After the family returned home, Sophia took Aurora's readings.
"You're stable enough that I don't need to keep you overnight."
"Finally." Logan breathed with relief.
"I'm going to keep you on the drips for half an hour, though."
"Go change out of your suits." Aurora said with a chuckle.
"I'll be right back!" Logan shouted as he ran from the room.
"You were brilliant tonight, Adam," his mother said to him as he headed for the door. "I mean it. You were amazing."
"You taught me the basics."
"Yes. But you're a fast learner, and you adapt quickly. Even Sophia's praised you; she doesn't do that often."
Adam nodded shyly.
"Go on."
Adam threw himself onto his bed as soon as he returned to his room. He'd had fun all day, from fun with his parents to making new friends. He fought to pull his phone out of his pocket. Scrolling through his contacts, he messaged Samantha.
Hey, are you awake?
The minutes passed like hours as he waited for her response. His hand jerked a little, and the phone slipped from his grasp, barely missing his face. The fatigue weighed heavy on Adam as he fought to keep his eyes open.
No response.
Still no response.
It seems like he's snoozing and waking at three-minute intervals.
His eyes are starting to burn, and opening them is proving harder, especially with the screen light. He'd need to adjust the brightness and change the background picture.
Adam jumped out of bed. He was tired, and waiting for Samantha to respond made it easier to fall asleep. The boy changed out of his suit and into his pyjamas, brushed his teeth, and settled into bed.
It had been almost an hour since he'd messaged Sammy; maybe she'd already gone to bed. Adam closed his eyes. Sleep came as swiftly as it had threatened. Images danced and played, swirling past him quickly.
He was back at the dinner party with his parents; this time Aurora had also been attacked. Logan didn't show up, and he couldn't fight the men in the room. They tossed him about, punching and kicking him. His body ached everywhere they struck him. Eventually, they had him pinned down. The two younger men tore at Samantha's clothes, while the two older men tore at Aurora's. Adam thrashed about trying to break free.
Dad! He called out, but he had no voice.
Tears burned his eyes as he called his mother and Samantha. Adam fought harder, kicking and screaming, trying to break free of the person holding him. Someone called his name in a sweet, soothing tone.
Adam, it's okay.
The boy turned his head frantically; he knew it was Aurora, but the Aurora in front of him was crying. He felt icy cold water trickle down his head. Adam's eyes flew open; he was breathing heavily and was lying at an awkward angle with Aurora standing in front of him. He was aware of arms restraining him. His eyes frantically moved about as he raced to grasp what was going on.
"He's awake now." Aurora said.
The arms released him, and Logan's hand tousled his hair.
"You gave us a scare for a moment there."
"We heard you screaming from our room," Aurora said as she wiped the water from his hair and face. "Must have been quite the nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?"
Adam shook his head. When he sat up, he was greeted with a hug from Aurora and Logan.
"We're here if you want to talk." Aurora whispered.
"Cry if you need to."