It was a beautiful day, as Klaus layed in bed shirtless in his room. He was obviously in pain from Papa Tunde’s blade being in his chest. Elijah was watching him, clearly conflicted.
“This was all you,” he said to Klaus. Then he uses a scalpel to slice into him along the red scar bisecting his chest, before jamming his fist into the open wound to grab the blade. Then he finally pulled the knife out of Klaus’ chest, and Klaus groaned, waking up now. “Niklaus, it was not my desire to bring you pain, but I will not see you hurt Rebekah.”
Klaus weakly said, “Elijah. You will pay for this.”
Katherine entered the room and Elijah turned to look at her.
“Katerina,” he greeted. “I hope that you’ll do us all a favor and watch over Klaus. Of all the people here, you’re the only one he wouldn’t slaughter. Now, I fear Sabine will be making a final move against us. I intend to find her and to end this.”
“Of course,” she said, actually find herself happy to help Klaus, which was strange after everything he’d done to her for the last 500 years. But carrying Klaus’ child, she was technically now a Mikaelson, so she was now a part of all this drama that came with this dysfunctional family of theirs. Besides, she hated to see Klaus in pain. She had to help him any way she could.
She watched, as Elijah left, before going to sit at Klaus’ bedside.
Meanwhile, at the Bayou, Celeste whom was still inside Sabine’s body, was tied to a tree with the wolves watching her and guarding her until Katherine got there, some still in wolf form and others in human form.
“So, what’s this, payback? Look. I’m sorry I tricked you. I wasn’t after you,” Celeste said, frustrated.
“What, and we were just collateral damage? You almost burned her alive in that plantation fire,” Eve said, talking about Katherine.
Celeste struggled against the ropes to free herself, and Eve used the rifle to shoot a warning shot near Celeste.
“Careful, Celeste. I’d rather not do that if I were you,” she said.
Back at the compound, Katherine was still seated on his bedside, waiting, as he slowly began to recover, her letting him feed from her wrist. She’d never thought in any amount of years or experience that someday she’d be letting Klaus feed from her, or even that she’d ever be human again.
“Klaus, we have to talk. I know you’re raving mad at Rebekah and Elijah, and I don’t care what you do about Marcel, but they’re your family. You can’t just kill Rebekah. She’s your sister. You’ve looked out for her for 1,000 years and now you’re just going to kill her for a stupid mistake she made in 1919? As for Elijah, I ask that you don’t harm him. He was just doing what he thought he had to. Otherwise, you would’ve killed her and he couldn’t let that happen.”
Klaus finished and let go of her wrist. He then looked at her.
“I’m too weak for one of your talks right now. She’s done what no one else has managed to do to me for 1,000 years; Rip my heart out. I’d let me guard down and given in to happiness—more fool, I.” He sat up in bed. “They betrayed me, and brought to town the one thing I’ve been running from for centuries.” He didn’t have to say who, since he knew that she knew who it was. Mikael. But now that was over with since he’d killed him a year ago before Mikael could kill him.
“You’re consumed by revenge right now,” she stated. “Elijah implied Rebekah and Marcel could be anywhere in the world by now,” she said, though she doubted that they’d left town already. This was their home just as much as it was Elijah and Klaus’ and now hers.
“I doubt they’ve left town. They’ll need a cloaking spell first, and for that, they’ll need a witch,” he replied, and she could see that he was thinking of a plan of action. “There’s only one place they can go. Home.” Klaus attempted to get out of bed and she got to her feet, but he was too weak still and he almost fell, but she caught him.
“You’re still weak,” she stated.
“I’m still hungry. There’s a fresh blood supply in the kitchen,” he said.
“You won’t make it that far. So, get back into bed.”
“If I had a quid for every time a woman has tried that line on me,” he replied.
“You’d have, like, no money,” she stated.
“I beg to differ. Some women actually find me quite charming,” he replied, thinking of a girl named Lana who, back in the day, had been an enemy turned into an ally.
“Why am I not surprised you like opera?” she said.
“I always had a particular soft spot for Le Huguenots. I like the story.” He got out of bed. “It was a tale of forbidden love, a Romeo and Juliet of sorts. On the day they are to marry, family and long-festering hatred intervene. Thousands are massacred. A father even kills his own child in the final act. I can almost appreciate the irony.”
