Saturday night, dormitories. Lily sits in her room, looking outside. The view is down towards the school park and gardens and the forest behind it. Lily is idly gnawing on her pen when she suddenly notices a glow in the middle of the park. The glow brightens some, then suddenly shoots upwards to the sky, does a couple of loops and then heads east towards the town proper and soon disappearing from Lily’s angle of view.
:: What the heck was that? Also, I could have sworn that glow was pinkish.. What’s Cotton Candy doing?! Flying a remote plane?! Sending fireworks at night?! ::
Sunday, late evening. Lily walks down the path to the school park. Nobody else is around.
:: What am I doing?! Why do I care that much? And as if she’d be here two days in a row… ::
Lily sits on a remote bench at the edge of the park and takes out a book and starts reading. A couple of hours go by and night falls. Suddenly there’s a noise from the park. Lily stands up and quietly sneaks towards the noise. When she gets closer, there’s a faint glow emanating from that direction. She peeks from behind a tree and sees Rose walking. She checks her watch, looks around, grabs a hold of her backpack, closes her eyes and gently rises to the air a few inches. There, hanging in mid-air, her hair spread and flowing freely in the air, her eyes closed, her face emotionless. Her whole body is covered in intricate patterns. She turns in the air a couple of times, lifts her face upwards and shoots to the sky. Then she takes a sharp turn and turns east, quickly disappearing from view.
:: Bite me, she can FLY!? Without any Foci? Or even preparation? And she can create flowers out of thin air… How powerful Cotton Candy really is? ::