The more he interacted with Aurora, the more Adam felt comfortable with her. She was very hands-on with him, from hugging him to patting his head and holding his hand. Aurora always reached out to him. Adam was unaccustomed to this much interaction and affection. It felt unnatural and weird, so sometimes he brushed her hands away or stepped out of her reach. Logan picked up on his discomfort and stopped Aurora from reaching out to him again.
“He’s a big boy. Give him some space.” He said, grabbing Aurora’s hand and pulling her to his side.
“I want him to feel loved.” Aurora said softly.
“He can feel it already.”
One thing became apparent to Adam as they shopped. His mother’s sense of men’s fashion was questionable. On the two most disturbing occasions so far, she recommended a hot pink, fitted T-shirt and uncomfortably short khaki shorts. Luckily, Logan stepped in again and offered counter-options more in line with his preferences.
Adam’s interactions with his father today, apart from breakfast, were favourable. That uncaring, cold disposition from yesterday and this morning seemed like an illusion. Despite his sharp manner of speaking, Logan’s hands were gentle when he touched him. The pair even shared a playful exchange. This perplexed Adam, as he was prepared for rough interactions with Logan.
By the fifth store, Adam began to feel tired. His father was helping him pick shoes to match his outfits when he noticed Sophia staring at his mother. Aurora had her fingers pressed against the centre of her torso as she took several deep breaths. Was she going to have another episode? She didn’t look like she was in pain.
Adam started towards Aurora, worried she might have another fit.
“Adam, let’s finish.”
“But mom—”
“The sooner we finish, the faster we can get her home.”
Glancing between his parents and seeing his mother recover, Adam hurried to pick out his new shoes. Once he settled on three pairs, the family gathered to discuss their next destination.
“Where to next?” Logan asked glancing around them.
“Home.” Sophia declared.
Aurora turned to Sophia surprised. “We’re not finished yet. Adam needs a new phone.”
“He can have one of mine. Let’s go.” Logan said turning to leave.
Aurora stood her ground. “We also have to add Adam to the account.” She said defiantly.
Sophia cast a annoyed look at her patient. “The condition for you leaving the house was that you follow my orders.”
“We’re not debating this.” Logan grabbed Aurora’s hand and marched towards the exit.