When he said that, she knew he was talking about his family. So many times of them backstabbing each other, in Klaus’ case, literally. And all the times they’d gone from love to hate with each other and from love to seeking vengeance.
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Marcel and Rebekah were sitting in Rebekah’s car at a crossroads at the backroads of New Orleans, considering their options for leaving town before Klaus could find them.
“He’ll chase us to the ends of the earth, and he’ll find us. No one can hide forever, especially from an angry Mikaelson,” she stated.
“Then we go through with the plan. There’s only one way that we’ll truly be able to hide from Klaus forever. Davina is our one shot,” Marcel replied.
“If we go back and get her, it’s a suicide mission,” she stated.
“It's our only hope. We resurrect her, take her with us, and get out of town. Then, she can hide us from Klaus so he'll never find us,” he told her.
“We don’t even know the right witch to kill to bring her back,” Rebekah reminded him.
“Then we’ll kill them all,” he replied.
“Just kill the three witches that brought the mighty Klaus Mikaelson to his knees, no big deal,” she said, skeptical.
“Look. Unless you want to spend eternity looking over your shoulder, there’s only one thing we can do,” he reasoned.
Rebekah leaned her head back into the seat of the car. She sighed as Marcel turned the car around so they could head back toward the city.
Monique was laying on the ground in one of the tombs at the cemetery, surrounded by candles as she chanted something in French Creole. When she heard the sound of approaching footsteps, she stopped chanting and sat up to find that Elijah had entered the tomb.
“When order is restored, your kind won’t be allowed in here,” she stated to him.
“Well, fortunately, that day has not yet come. I need to find Sabine.”
“And you think I’d help you?” She scoffed and stood up to face him. “Sabine is one of us, committed to the rise of the witches.”
“The only thing Sabine is committed to is the destruction of my family,” Elijah told her.
“And that would be a bad thing why?”
“Like your mother, my mother was also a witch, a very powerful witch. In fact, because of my family, her power now flows through your veins. Now, once Sabine manipulates those around her, she will do what she has always done. She will jump into another body and disappear, leaving your witches powerless,” he shared with her.
“No. She has the faith. She will see our power restored,” Monique said, not wanting to believe what Elijah had told her.
“There's a way of guaranteeing this. I'll also secure the safety of yourself and your kind. Here.” He handed her a spell. “This is from my mother's grimoire. Celeste used a similar spell to body jump. If what Sabine says is true, when she sacrifices herself, all of her power will flow back into the earth. However, if she has lied and tries to take another body, this spell will deliver her to a very different destination. Now, please locate Sabine.”
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At the docks, Rebekah and Marcel were meeting with Thierry at his warehouse.
“Papa Tunde is dead. That leaves Sabine, Bastianna, and Genevieve,” Rebekah said.
“We want to kill them all, and as soon as Davina rises, we take her with us,” Marcel informed Thierry.
Thierry poured himself and Marcel a drink.
“Look. We have one shot at this, and I know our chances of success are sweet bugger all, but we've got to do it. So please, one stray dog to another, help us,” Rebekah said.
“Not many go up against those odds and live to tell the story. Have you?” Thierry replied.
He handed Marcel a drink.
“I’m still standing here, aren’t I? I’ve gone up against the worst of them all,” Marcel stated, obviously talking about coming up against Mikael in 1919 and living through it.
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Later, Thierry had a meeting with Bastianna and Genevieve. He sat down.
“Where's the third one, Sabine? I asked to meet with all three of you.”
“Our meeting you at all is a courtesy for your being a friend to witches in the past, but courtesy has its limits. Now, you said you had information of interest to us,” Genevieve said.
“Rebekah and Marcel are back. They came for Davina, and they think that they can get her if they kill all three of you.” The witches smiled at one another, amused. “Now Look. I can lead you straight to them, but there’s something I want in return,” Thierry informed them.
“And what’s that?” Bastianna asked.
Thierry stood up. “Your life.”
He vamped out, baring his teeth at the witches and lunged towards them. Before he could attack, Bastianna used magic to give him an aneurysm, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.
