson symbol with that serpent.
“It’s quite an operation. Tell me---what about the victims? Seems like a lot of graves to dig.”
“Can’t kill ‘em all. Too many folks go missing, tourism drops. So, we heal them with a little vamp blood, erase their memory, send them on their way---no muss, no fuss,” he answered the Original.
“I’m impressed,” Klaus commented.
“Nothing I didn’t learn from you back in the day,” Marcel commented back.
Thierry, one of Marcel’s vampires, approached them.
“Marcel,” Thierry said.
“Sup, Thierry?” Marcel questioned.
“Six of the guys were killed in a bar outside of the Quarter. Night-walkers. No one saw who,” he informed Marcel.
Klaus looked away, while Thierry told Marcel the news.
Meanwhile, Rebekah was driving her red convertible, as she checked herself in the rearview mirror and wiped a drop of blood off her cheek. She smiled and continued driving towards the house.
When Rebekah arrived and walked inside, Katherine was heading down the stairs. When Katherine saw her, she stopped in her tracks, wary of her, even though she knew Klaus was in the study room plotting against Marcel. She knew Klaus would protect her and the child, but she also knew how much Rebekah despised her. Now that she was human, Rebekah could kill her in a blink of an eye before Katherine had a chance to defend herself.
“Well, well; Look who decided to come home,” Katherine greeted, playing nice.
“And look who decided to get knocked up by my brother. Speaking of brothers, where’s Elijah? He hasn’t answered my calls.”
“That must be why you’re here. I don’t know. He hasn’t come to town yet as far as I know. If he had, I would have had to face him,” she answered the Original sister.
“Which means either something has happened or Klaus has done something to my brother.” Rebekah turned away from her and briskly began walking and yelling at the same time. “Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you’ve done to our brother, you narsistic, back stabbing wanker!”
Klaus opened the double doors of the study room.
“Enough with all the shouting!” He walked towards her and with a normal tone, and said, “Little Sister. I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing?”
“They were rude,” she defended. “Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours? Oh, that’s right, you don’t have any friends.”
“I do have friends. I have Marcel. You do remember him, don’t you? Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the King of the Quarter now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It’ll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you,” he said, pushing her buttons.
“I don’t care about Marcel or his rules. What did you do to Elijah?”
“Perhaps he’s on holiday…or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well, go on. Take a look around. You remember this house as well as I,” he half-joked, but wondered where he was as well.
“I remember everything,” Rebekah retorted. “I remember how the drunken fool of a governor hid away all of our vampire sins in exchange for gold. I remember the lavish parties the governor threw, as if to impress you. I remember finding a moment of affection with the governor’s son, Emil. And I remember that even Elijah was happy.”
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Klaus was seated in a chair upstairs as well was Elijah, as Klaus fed from a girl and Elijah kissed a girl’s neck. Then Rebekah spoiled it by asking one of them to turn Emil for her, but they both agreed that it was unwise to do so.
“Rebekah, the governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our…indiscretions. It would not do to turn his son into one of us,” Elijah reasoned with her.
“Please. For me,” Rebekah pleaded.
“It’s not going to happen, sister. If we turned every man you dropped your knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist and we’d have no bloody food,” Klaus reasoned with a little bit of teasing.
“How dare you, sir! You would do well to treat----,” Emil began.
Klaus grabbed Emil by the neck and forcibly walked him down the hallway.
“Brother---,” Elijah started.
“Niklaus!” Rebekah yelled.
“Niklaus, wait!” Elijah yelled.
“NO!” Rebekah yelled.
Klaus ignored them and threw Emil off the balcony, and Emil fell several stories and died instantly.
Elijah held Rebekah whom was sobbing while Klaus walked off.
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“Well, he wasn’t good enough for you,” Klaus argued.
“No one was ever good enough for me, Nik, you made sure of that. Now where is Elijah?” Rebekah pressed.
“I didn’t do anything with him, dear sister, but you’re free to look all you want.”
Rebekah’s face said that she didn’t believe him, so Katherine finally decided to intervene.
“If I may say something without you kicking my ass, Klaus hasn’t done anything to Elijah. He’s been getting Marcel to trust him so he can find out how to take him down. He’s also been here plotting and making sure nothing happens to our child or me. Besides, even after our breakup, I would never let anything happen to Elijah. You know I wouldn’t lie about that. He means too much to me,” she informed the blonde.
