School yard, after morning lessons. Rose is leaning to a wall, Aoi stands in front of her. They're chatting about something. Some ways away from them, in the middle of the yard, Lily and Tarutaru are sitting on a bench. Tarutaru's eating some snack and Lily's spacing out.
"... And that's why Lester-sensei was so angry and didn't let us—Rose? Hello, Rose? Were you even listening?" Aoi is telling Rose.
"Huawha-? What?" Rose says, blinking after seemingly spacing out for a while.
"Rose, are you spacing—what are you looking at with that face?"
Rose blushes a tiny bit and the tips of her hair pulse for a second. "Uh, Nothing."
Aoi turns her head and spots Tarutaru and Lily. She grins. "Yeah, right? Just some flowers."
"No. I—I should head to class, the break's over soon." Rose says, turns toward the main doors and walks away."
Aoi grins widely at her back.