The next day, Caldwell Manor backyard. Lily’s sitting on a bench, Rose laying on the grass in front of her, snacking on something. Lily is explaining something to her. Once she finishes, Rose almost bolts up and turns towards Lily. "You what?" She exclaims.
"Well, you see.. Uh…" Lily stammers, blushing, "I.. thought that it’d be fine. The teacher was really adamant we do something for the occasion, and, well, neither of us wants to actually do anything, and.. and you can sing and I’m not terrible at it - at least when I’m singing with you. It could be easy for us to get some points towards the graduation…"
"Uh, well.. I do need the points for the voluntary program still…," Rose ponders, "this would probably be enough… But singing in front of an audience, Lili…? I don’t know. I’ve never sung in front of anybody before you…"
"Well, I can’t say I’m overly fond of it myself," Lily says, "but I have sung in front of an audience a few times. A lot when I was younger in fact. But lately, after I turned 15 or so I haven’t done it at all." She says and smiles at Rose. "And that’s not the part that I’m afraid of…," she adds, under her breath.
"Mh?" Rose mutters and raises her eyebrow.
"Nothing, I just… I panicked as the teachers were really adamant and I couldn’t figure out anything else and I just.. I’m sorry," Lily says nervously.
"Nah, don’t worry… Lili. I’m not afraid as long as you’re there with me. When we sing together I feel like I can do anything!" Rose says and smiles at Lily. She stands up from the ground and takes Lily’s hands into hers. "Eh, okay. I give up.," she says enthusiastically, "Let’s sing at the ceremony! I have to say though, I thought ‘d be too scared to do it in front of everyone, but… somehow knowing you’ll be there with me…"
"I know how you feel…" Lily leans closer and kisses Rose on the nose "Let’s get ready and show them what singing should be! Since I’ve sung more in front of people, I can take the first."
"First?" Rose says startled.
"Well, yeah.. but don’t worry! I can do the first one solo, then you’ll join me on the second one," Lily says and kisses Rose on the nose.
"Alright Let’s sing from the bottom of our hearts and make them see what we can do!" Rose decides and smiles wildly.