Klaus’ phone buzzed and Klaus looked at it, before starting to walk off.
“Where are you going?” Rebekah inquired.
Klaus looked at her.
“It appears the night is not quite over yet. I’m off for another drink with Marcel.”
“I don’t recall drinking with an enemy or nuisance helping any,” Rebekah replied.
“I know you don’t have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the ‘how’ so I might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn’t make my to-do list today.” He walked towards the door, but stopped to look at her. “Try not to hurt or kill my unborn child or Katerina or they’ll be consequences. Oh, and welcome home Little sister.” He left, closing the door behind himself.
Rebekah didn’t understand why Klaus wanted both of them safe and alive since he didn’t much care for Katherine, but she understood the unborn baby part. And as much as she hated it, pregnant by mistake or not, Katherine was family now.
She looked at Katherine.
“You know, you should’ve ran when you found out you were pregnant, but I guess welcome to the family.”
“Yeah, well, the witches have put some sort of hex on me. As long as I’m carrying this baby, I can’t leave New Orleans. If I do, they kill me,” Katherine answered.
“You’d best find a way to break that hex and run then. I’m sticking around to find Elijah and then I’m leaving,” Rebekah stated.
Rebekah walked off to the parlor, leaving Katherine standing there, to do as she pleased.
Katherine went to her room to stay away from her for her own safety.
Sophie Deveraux was scrubbing tables down after her shift. The bar was closed and she was the only one in the bar, so she assumed it was Marcel, when she heard a door slam. She’d heard about the six dead vampires, so she assumed he was there because of that news.
“Hello? Seriously, Marcel? Trying to scare me? I had nothing to do with the attack on your guys last night!”
The hanging pots behind her moved as if a wind had passed through them, and she turned around. She walked over to them slowly and grabbed a knife, which she lifted in enough time for Rebekah to appear, whom then grabbed her wrist.
“Sophie Deveraux. Know who I am?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Then you know we need to talk.”
Once at the cemetery, Rebekah and Sophie spoke.
“You’re a witch. I need you to do a locator spell on Elijah,” Rebekah informed her.
“I can’t use magic. It’s punishable by death---Marcel’s rules.”
“Marcel!? What do you think I’m going to do to you if you don’t give me what I want?” Rebekah threatened her.
“Not much. I’ve been linked, so anything you do to me, you do to Katherine,” Sophie informed her.
“Well, lucky for you, both of my brothers seem to care about her, otherwise I’d break your neck right here. How did Marcel get so bloody powerful, anyway? He wasn’t like this when I left a hundred years ago.”
“Marcel has a way to tell whenever there’s magic done in the Quarter. The ‘how’ isn’t relevant,” Sophie told her.
“I’ll tell you what’s not bloody relevant---a coven of witches who can’t do magic. Here’s an idea: move away,” Rebekah pointed out.
“We practice ancestral magic. This cemetery is filled with the remains of our witch ancestors. Without access to them, we’re powerless. If we run, we’re leaving our legacy behind---our home, our family,” she told her.
“Well, family’s overrated. Look at me. I’m back in a city that’s given me nothing but heartache, looking for a brother who’s hell-bent on Klaus’ redemption that I don’t believe in.”
“You’re here, aren’t you?”
“I’m here for Elijah. The instant I find him, I’m gone. I don’t want anything to do with that baby, Katherine, or something that will never happen. Klaus will never succeed at going against Marcel when the time finally comes. Everyone knows that they have history,” Rebekah began to rant.
“Klaus sired Marcel. I’m aware.”
“You don’t understand. Marcel is not just a guy that Klaus turned into a vampire. Klaus loved him like a son,” Rebekah clarified. “I was there the day that they met. We were burying Emil, the governor’s son…or so we thought. Turns out the governor had another son, from a mother that he owned. Klaus saw himself in the boy. He remembered how our father used to beat him. He too, was the bastard child of a man who saw him as nothing but a beast. And that is why your plan will fail. All you’ve done is bring back together two long-lost souls. Without Elijah between them, who know what they’ll do, with or without Katherine to intervene.”
Sophie absorbed what Rebekah had told her, as Rebekah walked off.
