For me writing is not a craft or an outlet. It is not something I do to entertain myself or others. Now, I would be a liar if I said I didn't enjoy the feedback from writing, but I would also be lying to say that I write for the sake of others approval. "To write is to breath", a simple statement containing as much truth as I can muster into a single sentence. As I write I feel life pour into my lungs, breath after breath after breath. It's as if My entire being brightens as the words flow from my mind, becoming complete thought to be heard by the world. Writing is the closest I can come to when God spoke the world into existence. As I write I breath, and as I breath, I write. The breath forms on my lips and words spill forth, creating from nothing. I command entire universes at my word, creating worlds out of the chaos and darkness that is nothing. Unfathomable possibilities stretch out before me, and all I must do is bring those words into my mind. As I inhale they are strung together, and as I exhale they are expelled into the world as clear writing. So I state again, "To write is to breath."