The words had left his mouth without a thought. A memory played out in his mind about his mother before things got bad. She'd made a special breakfast for him just like this. It was one of those memories he remembered being happy in, one he found comfort in when things were bad.
He'd often wished to have a morning like that again. Now he was seeing it and living it again. Aurora wasn't his mother, and he didn't have any attachment to her. But right now, she felt like his mom.
Adam's eyes overflowed with tears. He didn't know why he was crying. He wasn't feeling anything; he felt fine. But the tears wouldn't stop falling.
When Aurora saw him crying, she switched off the stove and walked over. She gently wiped the tears from his face before pulling him into a tight hug. She didn't say anything. Not that Adam needed her to say anything; he wouldn't know how to respond to her either. So they stayed until Logan entered.
"Good morning."
"Good Morning," Adam and Aurora replied as they let go of each other.
"Adam's your expense."
"What's the update?"
"Most of your contacts know me, but they've never seen Adam. We've already established that I'm ill and have been raising our son while getting treatment overseas. He didn't come on the flight with me because he had to finish his school term. We'll both be going back within the next two weeks."
"And when they question his absence later?"
"He wants to be a doctor because of my illness, so he's taking extra lessons. He also doesn't feel comfortable here, so he'd rather stay away."
"Sounds good enough. You didn't need to make breakfast. Imran would have taken care of it." Logan said as he stacked a plate.
"It's Adam's first morning with us. I wanted to make it special."
"Does Sophia know?"
"I'm fine."
"I need you on Friday."
"I'll be there."
Logan took his breakfast and left for the den, leaving Adam and Aurora alone again.
"Are you really going to pay me?"
"Yes, I promised you."
"He said without a contract, you don't owe me."
"That's his way of handling things... I keep my promises."
"Still, I want a contract."
"Do you know what a contract is?"
"Be careful what you wish for."
Aurora finished cooking and took a small portion for her breakfast, leaving the rest under food covers. Adam sat with her as she ate. Aurora's movements were slow and deliberate. Whether or not he wanted to, Adam took it all in.