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Klaus stepped out of the dressed in black procession, seeing a man whip a young boy. The boy grabbed an apple off the ground from where he’d fallen to his knees in pain. The boy through the apple at the man, which infuriated the man whom then wounded the whip up for another lashing, but Klaus grabbed an apple off the ground and hurled it at the man. It hit him in the forehead, killing the man.
Rebekah and Elijah watched, as Klaus approached the boy.
“What is your name?” Klaus asked him.
“Don’t got one. Mama wouldn’t name me ‘til I turned ten, ‘case the fever took me…then it took her,” he replied.
Klaus crouched down before him, getting to his level.
“You’re a survivor, and survivors need names. How about Marcellus?”
“It comes from Mars, the God of War, and it means ‘little warrior’,” Klaus told him.
Klaus stood and held out a hand to him, who hesitated, but then smiled, and took his hand and got to his feet.
“Perhaps there is hope for our brother, after all,” Elijah commented.
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Marcel sat in a bar, drinking, when Klaus entered.
“Well, this is a far cry from last night’s party,” Klaus commented, and then saw Cami seated in the bar, writing. “Ah, in pursuit of the bartender I see.”
“She’s a work in progress,” Marcel replied.
“And yet here you are, pining over her when you should be eating her for lunch. Oh, she must be special,” Klaus said, which sort of reminded him of when he was in Marcel’s position back in Mystic Falls with Caroline.
“Business first. The coroner called. He’s got my number in case any dead tourists show up.”
“Let me guess---dead tourist with a stamp on the hand and vampire blood in their veins?”
“It happens. Someone takes a drunken tumble off a balcony, or into the Mississippi…And today I got two of them to deal with.”
Klaus went over to Cami when she began to pack her things up.
“Excuse me, luv. What’s that you’re studying?”
“Abnormal Psychology.”
“Abnormal Psychology, well. Perhaps you could help me diagnose my friend over here. He’s been a little bit depressed, can’t keep his mind off a girl. He tells me she’s a queen, fit for a king. I think he should cut his losses and move on. What’s your professional opinion?”
Cami looked at Marcel.
“Be a nice guy, and maybe the opportunity will present itself someday.”
“How about tonight, nine o’clock? I’ll meet you right here?” Marcel invited.
“I’ll take it under consideration,” she replied, before leaving.
“Mm, harsh,” Marcel stated.
“I daresay I’ve lost my touch. Or you’ve lost yours,” Klaus commented.
They smiled at each other, as they sipped their drinks.
Later that night, Rebekah watched from a balcony, as Klaus loaded Josh into a car, and Marcel talked on his cell phone, which made her remember a past memory.
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Rebekah was practicing fencing with a young Marcel.
“Attack au Fer! Now counter-parry. A hit! Palpable hit,” Klaus said, leaning against a wall of the compound.
“I’m gonna marry you someday,” Marcel said.
“I would never marry someone who couldn’t best me in a duel. Another lesson?” she replied.
Years later, when Marcel was a man, he and Rebekah dueled until Marcel backed Rebekah into a corner. They were about to kiss after they had removed their masks, but when Klaus appeared, they stepped back from each other.
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Rebekah was standing on a balcony, when Marcel found her.
“Rebekah Mikaelson. Come to teach me another lesson? Last time I saw you, Royal Street was burning and you all were fleeing from the city from your daddy.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“You never looked back to find out. Why are you here?”
“Elijah. He’s missing.”
“Stop. Stop right there. If there is one thing I learned about you Mikaelsons, it’s don’t get in the middle of family feuding. Doesn’t end well.”
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“There is nothing going on between us. I swear it, on my life.”
“Your life means something to me. Give me the privilege of honesty or that will cease to be the case,” Klaus threatened him.
“I like her. And I think it’s mutual, but I haven’t done anything about it. I wouldn’t, not---“
“And you won’t. I love my sister, but she lacks fortune when it comes to men. They come and go for her, but I am the constant. She’s my family,” Klaus said.
“You said I was family. I have begged you to turn me into a vampire.”
“And I told you, I will turn you when you’re ready. You go near Rebekah again, and you never will be,” Klaus said.
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“Even after all you’ve achieved, you’re still scared of him,” Rebekah stated.
“I’m not scared of anyone.”