Bastianna began to chant something, but then Marcel vamp-sped into the room and slammed her head against the table. Rebekah followed in behind him and threw Genevieve against the wall. Marcel easily ripped Bastianna’s head from her body, killing her, but when Rebekah attempted to kill Genevieve she chanted at her and gave her an aneurysm as well. Rebekah then put hands on either side of her head and screamed in pain. Marcel attempted to attack, but Genevieve stopped him by using a non-verbal pyrokinesis gesture that lit the sleeve of his jacket on fire.
“Follow me, and I’ll turn you both into ash,” Genevieve warned, before leaving.
The fire on his jacket went out and Rebekah attempted to follow, but Marcel stopped her.
“Forget her. We’ll get her later.”
“Marcel, all we had was the element of surprise and we’ve lost it. If we don’t leave now, there will be no one to save us,” Rebekah replied.
“I already failed Davina once. I’m not leaving her behind,” he replied.
Later, Klaus had finally recovered. Katherine came into the parlor and found Klaus pouring himself a drink.
“That won’t help, you know. You want to self-medicate your self-pity, fine. Better scotch than my blood, no matter what Elijah thinks.” She’d gone along with what Elijah had told her to do, but only because she’d wanted to help Klaus out. She didn’t believe that Elijah was fully right, but she knew the reason for it.
“Don’t speak to me of Elijah,” he stated.
“He loves you,” she reminded him.
“Yes. He does, and he proves it time and again, even when my father enlisted him to kill me. Elijah has always carried guilt for that night for not stopping our father. I told him not to blame himself. When your father wants to kill you, he wants to kill you. Nothing you can do about it.” His phone vibrated and he checked it. “Oh, I hate to be a know-it-all. My sister and her lover have been spotted in town. So, story time endeth here, I'm afraid.”
Before she could try to stop him or persuade him not to do this to Rebekah, he vamp-sped out of the compound.
When she went to go find him, she finally found him feeding on a random guy. When he noticed her, he stopped feeding and sent the guy away.
“If you’ve come to stop me, don’t.”
She knew what he was doing. He was restoring his strength with blood so he could have the strength to kill Rebekah.
“You know, several occasions, I wanted to kill you. I even helped them out in doing so. I could’ve even shoved the cure down your throat and tried to kill you. It crossed my mind, but I didn’t. I stopped, because you’re Elijah’s family and because I didn’t want you to die if it meant that those I may care about would die if you did. That, and I saw some good in you after 500 years. You somewhat changed, which we all have Caroline to think for that. I knew if I did those things to you, I’d regret it. You will, too, if your hurt your sister. Your sister, Klaus. As someone who’s lost her entire family, who has felt that pain, you won’t survive if you’re the one who kills her,” she said, trying to persuade him not to do it.
“I'll tell you what I almost didn't survive, luv-- My sister bringing the most vile creature ever to have walked the earth down upon me.”
“Yes, Mikael. But, by hunting Rebekah down to the ends of the earth, by terrorizing them the way you yourself were terrorized, you’ll be no different than him. Don’t become Mikael,” she reasoned.
“I've been called every shade of monster, but that's new. My father? Mikael was the monster monsters were afraid of. Let me show you.” He vamp-sped with her to outside the opera house. It was still in ruins from what Mikael had done back in 1919. “You know the city’s history. That night in 1919, when the opera house burned down on this very spot, that was Mikael’s doing. I lived, but all that we had built died, as did the last shred of me that felt human. That is what my father took from me that night. I assure you, I will not terrorize my sister and her lover for centuries. Nor will I humiliate and torment or dehumanize them. No, none of that. I will simply and quickly end them.” He let go of her, before vamp-speeding away.
“Klaus!” she called after him, but she knew he was already gone. She knew it was useless to try and stop him, so for now, she was going to deal with another demon today.
She came to the Bayou where Celeste was still tied to the tree with the wolves there.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said. “I had something I had to do.”
“What are you going to do, honey? Kill me?” Celeste inquired.
