"Father ,no!" Rose yells out. She’s sitting on a chair, seemingly pinned down by some unknown force. Her Father is looking furiously towards Lily, who just opened the door and stepped in. They’re now all in a large room that looks like a study of some sorts. It has books lining up the walls, a desk and a large window behind it. Rose’s Father is standing in front of the desk, the chair where Rose sits is in front of him, slightly to the right from Lily’s point of view. Sweat glistens on Lily’s forehead and her cheeks are red.
"Silence, woman!" Rose’s Father yells at Rose. "And you, you, you… insolent peasant! You dare to enter my home, you dare to touch my daughter, you dare to defy my word, you mundane human!" he shouts so spit flies out of his mouth. "You, who cannot even control magic without pleading it to do so! You’re so much below us you should be thankful we allow you to exist! You’ve dirtied my daughter, soiled my family name with your feminine wiles! It’s unnatural for women to be together! You’re disturbing the natural order by seducing innocent girls and tainting them. You drag my family name to the ground and tarnish it with allegations of deviant sexual rumors!" His eyes are glowing with murky red tones, his hair is tinted with reddish tones and his whole skin is cowered in angular patterns that glow brightly in a deep red color.
"Father…" Lily says and struggles to free herself to no avail.
Rose’s father lashes towards Rose with his hand, Lily jumps and somehow manages to boost herself enough that she gets between the burst of magic that Rose’s Father sent out, and Rose herself. The blast knocks all air out of Lily’s lungs and she collapses at Rose's feet. Her eyes roll up and she falls unconscious.
"You… you would sacrifice yourself for her…?" Rose’s Father says startled. His hand lowers slightly and the glow in his eyes dim just a little bit. But it is too late now. Even if he was going to change his mind about everything, he did the one thing that he should not have done. He hurt Lily.
"Y o u . . ." Rose says with a terribly calm voice, standing up from the chair, like the force that bound her there before just didn’t exist anymore. She effortlessly lifts Lily up from the floor and sets her down on the chair. Her eyes glow white-hot - like small fiery pink volcanoes. Her hair is dancing in the air like the flames of oblivion. Her entire skin is filled with pink and white swirls and patterns. The small heart above her left temple glows like a dying star going nova. The air around her glows brightly and the whole room is lit in angry pink light. She steps forward, legs taking steps three inches above the floor, but she doesn’t care. "You. Hurt. My. Lily.," she hisses between clenched teeth. Her hands squeezed to tight fists beside her. Her breath colors the air in little angry pink embers. Her chest-gem glows so brightly it hurts eyes. There’s a soft humming coming from the gem, like a thousand angry bees in the distance. When she opens her mouth a white-hot glow accompanies any words she spits out.
"Rose…" Rose’s Father says taken aback. He takes a couple of steps backwards. The glow in his eyes dims more, but his skin patterns take on a darker hue.
"What gives you the right—," Rose says and sweeps her hand in front of her father, sending him flying through the air and hitting the wall. He slumps down to the floor. Rose lifts her hand and her father slams to the ceiling. Rose whips her wrist and her father’s body smashes to the sofa and he slides down, head first onto the floor. "— to dictate how I life my life, or what gives you the right to hurt Lily?! You spout out your beliefs without even trying to understand me! You never cared about me, only The Family Name!"
Lily stirs in the chair. "Cotton Candy…" she says weakly, her hand extended towards Rose. Lily tries to stand up, but falls back down. She sits up, then braces herself against the chair and pushes herself up and begins to wobble towards Rose.
"Rose…! Stop this madness…!" Rose’s Father says with a timid voice from the floor. His patterns have take a darker hue and are almost black now. There’s fear in his eyes as he clearly understands Rose is, and has always been, more powerful than him. In his fear, he admits this to himself, but it’s too late to say anything aloud anymore. Rose walks to him and stops as she’s standing next to him, a couple of steps away. She lifts her right hand and a brightly glowing, pulsing globe of light begins to form at her palm. It grows gradually brighter and larger, until it is as a small sun, orbiting Rose’s hand.
"You…" Rose says with a scarily quiet and calm voice, almost whispering. "Will never again… touch anything… that has to do with me—" she lifts her right arm high above her. She’s just about to bring her hand down, when she lets out a sudden yelp. Lily steps in front of her and wraps her hands around Rose’s waist.
"No, Cotton Candy… Rose.. Dearest.. Please, listen to me.," Lily says and stares right into the white-hot holes in the universe that used to be Rose’s eyes. "You don’t want to do this. This is not you, remember dearest… I’m here. I’m here for you always. shh… everything’s going to be alright, Let go of the anger, Cotton Candy. You’ll never forgive yourself if you go through with this." Rose tries to push Lily away, but she just holds her tighter. Lily looks into Rose’s eyes which burn her own, because they’re so bright. She brings her face close to Rose’s so their noses touch. "I love you, Cotton Candy…" Lily whispers as she pushes her lips to touch Rose’s. The intense light burns and sears her skin, but she closes her eyes, wraps her hands around Rose’s neck and pulls her into a really tight kiss, not letting go.
The globe at Rose's hand grows slightly, she moves her hand as to strike. Then suddenly the globe disappears, everything goes dim. Rose’s glow dies out, and she slumps down onto Lily’s arms, totally exhausted and barely breathing. Her chest-gem pulses brightly with the rhythm of her heart, then gradually dims down. The room falls totally silent except the three’s labored breaths. Everything is still for a few minutes, Lily just holding Rose in her arms and Rose’s father lying on the floor."
"Rose…" Rose’s Father says weakly.
Lily spins around and throws a look at him, tiny white sparkles in both of her eyes flare up. "Do. Not." she says through clenched teeth."Do not. At all."
Lily partly carries, partly drags Rose away, to the room where Rose first took Lily when she visited her the first time. She manages to get her to the bedroom and lays her down on the bed, then falls down beside her exhausted. Rose’s hand moves slightly and Lily grabs it with hers. They both squeeze their hands together and then fall asleep.