“If I find out you know where Elijah is, you needn’t fear Klaus---I’ll kill you myself,” she threatened him.
“Nostalgia’s a blast and all, but I can’t help you. It was nice seeing you, though. Good luck finding what you’re looking for,” he replied, before jumping off the balcony.
Klaus was at a bar, when Marcel came up to him, where Klaus was having a drink.
“I know that face---woman trouble,” Klaus greeted.
“You’re a dick, you know that? Why didn’t you tell me your sister’s back in town?”
“Well, I thought it would be more amusing for you to find out for yourself,” Klaus replied.
“Is there anything else that I need to know?”
“Only that she’s gone considerably more insane in the last century.”
“Or maybe that it was her who killed my guys?”
“Doubtful. Unless the biker bar is frequented by small-town, high school quarterbacks, I can’t imagine she’d be interested.”
“I don’t have time for Mikaelson family drama. You’re my guest---keep your sister in line.”
“I’d have a greater chance of drinking the Mississippi with a straw!” Klaus said after him, as Marcel left.
Meanwhile, Katherine sat on a cement bench in the French Quarter, alone. She needed some time out of the house after everything. Not only was she pregnant with Klaus’ child, but Elijah was missing, which worried her, and she knew that it wasn’t Klaus’ doing this time around. She was also out here after buying some vervain, though now that she thought about it, if the baby was half vampire, would the vervain harm or kill the child? She didn’t want anything to happen to the baby. She’d been pregnant before, but she promised herself that this time it was different. Klaus would protect them both and Katherine wouldn’t let any harm come to their baby.
She got to her feet, when she heard a twig snap. When she turned around a male vampire was there.
“Dumb move, coming into the Quarter. You’re coming with me,” he ordered her.
“You apparently don’t know who I am, because I don’t take orders from anyone, nor follow the rules, least of all from a night walker,” she replied, doing the Katherine thing and standing up for herself. She turned around to get out of there, but was faced with two other male vampires.
Suddenly, Rebekah showed up and snapped the neck of one vampire and ripped the other two’s hearts out from behind.
“Now that is no way to treat a pregnant lady. I do hate bad manners,” Rebekah said to the dead vampires, before dropping the hearts.
Katherine looked at her silently, digesting the fact that Rebekah of all Mikaelsons had just saved her life.
Later that night, after Rebekah and Katherine got home, Klaus was informed that she had to save Katherine, so when Klaus came home, he started burning the bodies. Afterward, Klaus walked inside and turned to Katerina. He needed to know what she had been doing in the French Quarter. It was dangerous out there for both her and their child. She could’ve been killed or captured.
“What were you doing in the Quarter, Katerina?” he asked her.
“Let it go. It doesn’t matter as long as they’re both alive, right?” Rebekah tried to intervene.
“Of course it matters, dear sister. She could’ve gotten them both killed.”
“You want to know what I was doing in the French Quarter? Fine. I was buying vervain as a precaution,” Katherine replied to settle the dispute between Klaus and Rebekah.
Klaus pinned her against a wall with an arm to her neck and she gasped, trying to breathe around his hold.
“Do you have any idea what that could do to our child?” he said angrily.
“Nik! Nik!” Rebekah yelled at him.
He ignored her.
Rebekah pushed him off her at vamp speed, surprisingly stopping him from doing something he’d regret in his anger, probably saving Katherine for once.
“Keep your hands off her! She’s pregnant for God’s sake! You act like you could care less about the child and then the second she tells you she bought vervain that may or may not harm your child, you get angry about it? It’s okay to care. It’s okay to want something. That’s all we’ve ever wanted,” Rebekah said, as she stood between Katherine and her brother, as Katherine coughed, getting her breath back.
Klaus calmed himself down, but wasn’t happy about being confronted with his feelings. He then left without a word.
Rebekah watched him go, as Katherine went outside to sit on the porch, which Rebekah soon joined and sat next to her.
“I know you don’t like me much, but thanks. I appreciate what you’ve done for me. Klaus can have a temper. I can deal with it, but me being human, I don’t stand a chance against him if he decides he doesn’t want our child and decides to kill me,” Katherine said.
“Us girls have got to look out for each other,” Rebekah simply replied. Katherine had been a terrible person as a vampire, but she realized that being human had changed her. All she wanted was the baby to live.