“No. I know better. See, I know all about you. I know that you like to off yourself and then jump into other people’s bodies. Well, that’s not gonna happen here. I know I can’t kill you, but try hexing me, and my friend Eve here will kneecap you. Go for her, and then well, I’ll really make it hurt. So be careful. Sudden moves make me homicidal.”
“So what do you want?” she questioned her.
“Back in the 90’s, you inhabited a witch named Brynne Deveraux, remember? Marcel had her-- you-- put a curse on a lot of werewolves so they'd only turn human on a full moon.”
“I see. Yes. That was me,” Celeste clarified.
“I want you to undo the curse.”
Celeste gave a smile. Then, though her hands were still tied together, she managed to mix together some herbs into a mason jar. “It’s herbs ground into paste. It’ll act as a conduit for the spell. On the next full moon, your people become human. Feed it to them, the curse will be broken.”
Katherine took it.
“Great way to poison everyone at once,” she stated.
“Look. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I actually like you. I was you, caring for Elijah when he cared more for his brother, and I ended up dead. So did a lot of others. Call it a chance for me to give you what I was too in love to give myself. It's a chance to free yourself from the Originals.”
“You believe her?” Eve questioned her.
A wolf growled behind her and Elijah appeared and joined them.
“Whatever she’s promised you, it’s a lie. She cannot be trusted.”
“Ironic since everyone’s said that about me for so many centuries,” she stated to him. Then she said, “She’s the only one that can undo the curse set on the wolves.”
“Do you have any idea what she has done to our family?” he inquired to her.
“I know you want revenge, and come the next full moon, when I’m sure her cure works, she’s all yours,” she assured him.
“Are you suggested that we hold her-- her-- captive for an entire month? It would take an army.” He couldn’t believe that he was hearing something like this from her, but knew where she was coming from.
“And I’ve got one,” she replied, talking about the wolves. The wolves howled in agreement. “So help me or get out of my way,” she added stubbornly.
Elijah turned to Celeste.
“You tricked her.”
“It’s no trick. She’s holding the cure for the clan in her hand. If the wolves take that elixir, the curse is no more. They’re free,” she told him.
“You condemned them to decades of agony, and now you just break the curse without so much as a whimper. Why?” he needed to know.
“Because it’s the best thing I could do for them, and it’s the worst possible thing I could do to you,” she said, thinking that Katherine was smart enough to free the wolves and get as far away from the Mikaelsons as she could, knowing how much Katherine had hated Klaus for 500 years.
“What are you saying?” he inquired.
“That, no matter what happens now, you’ve lost her. You destroy that jar, you kill me, Katherine will hate you. Now, if you let her do this, we both know that she’ll leave you in the end, and I know that as long as she’s alive and happy, then I get my revenge. So, you decide. Give her everything she ever wanted and lose her or deny it, see what happens then.”
Katherine watched the exchange, before turning to Eve.
“Round up as many wolves as you can. Come full moon, you will all be free.”
“Katerina, I wonder if they have any idea how lucky they are that you’re here helping them,” Elijah said, finally looking at her.
She just gave a smile, before leaving the Bayou, trusting Elijah to now do what was needed with Celeste without killing her before the full moon.
“That was touching. The Elijah I knew was never meek,” Celeste commented.
Elijah turned back to her.
“Well, the Celeste I knew was never so cruel. What is it that you want? What's your end game?”
“Oh, this game never ends, Elijah. We’re both immortal, you know.”
“Then what’s the point if you can’t possibly win?”
Celeste smiled.
“But, I have. You just lost the girl, the girl you never chose, because you were so desperate to save your family. And now, your family lies in ruins.”
“My family, despite all that you have done, will heal in time.”
“If you had the time, maybe. But, do you really think Rebekah ran far and fast from here? I bet she didn’t.”
“She’s long gone.”
“Is she? She’s with Marcel. Now, Marcel loves Davina. Davina is dead, but she could come back under the right circumstances.”
“They wouldn’t dare,” he said, knowing what she was saying.
“If you hadn’t been so worried about Katherine, you might have figured it out sooner. But, you know who did have the time to think about it? Your brother. I wonder what he’ll do.”
Elijah grabbed her by the neck and vamped out.
Celeste dared him, saying, “Do it.”
