On one day, the Teacher arrives to the class with a heavy stacks of papers with her. Everyone gives out a collective sigh because theory exams are not really anyone’s favorite…
The Teacher puts the stack of papers on her table and addresses the class "For this class, we’re talking a bit about different magic categories. I think you had this class in first grade too, but this time we can go a bit more in depth, if you want to. If not, we’re just quickly going to go through this and continue to the key event today."
The teacher picks up a chalk and draws vertical lines on the chalkboard and then continues "As you know, magic is divided into difficulty classes. The first one is light manipulation. Like producing visible light or doing simple illusions. Anything that only affects light is the easiest class. You all have done the Light Globe as your first spell, it’s easy even if you’re a beginner. The next is matter manipulation. If you’re altering material properties of something, it’s more difficult than just making it appear to look like so. But it’s still considered easy. Like your simple Alter Shape spell. You can make a plank of wood into a chair, or a piece of cloth into a hat. Altering the shape of the material is the easiest part of matter manipulation. The more advanced variant of this is the Transmute spell, you can transform a rock to a block of wood, or paper to glass. The next class is elemental magic. This is the part where things get suddenly harder and many a mage never reaches this level. This is the first level that requires advanced studying, even for those privileged Naturals."
The teacher makes a sideways glance at Rose "Well, some of them at least. Anyway, this is the level where you can start to produce things that do not exist naturally, but are still of nature. Like a ball of fire or a spear of ice. These are the spells that the first magic users used to defend themselves. They are very rarely used in present day life, but still an important part of magic. The next class is transportation. This is the level where Foci are required. There’s no mage alive that can levitate without a focus, let alone fly. Flying is one of the most tough parts of magic that you can attempt. It requires you to understand your surroundings completely and have an advanced focus. The tales of Witches flying with their brooms is mostly exaggerated. It’s not false, per se, but greatly exaggerated. It would require hours to imbue the broom to fly for a few minutes and the broom would have to be made from a very special wood. It IS still possible, though. And the last one is matter production, in other words, creating something out of nothing. You’re taking raw magic and shaping it to something that did not exist prior. This is the hardest class of magic. There are just a few of us who can create things out of thin air, so to speak. Even I cannot do this."
Lily glances at Rose, who is drawing a shape in the air with her fingers. A single white flower appears in the air and drops on to her palm. Rose lifts her gaze and looks questioningly at the teacher, shrugs her shoulders and puts her head back on her arms and continues to doze off.