It was a beautiful day, as Katherine woke up to see that she was in a cabin with her hands tied with a rope.
She sat up.
Tyler walked into the cabin with a guy she assumed was a friend.
“You’re awake,” he stated.
“What do you want, Lockwood?” she demanded. Though she was human now, she wasn’t afraid of the young hybrid. Even human, she could deal with Klaus, so she knew she could deal with Tyler. She wasn’t friends with him, but she knew him well.
“I’ve been asking questions and found out that you got yourself knocked up by Klaus. That’s a long way from the Katherine I know. You would never willingly be close to the one person that ruined your life. So, I asked around and guess what I found out? You warmed up to him and got pregnant with his spawn, which just so happens to be something special to some species and an abomination to others,” he stated.
“This is about Klaus killing your mother,” she guessed. “You know, vengeance is overrated. Take it from me.”
He knelt down in front of her and used a knife to cut the rope, freeing her hands. He then got to his feet.
“You think Klaus cares for you and that baby? He just wants it for hybrids,” he informed her.
“You’re wrong,” Katherine replied.
“See for yourself,” Tyler said, before giving her a cut with the knife and having the vampire feed from her. Then he snapped the vampire’s neck. “That child will help him make an army of hybrids. He doesn’t care for either of you.”
“Just because our child can make hybrids, that doesn’t mean that that’s what he’s after,” she argued with the hybrid she’d known since she’d first come to Mystic Falls and had played his Uncle Mason.
Meanwhile, Klaus and Elijah were walking around in the Bayou, searching for Katerina and her captor. Klaus was raving mad, but innerly controlling his anger. If anything happened to either of them, there was going to be consequences.
“You seem quite determined to find Katerina,” Klaus commented. He knew Elijah had broken up with her, so there shouldn’t be anything between them anymore. Besides, Katerina was going to be having his child; not Elijah’s.
“If I’m moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you’re welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down,” Elijah replied, a little irritated at him for insinuating that he may not care about Katerina anymore.
“Ah, so I’ve touched a nerve,” Klaus stated, before sniffing the air and looking around.
“Have you found her scent?” Elijah questioned, hopeful. If anything happened to Katerina, her captor would have no mercy. If need be, he would kill whoever took her as consequence if she was harmed.
Klaus came upon Tyler’s SUV and started searching through its contents in the back of the SUV.
“No, but I found someone else’s. This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of. Tyler Lockwood,” he informed him with a growl. He was going to kill that hybrid if he’d harmed her.
“And why would your little hybrid-sidekick from Mystic Falls have any interest in Katerina?” Elijah had to ask.
“He wants revenge because I went after his girl.”
“Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses?”
“Back when I had the means to sire hybrids, he was my first. Although, I didn’t give him much choice in the matter.” He pulled out a blanket from the abandoned car and sniffed it. “He was loyal in the beginning, but he grew insubordinate, turned my hybrids against me. I couldn’t have that, so I massacred the lot of them. Tyler ran like a coward before I could finish him off.”
“Anything else that you would like to share?” Elijah asked, and sighed in frustration.
“Well, there was this business with his mum…”
“You killed his mother,” Elijah stated, incredulous. “Wonderful.”
“He needed to be taught a lesson!” Klaus defended.
“And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliates by harming Katerina?”
“Enough. I’ll kill Tyler Lockwood myself,” Klaus stated, before hybrid speeding away to find Tyler.
Marcel was walking downstairs after dropping off Josh in Davina’s room, so she could strip away what Josh remembered of what Klaus had compelled him to do, and was about to leave, when he noticed someone’s presence and stopped.
“I thought you were leaving town! Couldn’t stay away, huh?”
Rebekah came out of nowhere and slammed him onto the floor and held her stiletto-heel-clad foot against his neck.
“I was half-past Louisiana when I found out you invaded our home. What have you done with Katherine?”
Marcel smiled as he gasped for breath.
“You’re so hot when you’re angry.”
Rebekah furiously lifted Marcel up off the ground and threw him against the nearby wall. He landed on the floor.
“You used me!” she yelled.
Marcel stood up.
“I’m pretty sure that was mutual.”
“Beguiled by your charms, I slept with you like a fool, led you to our home, and then you took Katherine?”
“Whoa, I didn’t take anybody! Alright? I already sorted this out with your brothers. But, it begs the question----why’d you come back?”
“If Klaus learns it’s my fault you found your way to the plantation----“
“You really think I’d rant you out? Come on!” He caressed her face. “If you think I’d ever, in a thousand years, do anything to hurt you, you’ve got me confused with Klaus.”