Elijah bit into her neck and viciously fed on her, but not enough to kill her.
Later, Celeste woke up to find herself sitting against a grave in the cemetery, where Elijah was standing guard over her.
Celeste groggily smiled.
“Now, you didn’t have to bite me to get me here. I wanted front-row seats to this show.”
“And what show would that be?”
Celeste stood up.
“The one where you see your "Always and Forever" pact come crashing down around you. It's a myth, Elijah. A myth I died for.”
“And yet here you stand alive... For now.”
“Is that a threat? Oh, there's always another pretty, young body for me to jump into. From now on, every time you feel a connection to a woman, you'll be forced to wonder if it's me.” She backed away towards the entrance. “You'll trust no one and spend the rest of eternity alone.” She crossed the threshold, and when Elijah tried to run after her, he was stopped by an invisible barrier. She laughed as he fell to the ground. “I’m afraid you’re trapped. Boundary spell. The Originals can enter, but they can’t leave.”
“You wouldn’t,” Elijah tested.
“I would, and I did.”
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On the other side of the cemetery, Marcel and Rebekah had just found Davina’s body, wrapped in white cloth, in her family’s tomb. He lowered the cloth to look at her and then covered it back up again.
“I got you, D. I got you.” He picked her up in his arms and they hurried toward the exit. Marcel was able to freely leave, but when Rebekah tried to follow she realized she was trapped. “What is it?” he questioned.
“It’s a trap. Run. Get Davina out of here.”
“I’m not leaving you behind,” he said stubbornly.
Rebekah was panicked as she said, “You must.”
Marcel was insistent. “I will not leave you behind!”
“I swear I will join you. Go. Get Davina someplace safe,” she assured him.
“I will,” he replied.
Marcel and Rebekah stared at each other for a long moment before Marcel vamp-sped away with Davina.
Celeste and Elijah were still talking.
“Don't worry. It's a lunar spell. You'll be free by the next moonrise. My guess is, your sister won't last that long.” She smiled. “Ah, while this body has been a hell of a lot of fun, I do think it’s time I find someone else to play in, don’t you?” She picked up a candle in a glass jar on the ground and smashed it against a tree and picked up a shard of glass. Then stabbed it into the side of her neck and fell dead. Then Monique comes out of the shadows, looking disappointed that she was wrong about Celeste.
Monique sighed. “You were right.” She pointed toward the tunnels, revealing to Elijah that she had performed the spell he gave her. The spell that if she body jumped again, it would send her to her own body permanently.
In the tunnel, Celeste awoke with a gasp, in her original body, which was also covered in a white sheet. She was shocked and confused when she realized that she was in her own body. When she did wake up, Elijah was there.
“Hello, Celeste.”
She got to her feet and backed away from him, shocked.
“How is this possible?”
“Monique Deveraux and I had a little wager regarding your ability to keep a promise. It appears I won. You were so consumed with my downfall, that you lost the trust of one of your own,” he informed her.
Celeste began to chant something.
“Désolé,” Elijah added for her. Then he stabbed her in the stomach with Papa Tunde’s blade and she screamed and dropped to the ground, dead.
Marcel layed Davina down on the bed and waited anxiously and nervously in the attic of the church. A moment passed when Davina suddenly woke up. She gasped and sat up and he rushed to her side.
“Davina. You’re okay. You’re safe now. You hear me? You’re safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you, okay?”
Meanwhile, Klaus had just walked into the cemetery, the White Oak stake in hand, yelling for Rebekah.
“Rebekah! Rebekah! Cherish the breath in your lungs! It’ll be your last.”
When night had fallen, Elijah was walking past the crypts before he stopped in front of one, where Rebekah found him and approached him, surprised to see him.
“Elijah?” she questioned.
“What are you doing here? Rebekah, you should be on the other side of the world by now.”
“You and I both know that wouldn’t have been far enough,” she stated.
Klaus found them both now.
“Get away from her! She’s mine.”
Klaus’ eyes turned yellow as the veins protruded on his face and his fangs came out. Elijah held Papa Tunde’s blade in his hand. Elijah’s vampire face came out and he bared his fangs at Klaus, which Rebekah did as well. All three were ready to attack each other.