Saturday morning. Tarutaru is sitting at a picnic table in the town’s public park. She has a basket with her that contains some snacks. She’s spreading a tablecloth on the picnic table and getting everything ready. There are practically no clouds in the sky, only clear blue from horizon to horizon. She has just managed to get the table ready, when Lily and Rose arrive, each carrying a basket of their own.
"Morning Grass Patch!" Lily shots from afar. "We brought the drinks and the salty snacks!"
"GoodSc morning, Enoka" Rose says smiling.
They spread the goodies on the table, then take a seat and settle down at the table.
"Should we call her?" Tarutaru asks.
"Do you have her phone number, Grass Patch?" Lily asks her.
"Does Aoi have a phone?!" Rose says.
"Well…" Tarutaru says. "I sense a small problem in our plan…" she grins sheepishly.
They all look at each other and giggle at the situation. Tarutaru pours drinks to all of them and Lily gives out small salty snacks. Rose had baked pastries just for this occasion. They all pick up their glasses and raise them.
"To Richter" Tarutaru says.
"To Aoi" Rose says.
"Cobalt Head" Lily says and touches her glass to Rose’s and Tarutaru’s.
"I wonder what’s she’s doing…" Rose mumbles. "I mean she said she’s gonna work somewhere after traveling around, but… I wonder if she’s even done with the traveling?"
"I don’t think so, Rosie-chan," Aoi says behind them. "I think I’ll still go visit the Northern Europe before heading back home to Japan," she adds and grins widely at them. "Hello all, don’t look so surprised. Did you think I’d forgot all about you the second I left?"
"Aoi!" Rose yelps and smiles widely at her.
"Hello Rosie-chan," Aoi answers and touches Rose’s shoulder.
"Where - and how - did you come from, Aoi?" Tarutaru asks confused.
"I was going to look for you," Aoi says. "But when nobody answered at Rosie-chan’s, I went to look at blondie-chan’s and there was this other girl who told me that you’d just left for the park with Rosie-chan. I figured you’d be here talking crap, but I’m actually touched you gathered here because of me?"
"You surprised us, Cobalt Head," Lily says and grins at Aoi. She moves closer to Rose and points between her and Tarutaru. "Sit down, we were just getting started, I think there’s enough for the birthday girl herself," she says.
Aoi looks at them and smiles awkwardly. "Uh, you know, um… Before, before I stay longer…," she says and fiddles nervously with her hair tips. "I’d.. I’d like you to meet somebody…"
"Made a friend already, Cobalt Head?" Lily says and grins at her.
"Your friend is our friend, Aoi," Tarutaru says and smiles.
Rose looks at Aoi and her eyes open wide and her mouth opens slightly. A smile creeps on her face and she closes her eyes and nods almost imperceptibly at Aoi. "I’d really like to meet them too, Aoi…," she says and smiles gently at her.
Aoi looks at them and smiles, then looks at Rose and blushes wildly, her chest gem flashing momentarily bright blue.
Rose giggles at Aoi. "I told you, Aoi. I told you so…," she says.
"Yeah…," Aoi says and smiles nervously. "Ok, wait here, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes," she says, turns around and walks out of the park.
"Well.. who would’ve guessed…," Lily says.
"Well, she is friendly… Makes sense if she finds friends fast," Tarutaru says.
"Careful you two, don’t mess this up. This is… well, you’ll see soon I guess," Rose says and looks more serious than before.
"Cotton Candy…?" Lily says.
"Aoi’s found… Aoi has found her…" Rose says and searches for the correct words to express her thoughts. She takes Lily’s hand into hers and squeezes it gently with both of her hands. "She has found her ‘Lily’, for lack of a better term," she says.
Tarutaru and Lily looks at each other as an understanding dawns to them.
A couple of minutes later, Aoi returns to them looking sheepish and embarrassed. Her cheeks are reddish and her hair ebbs with waves of light pulsing through it. Behind her walks a younger looking person. They seem to be about 15 to 17 years old, younger than Lily certainly. They look remarkably androgynous and the three of them can’t place the newcomer as any gender. Their hair is a brown short bob, they have largish round brown eyes and a coy smile on their lips. Aoi’s holding their hand and pulling them along lightly.
"Everyone, this is Hayden. Hayden Mitchell," Aoi says nervously. "Hayden-chan, these are my friends that I’ve told you about. The green haired one is called Tarutaru Enoka, she’s the reason in this group. These two airheads are the lovey couple I told you about, the blonde one is Lilia Martinson, the pink one is Rose Caldwell, my oldest - and only - friend from school and slightly before."
"Airheads? Cobalt Head, eat a sock," Lily says and grins at Aoi, then nods at Hayden. "Nice to meet you Choco Muffin. I take it that you and Cobalt Head are an item…?"
"Choco Muffin…?" Hayden says and then giggles lightly. Their voice is breathy, clear and light. "You were right, Aoi. I owe you a fiver." They say and turn back to Lily. "Yeah…" they say and shuffle close to Aoi. Aoi wraps her hands around Hayden and nods at Lily.
"Yep, blondie-chan. We found each other while I was traveling over at the US. It was a chance encounter, but…" she says and smiles at Hayden.
Rose looks at the fresh pair and smiles widely. "Come sit here, both of you. I made enough of these to share between all of us."
"Grass Patch, why don’t you call that basketball guy over and we can have a triple date?" Lily asks Tarutaru and grins at her.
"He does not play basketball!" Tarutaru says almost automatically. "Agh, Lily, you’re driving me nuts with that one of these days. But, I might as well… I think he’d be happy if we could be together today after all…" Tarutaru says, picks up her phone and goes a little ways to call her boyfriend of sorts.
A lunch, a dinner, few snacks and many hours later, they are sitting around a campfire on the beach. It’s almost night, and it’s dark. They are sitting in pairs, Rose leaning her head to Lily’s shoulder, Hayden sitting on Aoi’s lap and Tarutaru has her head on Thomas’ lap and she’s laying beside him. Everyone is feeling happy and enjoying the company of both their friends and their lovers. They chat long into the night and promise to meet more often from now on, at least with Thomas. Aoi and Hayden are planning to leave in the morning and travel a bit, then Aoi leaves for Japan to work. Hayden wants to go with her, but isn’t sure yet they can do it because of school.
It’s almost morning before Lily and Rose arrive back at Caldwell Manor and lie down on a bed, coiled around each other. Rose burrows herself in Lily’s arms and falls asleep smiling happily.