Rebekah gave a smile, which Katherine returned.
Meanwhile, Marcel was drinking a bottle of wine at the bar, and decided to go sit by Cami.
“I sent everyone home for the night. I’m your humble host,” Marcel told her.
“Oh…okay. Extra points for flair,” she replied.
“And the night’s just started. What made you decide to come?”
“Everyone deserves a chance.”
Later that night, after Rebekah and Klaus had gone to do their thing, Katherine took the chance in the Quarter to see if she could find some kind of lead on her favorite Original. And when she did, she felt something and walked into the vacant church, towards the attic, though she didn’t know how she could sense magic when she wasn’t a witch.
She opened the door to the attic and walked in. She could sense that this magic was powerful and she could see drawings of different people she recognized. Jane-Anne and others whom had done magic. That’s when she realized that she had found the place of Marcel’s secret weapon. At least one thing was going right for her tonight.
A moment later, a teenage girl came out so that she could see her.
“Who are you?” the girl questioned.
“Well, this is new. Usually this face gives it away. Katherine Pierce, but I’m human now. Your turn. Who are you?”
“Davina. What are you doing here?”
“Looking for clues as to where Elijah is, but though I can sense that you’re powerful, Elijah’s not here. I have great instincts and I know how witches work. I’ll be going now.”
Katherine closed the door and left both the attic and church. She then went back home to deliver the news to her two bodyguards. It was late though, so she decided to tell them in the morning.
That morning, Katherine was still in bed when Klaus entered her room. The vial of vervain was on a chest that was by the foot of the bed, so he took it and looked at it, making sure none of it was missing.
“I didn’t use it,” Katherine said, sitting up in bed and looking at him.
“You’re awake.”
“I could barely sleep,” Katherine replied.
“What stopped you?” he questioned.
“Well, I figured that it is vervain and we don’t know what this baby is yet. If it’s half vampire, I’ll be hurting our baby and I would never hurt a child, born or not.”
“I’m beginning to think we’re a lot alike, you and I. We’re both castoffs who have learned to fight when we’re backed into a corner,” he mused.
“Well, we’re backed into a corner now.”
“Ah, that we are. It’s time to fight, Katerina.”
“This whole thing with Marcel---the deal you have with the witches, trying to take him down, take what’s his---it seems like he was once more than a friend to you. What happened?” she wanted to know.
“I made Marcel everything he is. I treated him like a son. And when my father chased me and my family from New Orleans a hundred years ago, we believed Marcel was killed---we each mourned him, in our own way. Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived, he had thrived. Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. Now, he is living in our home, he is sleeping in our beds. That ‘M’ he stamps everywhere…it’s not for ‘Marcel.’ It’s for ‘Mikaelson.’ I want it all back, and if I have to push him out to get it, then that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll have someone see to the air conditioning,” he replied.
“Then we’ll do it together, as one. I’m part of this family now,” she said.
“Glad to have you onboard, luv,” he replied, before going downstairs.
After getting ready and eating, she came into the parlor where Klaus and Rebekah were at.
“I found out what Marcel’s weapon is last night,” she informed them.
“And you waited until now to say anything?” Rebekah inquired.
“I’m sorry, but it was late and I just wanted to go to bed,” she replied to her.
“What is it?” Klaus asked.
“It’s a ‘who,’ actually. A teenage girl, Davina. She can’t be more than sixteen, and I have never felt power like that,” she replied to him.
“A witch,” Klaus stated.
“Not just any witch. She’s something different.”
“Where is she?” he questioned.
“The church in the attic, but you can’t get in, because she has a shield in place for vampires. Marcel possesses a weapon bigger and more powerful than an Original and we don’t know where Elijah is.”
“We can find my dear brother later, luv. We have to deal with Davina and Marcel.”
“And how is that going to work? Our home is worthless without family,” Rebekah replied.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to find Elijah, but Marcel needs to be taken down first,” Klaus told her.
“I’m sure Elijah will be fine. I’m not taking sides between either of you, but Marcel and Davina need to be first priority, as much as I hate to say it,” she told Rebekah.
“Fine, but after all of this, we’re finding Elijah. Our home is nothing without family,” she finally agreed, outnumbered two to one.