銀河系嘅邊緣,一顆名為達索米爾嘅神秘星球上,夜空籠罩住濃重嘅陰雲,星辰隱匿喺黑暗之中。凱爾 · 克雷特、艾拉 · 賽德同盧克 · 天行者喺一片荒涼嘅平原上前行,佢哋嘅目標係尋找一位傳說中嘅智者 —— 塔莉 · 辛。
「塔莉 · 辛據講擁有洞察心靈嘅能力,」盧克話,「佢可以幫我哋更好咁掌握原力。」
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「呢度就係塔莉 · 辛嘅居所咩?」艾拉問道。
喺通道嘅盡頭,佢哋發現咗一座巨大嘅水晶宮殿,宮殿內散發住柔和嘅光芒。塔莉 · 辛正坐喺宮殿嘅中心,閉目冥想。
「塔莉 · 辛大師,」盧克恭敬噉講,「我哋嚟尋求你嘅指導。」
塔莉 · 辛緩緩睜開眼睛,眼中閃爍住智慧嘅光芒。
塔莉 · 辛點咗點頭,緩緩企起身嚟。
「呢座水晶柱擁有強大嘅原力能量,」塔莉 · 辛話道,「你哋一定要將自己嘅心靈同佢共鳴,先可以通過試煉。」
然而,隨住原力能量嘅湧入,佢哋嘅內心亦開始浮現出各種雜念同恐懼。凱爾見到咗自己曾經嘅失敗同痛苦,艾拉感受到咗對未來嘅迷茫同不安,盧克則回憶起咗同達斯 · 維達嘅決戰。
「保持冷靜,專注於原力,」塔莉 · 辛嘅聲音喺耳邊響起,「只有克服內心嘅恐懼,先可以真正掌握原力。」
「你哋做得好好,」塔莉 · 辛微笑道,「而家,你哋已經更接近原力嘅真諦。」
「記住,原力嘅力量唔單止喺外在嘅戰鬥,更喺內心嘅平靜同智慧,」塔莉 · 辛提醒道,「只有心靈純淨,先可以真正守護銀河系嘅和平。」
佢哋帶住塔莉 · 辛嘅教誨,返咗科洛桑,向絕地議會匯報咗佢哋嘅收穫。聯盟成員為佢哋嘅成長而感到欣慰,銀河系嘅和平再次得以維繫。
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"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 8: Trial of the Heart
On the edge of the Milky Way, on a mysterious planet called Dathomir, the night sky is shrouded in heavy clouds, and the stars are hidden in the darkness. Kyle Krayt, Ella Seid and Luke Skywalker are walking on a desolate plain. Their goal is to find a legendary wise man, Tallie Zin.
"Tallie Zin is said to have the ability to see into the mind," Luke said, "She can help us better master the Force."
"Dathomir is full of unknown dangers," Ella reminded, "We must remain vigilant."
"Yes, but we have no choice," Kyle nodded, "Only through the trial of the heart can we become stronger."
They crossed the desolate plain, avoiding various traps and beasts, and finally came to an ancient altar. The altar was engraved with mysterious runes and emitted a faint light.
"Is this where Tallie Zin lives?" Ella asked.
"It should be," Luke said, "let's start looking."
They began to search around the altar and finally found a hidden passage behind a boulder. The passage was deep and dark, as if it led to another world.
"Be careful," Kyle reminded, "we don't know what's inside."
They carefully entered the passage and went deep underground. The passage was full of a mysterious atmosphere, and the walls were engraved with ancient murals, which seemed to tell a long history.
At the end of the passage, they found a huge crystal palace with a soft light. Talley Xin was sitting in the center of the palace, meditating with her eyes closed.
"Master Talley Xin," Luke said respectfully, "we come to seek your guidance."
Talley Xin slowly opened her eyes, with a gleam of wisdom in her eyes.
"Jedi Knights, why are you here?" she asked in a low voice.
"We hope to better master the Force and protect the peace of the galaxy," Kyle replied.
Talley Xin nodded and slowly stood up.
"Then you must pass the test of your heart," she said. "Only when your heart is pure can you truly master the Force."
She led them to the center of the palace, where there was a huge crystal column that emitted a dazzling light.
"This crystal column has powerful Force energy," said Tallie Zin. "You must resonate your heart with it to pass the test."
Kyle, Ayla, and Luke stood in front of the crystal column in turn, closed their eyes, and began to meditate. Their hearts gradually resonated with the crystal column, and they felt a strong force energy pouring into their bodies.
However, with the influx of the force energy, all kinds of distractions and fears began to emerge in their hearts. Kyle saw his past failures and pain, Ayla felt confused and uneasy about the future, and Luke recalled the decisive battle with Darth Vader.
"Stay calm and focus on the Force," Tallie Zin's voice sounded in her ears, "Only by overcoming the fear in your heart can you truly master the Force."
They tried to calm their inner fluctuations, gradually eliminating distractions and fears, and their hearts became purer. The light of the crystal column became more and more dazzling, and the energy of the Force flowed in their bodies, as if connected to the entire galaxy.
Finally, they passed the test of the heart, opened their eyes, and felt unprecedented power.
"You did a good job," Talley Xin smiled, "Now, you are closer to the true meaning of the Force."
"Thank you for your guidance, Master," Kyle said respectfully.
"Remember, the power of the Force lies not only in external battles, but also in inner peace and wisdom," Talley Xin reminded, "Only when the heart is pure can we truly protect the peace of the galaxy."
With Talley Xin's teachings, they returned to Coruscant and reported their gains to the Jedi Council. The members of the Alliance were pleased with their growth, and the peace of the galaxy was maintained again.
The story of Chapter 8 ended in the test of the heart. Kyle, Ayla and Luke successfully passed the test of the heart through wisdom and courage and mastered a more powerful force.
This adventure of the trial of the soul is not only a test of their spiritual growth, but also has a profound impact on the fate of the entire galaxy. Although the peace of the galaxy has been temporarily maintained, the threat of dark forces still exists.
Kyle knows that future challenges and threats may appear at any time. He and Ayla will continue to move forward, guarding the peace and justice of the galaxy and meeting future challenges and opportunities.
However, the fate of the galaxy is still full of unknowns and variables. New adventures and challenges are waiting for them to explore and conquer. Kyle and Ayla will continue to write their legendary stories. The future of the galaxy is in their hands.
Although the trial of the soul is difficult, it also reminds Kyle and Ayla that the road to guarding peace requires not only external strength, but also inner peace and wisdom. As long as they persevere, there is hope that the peace and prosperity of the galaxy will continue. Kyle and Ayla will continue to move forward on this challenging road.
The night sky of Dathomir has regained its tranquility, and the stars are shining, as if witnessing the courage and faith of Kyle, Ayla and Luke. The future of the galaxy is becoming brighter because of their efforts.