“All your charms and flirtations simply prove that you’re every bit the liar and manipulator that Klaus is.”
“Is that what you really think?” he asked, a little hurt.
“By all means, prove me wrong.”
“Fine. Come on, there’s something that you need to see.”
Marcel left and Rebekah followed him.
After the vampire in transition to become a hybrid woke up, Tyler had him feed from Katherine which then turned him into a new hybrid. Tyler pulled him off her and then took him outside to calm down. After he’d calmed down, Tyler walked back inside.
“Whatever you’re thinking of doing, there has to be another way,” she tried to reason, not wanting to die.
He walked towards her with the knife in his hand and she knew that she could only do one thing. She grabbed the broken chair leg off the floor and stabbed him in the gut, just as the knife was driven into one of her thighs, though she knew he’d meant to kill her with it; not just injure her.
Tyler screamed in pain and then pulled it out.
“That was stupid!”
He started to walk towards Katherine again, but the new hybrid came in and blocked Tyler.
“Get away from her!”
“What do you care?” Tyler questioned.
“I said get away!”
Tyler got annoyed.
“You got what you wanted, now get lost!”
The new hybrid tossed him across the room and he landed on the floor.
When Tyler got up, the new hybrid tackled him, but Tyler eventually overpowered him and ripped his heart out. That’s when he noticed that the human had ran off, while they’d been fighting. That angered him and he left to go find her.
As Katherine ran through the trees at the best of her ability, the knife still in her thigh, she knew she had to find Klaus.
After a few minutes, she stopped running and put her back against a tree, and slid to the ground, sitting there, and hoped for Klaus to find her.
Meanwhile, Tyler was still looking for Katherine.
“Katherine! Don’t make this harder than it has to be! Give up now…I’ll end it quick.”
Klaus appeared before him.
“Quite an offer! Though, not one I’ll be extending to you.”
Tyler braced himself for a fight.
“Hello, Tyler. You look well! I aim to change that.” He smiled. “Threatening a pregnant girl in order to exact revenge against me? I never expected you to sink so low!” He walked towards Tyler. “I admit, I’m impressed!”
Tyler put more distance between them.
“Used to hang out with you. I guess something must have rubbed off.”
“What would Caroline say if she saw what you’ve become? Perhaps I’ll ask her when I call her to tell her of your demise.”
Tyler smiled.
“Whatever happens to me, Caroline’s never going to stop hating you!”
Klaus ran towards him and tossed him into a tree.
“Come on, mate! Give it a bit more effort! I want to enjoy myself.”
Tyler glared at Klaus and braced himself for a fight, but decided against it, and hybrid sped off.
Klaus smiled and then chased after him.
Marcel led Rebekah into the Garden and gestured at a vampire guard to leave them alone.
“What is this place?” Rebekah asked, not knowing what it was.
“This is the Garden. It’s where I punish vampires who break my rules.” He pulled out some blueprints from a hole in the wall. “But, a long time ago, it used to be something else.” He spread out the blueprints and showed them to her. “Go on, tell me what you see.”
“Two stories, Greek columns, wraparound porch. High ceilings, transom windows…It’s lovely. So what?”
“So, I designed it for you. It was going to be yours.”
Rebekah was stunned. “That, this…was supposed to be our happily-ever-after?”
“Yours and mine.” He put the blueprints away. “Except you flew the coop with Klaus. I already built the foundation for the place. I halted constructions after you took off. The plan was to wait for you to return. You never did, so now it’s where I bury the people who betray me.”
“You could have come after me!”
“You were with Klaus! I didn’t know where, I didn’t know if you still wanted to be with me! All you had to do was come home!”
“It was more complicated than that. Not long after we left here, he put a dagger in my heart and stuck me in a box for ninety years. He stole a century from me like it was nothing!”
“That’s what he does, Rebekah! Klaus will never be happy. He’ll be damned if he lets anyone get something that he can’t have!”
“I know! I’ve been dancing to this song for a thousand years!”
“Starting right now, you have a choice, between the brother who takes away your happiness whenever he feels like it, and the man who wants to give you anything you ever wanted.”
They stared at each other for a long moment, until she broke the silence.
“He will kill you in front of my eyes out of spite.”
Marcel shook his head.
“Not if we get rid of him first.”
Rebekah looked at him in shock.
Klaus was looking for Tyler.
“Is this your idea of revenge, Tyler? A grueling game of hide-and-seek?”
Tyler ran up behind Klaus and stabbed him through the chest with a stake.
