The next day in the school cafeteria at lunchtime. Rose is sitting in a corner, Aoi walks closer with her food. Rose is just sitting at a table, she hasn’t touched her food at all and is just silently looking at the table.
"Oh, hey Rosie-chan! Long time since you’ve been here, what’s up? Lover’s quarrel with Blondie-chan?" Aoi says mischievously, grins at Rose and sits down.
"I confessed to her last night." Rose says with a quiet voice and keeps looking at the table.
"Don’t worry, quarrels don’t last too lo—What?! You WHAT now?!" Aoi shouts and almost stands up. She turns to look at Rose with her eyes wide open. Her eyebrows glow light blue.
"Well, I sang her a song, but it’s practically the same thing with that one…" Rose says, still just looking at the table, "I can’t look at her today, I don’t know how to handle it. I’ll either just get too embarrassed and explode, or I’ll end up kissing her right there and then. And I don’t know which is worse…" Rose continues, then lifts her gazer and looks straight at Aoi, "Aoi, I don’t even know what she thinks about all of this?! What if she hates me now?!"
"Rosie-chan, take it easy." Aoi says and smiles at Rose, "She’s in love with you, possibly even more than you’re into her, if such a thing exists. And didn’t she like, confess to you already?"
"No.. that’s partly why I’m so nervous." Rose says.
"What? She didn’t!? I’m gonna kill you Blondie-chan" Aoi mutters silently under her breath.
"I know she doesn’t really hate me, but what if our likes are different.. What if she just wants to be my friend and I want…" Rose continues without hearing Aoi at all. She returns to looking at the table.
"And you want to jump into her panties, right?" Aoi says and grins widely at her and waves her finger suggestively in front of Rose’s.
"AOI!" Rose yells, blushes furiously and her glow flashes for an instant. Some people turn to look at them. Aoi laughs warmly at her.
"I’m sorry Rosie-chan, but I had to.. Sorry, I’ll stop teasing you." "OI! WHAT YE LOOKIN’ AT?!" Aoi yells to the rest of the people there, and her hair flashes sky blue and her eyes flicker white-hot. People take the hint instantly, and everyone turns to look the other way.
"But, no, uh.. You’re still… correct. I like her in a different way than just friends. Aoi, she makes my world so much better. I feel… Different from ever before and… I don’t know the words, Aoi, I just don’t wanna lose her." Rose says and nibbles on her food.
"Rosie-chan.. Take it easy. I—Listen, I’m not supposed to say this but… Ah, never mind, nothing. Listen. After the next lesson, go wait in front of the shed outside." Aoi says and looks at Rose with a smile.
"Ehh…?" Rose turns towards Aoi and raises her eyebrow?
"Just go there then, you’ll see." Aoi answers and nods. Then she calmly continues to eat while Rose is having a gay panic on her seat.