喺成功摧毀暗影晶核之後,凱爾 · 克雷特同佢嘅同伴返咗去科洛桑嘅絕地聖殿,雖然暗影之謀被暫時挫敗,但凱爾心中依然感到不安。力量並未徹底消失,新嘅威脅可能正暗中醞釀。
一日,絕地聖殿嘅通訊系統突然響起,傳嚟咗一個令人震驚嘅消息,一位名叫達斯 · 維達嘅西斯尊主喺未知區域嘅一顆廢棄星球上現身,似乎正進行緊。某種神秘嘅儀式。
「達斯 · 維達係西斯中最強大嘅存在之一,」盧克 · 天行者話,「我哋必須查明佢做緊咩,阻止任何可能嘅威脅。」
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凱爾帶領小組成員深入星球腹地,沿住達斯 · 維達留下嘅痕跡前進。經過幾個鐘頭嘅搜索,佢哋嚟到咗一個巨大嘅廢墟前。
廢墟中央係一座古老嘅祭壇,達斯 · 維達正企喺祭壇上面,手中握住一顆散發住黑暗光芒嘅晶體。
「你哋嚟得正好,」達斯 · 維達冷笑道,「見證西斯力量嘅復甦啦。」
「我哋唔可以畀西斯力量復甦,」凱爾堅定噉講,「必須阻止達斯 · 維達。」
然而,達斯 · 維達嘅力量遠超佢哋嘅想像,佢嘅黑暗原力如同潮水般湧嚟,幾乎將凱爾同佢嘅同伴壓垮。
喺凱爾嘅帶領下,絕地武士哋合力發出咗一道強大嘅原力波,擊中咗達斯 · 維達嘅身體瞬間被光芒吞噬,消失喺廢墟中。
「我哋成功咗,」一位絕地武士喘息住噉講,「達斯 · 維達被擊敗咗。」
「我哋唔可以掉以輕心,」凱爾對同伴講,「達斯 · 維達只係西斯力量嘅一個縮影,我哋必須時刻保持警惕,防止黑暗嘅再次降臨。」
「任務完成,」凱爾通過通訊器向盧克匯報道,「達斯 · 維達被暫時擊敗,但佢嘅陰影依然存在。」
第三十八章嘅故事喺復甦嘅陰影中落下帷幕,凱爾同佢嘅同伴雖然暫時擊敗咗達斯 · 維達,但銀河系嘅和平依然岌岌可危,新嘅挑戰同機遇依然等緊佢哋去面。對。
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Star Wars: Fallen Order Chapter 38: Shadow of Resurrection
After successfully destroying the Shadow Core, Kyle Krayt and his companions returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Although the Shadow's plot was temporarily thwarted, Kyle still felt uneasy. He knew that the power of the Sith had not completely disappeared, and new threats might be brewing in secret.
One day, the communication system of the Jedi Temple suddenly rang, and a shocking news came. A Sith Lord named Darth Vader appeared on an abandoned planet in the unknown area, seemingly performing some kind of mysterious ritual.
"Darth Vader is one of the most powerful beings in the Sith," said Luke Skywalker, "We must find out what he is doing and stop any possible threats."
Kyle quickly formed an elite team of Jedi Knights and Star Alliance agents and took a high-speed cruiser to the abandoned planet.
After arriving at the planet, they found it was a desolate ruin, with broken buildings and abandoned machinery all over the surface. There was an ominous atmosphere in the air.
"The force fluctuations here are very chaotic," said a Jedi Knight, "it seems that some powerful dark force is reviving."
Kyle led the team members deep into the heart of the planet and followed the traces left by Darth Vader. After several hours of searching, they came to a huge ruin.
In the center of the ruins was an ancient altar, and Darth Vader was standing on the altar, holding a crystal emitting dark light in his hand.
"You came just in time," Darth Vader sneered, "witness the revival of the Sith power."
Kyle drew out his lightsaber and prepared to fight. A fierce battle unfolded in the ruins, and the collision of the lightsaber and the dark force caused violent energy fluctuations.
"We can't let the Sith power revive," Kyle said firmly, "Darth Vader must be stopped."
However, Darth Vader's power was far beyond their imagination. His dark force surged like a tide, almost crushing Kyle and his companions.
"We need to work together to fight him," Kyle shouted, "Concentrate the Force and attack together."
Led by Kyle, the Jedi Knights worked together to send out a powerful force wave, hitting Darth Vader. Darth Vader's body was instantly swallowed by the light and disappeared into the ruins.
"We succeeded," a Jedi Knight panted, "Darth Vader was defeated."
However, Kyle still felt uneasy. He knew that Darth Vader had not completely disappeared, and his shadow still shrouded the galaxy.
"We can't take it lightly," Kyle said to his companions, "Darth Vader is just a microcosm of the power of the Sith. We must always be vigilant to prevent the darkness from coming again."
They quickly left the abandoned planet and returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
"Mission accomplished," Kyle reported to Luke through the communicator, "Darth Vader has been temporarily defeated, but his shadow still exists."
Luke pondered for a moment in the Jedi Temple, "We must strengthen our defenses and find a way to completely eliminate the Sith forces."
The story of Chapter 38 ended in the resurrected shadow. Although Kyle and his companions temporarily defeated Darth Vader, the peace of the galaxy is still in jeopardy. New challenges and opportunities are still waiting for them to face.
This adventure of the resurrected shadow is not only a test of the wisdom and courage of Kyle and his companions, but also a profound impact on the fate of the entire galaxy. The new era of the galaxy is slowly opening, waiting for them to write a more glorious chapter.
Kyle knows that only by constantly pursuing the power of light can we truly defeat darkness. He and his companions will continue to move forward to protect the peace and justice of the galaxy.30Please respect copyright.PENANAJEOjJLND9C
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