Capítulo 3: The premonition
The modern train accelerated from three hundred, to more than five hundred kilometers per hour, six hundred kilometers per hour....
“What's going on!” shouted Raj in a effeminate voice.
“I don't know!” Howard replied in an even more effeminate voice.
In the cockpit, Zack could not slow down the train, so he checked the wiring.
“I almost got it, I almost got it..." he said as several sparkling wires twisted through his body, one of them headed right for his eye.
“I've got you already, damn you!” Zack shouted, triumphant and kneeling as he slowed down the train and prevented the electric cable from penetrating his eye.
Zack sneered at the still sparkling wire and it fell right over the thermos flask, wrapping it and turning it over, bringing its contents to his knee.
The electric shock shook Zack and sent him into the tangled wires inside the control console.
There, in the midst of a multitude of electric shocks, the guy died cooked from the inside as the electric cables penetrated through his eyes and mouth. The train was accelerating again.
Accelerating to more than six hundred kilometers per hour at a stroke, this time the physical laws of inertia were felt.
“I would have stayed in India!” Raj shouted, as he was catapulted to the back of the cabin.
Raj's skull crashed against the wall and his brains varnished the cartoon image of Baljeet, the Hindu child, friend of Phineas and Ferb.
“Uhaaaa, Raaaj!” Howard shouted, So did the girls.
The acceleration was too much on a curve and the train was thrown off.
“I believe in Jesus, I believe in Jesus, I believe in Jesus!” Sheldon was screaming at the top of his lungs when the train hit the ground.
Again, the physical laws of inertia operated and the body of the lanky was thrown forward.
Sheldon's trunk hit a vertical bar inside the cabin and his body split in two. Now he had become the shortest of the seven friends.
“Sheldooon, no!” shouted Leonard, as did everyone else.
The train's cabins had separated and were rolling along the ground at dizzying speed.
This time, the physical laws of centrifugation were applied and friends were stuck to the walls without being able to move an inch.
Howard and Bernadette were holding hands and giving each other words of courage.
“Don't let go of me Howard, don't let go of me Howard!”
“Bernadette, nothing will separate us, my love!”
The physical law of centrifugation was applied to husbands who, not being glued to the structure, in a dizzying twist, sent them a long distance apart from each other to the firmament when the window was broken.
Howard saw at the last second that he was heading for a huge stone statue in a restaurant and crashed into it. The statue was from a barbecue shop and was carved like a huge pig with an apron that said, "Take a bite out of the pig, it's tasty.
At the same time, but far away from Howard, Bernadette's body crashed into a propaganda advertisement at such a speed that she was like a stain on the advertisement that said: "...against microbes nothing more effective than a good blow..."
The cockpit hit something and stopped his movement.
The physical laws of inertia separated the remaining friends and they, in the midst of a suffocating smoke, sought the way out almost blindly.
“Here it is! said Penny when she saw the figure of the superhero Green Lantern. The kids said the exit was indicated by the image of the Hulk, the green superhero of... of.... that funny old man, I don't remember his name!”
If Penny had known the difference between the superheroes, she would have avoided what came next.
One of the wagons continued its march and headed right towards the sculptural blonde who had just left the wagon.
The wagon that led to the woman was the cabin bar, which was to be inaugurated at the end of the tour.
The cabin crushed Penny with such force and speed that the structure perfectly emulated a can of beer crushed at both ends.
Penny, wasn't the only girl who had trouble recognizing superheroes, Sheldon's girlfriend Amy was confused, too.
“The boys said that the exit was marked by a superhero they call the Hulk, the incredible man.... And who could be more incredible than this blond Viking who carries a hammer!”
The woman opened the door and stumbled as she was blinded by the smoke, reached a garage where cars were being repaired, and the smell of fuel permeated the whole place because one of the wagons had crashed into the shop.
A supernatural wind blew away the smoke and the woman forced her eyes as she had lost her glasses.
“...Gas Monkey.”
Suddenly, an explosion shook the place and the business sign showing a monkey sticking out his tongue, shot out at the woman.
“No, not monkeys!” It was the last thing she said before she was crushed and shrouded by the flames.
Leonard did locate the exit and leave the place in a hurry.
“Thank you Hulk, thank you Stan Lee.”
The smoke covered everything and to make matters worse Leonard had lost his glasses.
The little man felt a presence behind him and turned around, yet he saw nothing but the smoke fade away as if by magic.
Leonard saw that he was in the middle of a highway and decided for his own safety to go to the side reserved for pedestrians or emergency stops.
“I'm safe... Penny, my friends," cried Leonard, when he noticed that something was coming towards him.... If only he'd worn his glasses.
“What was that!” One old man shouted as he noticed him hitting something with his Hummer truck.
“Damn smoke... it was too small, it must have been a dog... yes, it must have been a dog.”
Stan Lee, went on his course without realizing he was still on the wrong side of the road.
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