Logan's office was in one of the buildings near the decorators warehouse. This side of town held many affiliated businesses. from security firms, decorators, architects, furniture stores, contractors, and construction firms.
The building housing Logan's offices also had a furniture store, an accounting firm, and law offices. Logan's firm occupied the 6th and 7th floors. When they stepped off the elevator, they were greeted by a wall with the company's name, Jordahl Architecture, and arrows. The arrows led them around the wall to the waiting area.
The waiting area was littered with models and pictures of buildings. All of them were projects the firm had worked on. A black-haired woman with glasses greeted Aurora.
"Good day, Mrs. Jordahl. He's in an important meeting at the moment."
"Which conference room?"
"You can't go—" The woman started as she got up from her seat to intercept Aurora. But stopped when Aurora glared at her from the corner of her eye.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Jordahl, but you can wait in his office," the receptionist offered.
Adam had been taking in the models from the moment they entered the waiting room. The models looked like dollhouses and even had miniature people inside. One model stood out to him; he recognised it as the gallery they had visited earlier.
But the boy was too distracted; he hadn't noticed when Aurora marched off. As he rushed past the secretary to find her, he caught the secretary's scowl.
"Who are you?" she demanded.
"Adam!" he shouted hurriedly.
Adam caught up to Aurora just as she got to Logan's office. Like all the other rooms they had passed, Logan's office had glass walls, but unlike the others, his office was bigger and had blinders. The office was built into a corner of the building, allowing a wide view of the area below.
Adam walked to the large window and looked out over the area. The height was disorienting, but seeing the streets and other buildings from this height was spectacular. The boy walked along the wall, taking in the sights.
"Logan's an architect. He draws plans for new buildings or renovating old ones."
"That makes a lot of money?"
"If you're connected to the right people, yes."
"What job do you do?"
She chuckled, "More of a hobby than a job. A hobby that brings in money."
"You can get paid for your hobbies?" Adam asked, amused that such things were possible.
"If you turn them into a business idea, yes."
Before they could delve into the details of Aurora's hobby and turning hobbies into money, Logan entered the room.
"What are you doing here?" Logan inquired, closing the door behind him.
"We finished our errands; I thought to show Adam where you worked."
Logan pulled Aurora to him and leaned in to kiss her. She pushed against his chest and turned her head away.
"Adam's with us."
Adam, turn around." Logan leaned in again, kissing his wife. "He took you from me last night. I will have you tonight," he whispered.
"Mmm. That depends on how you behave."
Logan sighed and let her go. He walked around his desk and sat comfortably in his chair. "That's all you're here for?"
"We brought you lunch." She took the food from Adam and set it on the desk. "I also have a proposition."
"I'm listening." Logan unpacked the takeaway and surveyed the contents of his soon-to-be lunch.
"Oleg Nikolaev"
"No." His response was fast and agitated.
"Yes," Aurora countered.
"You want me to deal with Russians?" He glared at her.
"No, we're using him as a stepping stone. Nikolaev has contacts in tax havens and third-world countries. More importantly, he can get you into Scandinavia, Baggio-free territory."
"You've been out of your family for years. How do you know they still haven't gotten in?"
"I have my contacts."
Logan shook his head disapprovingly, saying, "I'll need more than that."
She thought for a moment before reaching for the phone. "I'm borrowing your phone." Aurora punched in some numbers, and once the phone rang, she put it on speaker.
A young woman, seemingly too preoccupied, answered. "Hello?"
"RORO!" the woman shouted ecstatically. "Hold on."
Aurora laughed a hearty, happy laugh. It wasn't one of her dainty laughs or her happy chuckles; she laughed, and her entire body laughed. Adam hadn't seen her look this happy before. He found himself smiling along with her.
"Roro I haven't heard from you in months!" the other woman complained.
"How are you, Cate?"
"I would be fine if a little birdie hadn't told me you've had a family for years and kept it from me!"
"I know who your birdie is; be careful with them."
"Of course. You'd think they'd realise that father is no longer interested in a partnership. That's why he isn't hunting you down anymore."
"They believe their history in shipping makes them more valuable than a start-up."
"So, what's up?"
"How's Father's push into the north?"
"Fated to failure. Even his brilliant second son-in-law couldn't survive a quarter in Finland. It'll take a miracle or a genius for Baggio to get a foothold past Denmark."
"What about you, how are things in Denmark?"
"Much of the same. I swear, it's like being home. The same competition, the same games, although Assistant Morbidelli visited a few weeks ago. He said he and his wife were planning to buy a house to retire in Norway. One of my staff heard his wife boasting about a villa in Russia too."
"Father's using him to prep the ground for Estefania's husband..." Aurora said thoughtfully.
"No doubt. But I could care less about those three."
"Thanks. We'll talk again soon."
"Ah. Where's my brother-in-law?"
"My nephew?"
Aurora sighed in defeat. "Sweetheart, come say hello to your Aunt Caterina."
"Nice to meet you, Aunt Caterina. I'm Adam."
Caterina squealed "He sounds cute! I need pictures!"
"No, bye."
Aurora promptly hung up and turned to Logan. "Satisfied?"
"Your sister is?"
"Vice director of operations in Denmark. Caterina Baggio."
Adam wondered what Aurora's sister looked like, so he searched her name online. The woman looked strikingly like Aurora, with shorter hair and a plumper appearance.
"Are you twins?" He looked up from his phone.
"No, she's nine years younger."
"And fatter."
"Don't say that to her." Aurora laughed.