Klaus yelled in pain and backhanded Tyler away, before pulling the stake out and readied himself for a fight.
Klaus glared at Tyler.
“Let’s end this, shall we?”
They glared at each other and then let their hybrid faces emerge, before they lunged at each other.
Tyler tackled Klaus, and they rolled down a hill and landed in front of the cabin. Tyler punched him, so Klaus grabbed him in a choke-hold.
“How dare you!” Klaus said.
“I’m just getting started.”
Tyler staked him in the side, and Klaus groaned in pain.
“You’ve grown bloodthirsty. Perhaps it’s best your mother didn’t live to see you like this.” Klaus laughed at that.
Tyler got more enraged and began to pummel Klaus, but Klaus then grabbed his fist and flipped him over so Klaus was on top of him, and staked Tyler in the chest with the stake that had been in his side.
They got to their feet.
“It’s sad, really. I thought I made you better. Turns out you’re quite the disappointment.”
Tyler pulled the stake out of his chest and threw it aside.
“I guess I’m another one of your failures. Like how you failed at making hybrids. How you failed your family!” He approached Klaus and smiled. “Now it looks like you’re going to fail your own kid!”
Klaus grabbed Tyler by the throat and pushed him against a tree.
“And thus ends your tedious little life. At least it was brief!”
He jammed his hand into Tyler’s chest and grabbed his heart, as Tyler gasped for breath. Then he ripped his heart out and let both his body and heart fall to the ground. He then left to go find Katerina.
Katherine was still seated against the tree, looking at the knife in her thigh. She knew it had opened up an artery, because of how much blood she was losing, as well as how the wound looked. She knew she couldn’t go anywhere with the knife in her thigh, so she was trying to summon up the courage to pull it out. She was weak and was fighting to stay awake though.
“Katerina,” she heard from close by, and then, a moment later, Klaus was there in front of her. For once, she was thankful for his presence. She knew he’d get her out of here and taken care of.
“Klaus,” she said softly, as she looked at him with the best of her ability.
Klaus gave a growl, unhappy at Tyler injuring her, and quickly pulled the knife out of her thigh. He noticed that she was pale from the wound and blood loss.
“I’m here, Katerina,” he assured her.
He put her arm around his shoulders and got to his feet with her in his arms, as she blacked out. He then blurred out of the Bayou and towards home for help. He wasn’t knowledgeable in the medical field like his sister was, but he knew an extensive wound when he saw one.
While Klaus sped home, Elijah found what was left of Tyler and the body of the other hybrid, which was interesting, since Elijah didn’t recognize this hybrid as any of Klaus.’
Once home, the Original layed her gently onto her bed and sat on her bedside, a gentle hand on the side of her face.
“You’re going to be okay, luv. I won’t let anything happen to either of you.”
He took his hand away.
Downstairs, Rebekah had just come home, and smelled blood, so she blurred upstairs to find Nik with an injured Katherine.
Rebekah walked into the room and Klaus looked at her.
“You’re home. Why don’t you tend to Katerina? I’d rather not chance giving her blood.”
“Of course, but what happened?” she replied.
“Tyler Lockwood. I left his remains in the Bayou,” he stated.
Klaus left and Rebekah approached to see what she had to do to save her.
As Rebekah took care of Katherine’s thigh wound, Elijah and Klaus talked downstairs. Elijah told him about the extra hybrid body after Klaus told him that he’d found Katerina and she was being tended to by Rebekah.
When Katherine woke up, she was in her room with Elijah seated in a chair by her bed.
She slowly sat up.
“Elijah. Where’s Klaus?”
“How do you feel? I hear Tyler injured you.”
“I’m fine. It was just an opened artery. It’s been taken care of. I’ll live. What happened to Tyler?”
“Klaus killed him. I am curious though, Katerina, why I found an extra dead hybrid.”
Klaus leaned in the doorway at that moment.
“We both are dear Katerina.”
She looked at Klaus.
“Tyler experimented on our child’s blood. Turns out, she’s the key to making hybrids if you decide to ever take up that hobby of yours again. That hybrid was the experiment Tyler made. It acted like it was sired to me instead, though. He tried to protect me from Tyler,” she explained. “Thanks for saving me,” she added.
“No need, luv. I’ll always protect you both. As for the successful experiment, that didn’t cross my mind. I promise I won’t use our child for personal gain,” he replied, guessing her and Elijah’s thoughts.
He left.
She looked at Elijah.
“You can go now.”
Taking the hint, he left and she layed back down.