"Thank you for standing up for me, micino." Aurora hugged him closer as they approached the reception hall.
Adam smiled up at her. "You're my mom. And what he said about you and Nicholas...I know you hate that guy."
Aurora kissed his head. "Still, Richard is bigger than you. Yet you managed to injure him. He's going to have scars on his face for a while."
"He deserves it," Adam said unapologetically.
"How used to fighting are you?"
"I've had a few scrapes."
"Is that how you got this scar?" she said, indicating the scar on his arm.
"Sort off," Adam said, looking away.
The parking lot was empty and quiet. The dull humming of the machines behind tall grates drowned out the sound of their footsteps. Adam didn't like it. The area had him on edge, like something was wrong. He fidgeted, looking around them as they approached the car. There was danger nearby; he could feel it. It made his mouth dry and his skin itchy. But looking around the lot, he couldn't see any danger.
His mother realised his discomfort. "Adam? What's wrong?"
"I... nothing..."
What was he going to tell her? That he felt they were in danger? They were at a luxury hotel with guards and cameras. Only the rich frequented this place; there was no danger.
"Come, let's get you clean clothes." She reached for a bag in the backseat with spare clothes.
Aurora left the door open and offered to hold up the towel-like barrier while he changed. Adam looked up at her, concern plastered on his face.
Aurora chuckled "I'm not going to watch you." She reassured.
Adam hopped out of his wet trunks and into dry bottoms. As he fastened his shorts, the towel Aurora had been holding fell. The boy turned around quickly to see his mother struggling with a man who had an arm around her neck, pulling her backwards.
Nicholas," Aurora gasped. Seeing Adam approach her, she warned him. "Stay back, micino!"
Nicholas had pinned her hands behind her as he dragged her away.
Adam turned back to the car, frantically searching for something he could use as a weapon. Nothing. No bats, no poles, not even something sharp. The car keys on the seat under the bag caught his eye. Adam snatched the keys and settled them between his fingers like claws.
He ran after his mother, following them between rows of cars. When Nicholas stopped to reach into his pockets, Adam dashed out from behind a car and punched him in the side.
The man yelled out and struck Adam with his elbow. The impact of the elbow on his face made him dizzy. The force had thrown him backward; he lost his footing and hit his head against the ground. An explosion of silver, white, and black obstructed his vision.
"Adam!" Aurora screamed, fighting back against their attacker.
"Don't fight me. You know what happens when you do."
The boy stayed still on the ground when his mother screamed. He had tried and failed to save her. His nightmare from earlier replayed in his mind. Nicholas was going to hurt Aurora. He needed to call Logan. But he couldn't risk Nicholas or his associates catching him. Adam fought to hold his breath. He tried to stay still, his mind tuned to the sounds in the lot. There were no other feet or voices.
Slowly, the boy opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, but he could make out the mass that was his mother and Nicholas. They made their way to a black van parked near a wall. As his vision cleared, he got up and headed back to their car. The boy hastily dug through his bag for his phone and hurried to call his father.
Logan picked up, but Adam could hardly hear him. It didn't sound like Logan heard him either. Frustrated at his 'victory' from earlier, Adam angrily tossed the phone back into the bag and ran for the villas.
He was almost halfway there when Logan came running down the path, worry plastered on his face. Logan grabbed him by the shoulders.
"What happened? Where's Aurora?" He asked, looking down the path.
"Nicholas. parking lot." Adam managed to get out between gasps.
Logan dashed off without hesitation.
"Black van!" Adam yelled after him.
Adam caught his breath and hurried to catch up to his father. But Logan's legs were longer, and he was soon out of sight. Adam ran faster, unsure of how many other black vans had been on the lot or whether the van would still be there.
He got to the lot in time to see Logan rush towards the van. The trunk was open. Adam caught a glimpse of Logan dragging Nicholas from the vehicle. Logan had the upper hand simply because of his surprise attack. His father swung at the man relentlessly, his arms flailing wildly as he struck. Nicholas got a few strikes in as well, but Logan was enraged and continually bombarded him.
Adam watched bewildered as Nicholas grabbed his father's arms, stopping his attack, but that did little to stop Logan, who slammed the other man hard against the wall. Logan, with his hands still bound, used his feet to attack. He got lucky when his knee made contact with Nicholas' side. The other man winced and retreated, hiding his injured side against the wall.
Logan let out a scream that sounded more like a wild animal's roar, then began to use his head to attack as well. Their struggle made it difficult for Adam to approach the trunk. He watched as Nicholas got the upper hand and wrung Logan's wrists, forcing him to his knees.
Nicholas released one of Logan's hands and used his free hand to fix his clothes. Adam took the opportunity and rushed at him. But the man was prepared for another surprise attack. He pushed Adam's head back, then grabbed him by the throat, squeezing hard.
The boy clawed at the man's arm, but Nicholas did not let go. Adam grabbed hold of Nicholas' arm and swung a kick towards the injury he had previously inflicted. The man dodged, then swung and shook the boy before pinning him to the ground. Adam struggled to breathe, fighting desperately to get the hand away from his neck.
Nicholas' action had eased his grip on Logan, who seized the chance to pull his hand free. Logan bit into Nicholas's hand, which still held Adam, then drove him back against the wall again as he continued to attack the man's injured side. Nicholas curled into a ball as Logan's assault continued. Logan got to his feet and stomped and kicked the other man hard in the face and abdomen.
Satisfied that the man was no longer an immediate threat, he turned his attention to the trunk. "Aurora!" He called. But got no answer.
Adam lay on the ground, struggling to breathe. His throat hurt with every breath, and there was a slight whislting sound every time he inhaled. The boy struggled to his feet and stumbled to his father's side as Logan tried to move Aurora.
The father-son duo tried to wake Aurora, but she was unresponsive while her whole body convulsed sporadically.
Nicholas laughed. "You'll pay Jordahl," he said, wiping the blood from his face.
Loan handed Adam his phone. "Sophia."
Adam called Sophia as they walked back to the car. Logan explained Aurora's condition as they settled her in the car and left.