銀河系嘅和平喺凱爾 · 克雷特同佢嘅同伴嘅努力下逐漸穩固,但新嘅挑戰亦隨之而來。新共和國嘅領導層意識到,只有通過更廣泛嘅合作同聯盟,先可以真正實現銀河系嘅長期穩定同繁榮。
「各位代表,」萊婭語氣堅定噉講,「我哋已經取得咗顯著嘅進步,但和平嘅道路依然充滿挑戰。為咗更好噉應對未來嘅威脅,我提議成立一個星際聯盟,將各個星球嘅資源同力量整合起嚟。 ”
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就喺呢個時候,凱爾 · 克雷特同盧克 · 天行者走入咗議會大廳。
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"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 27: The Birth of the Star Alliance
The peace of the galaxy has gradually stabilized due to the efforts of Kyle Crater and his companions, but new challenges have also arisen. The leadership of the New Republic realized that only through broader cooperation and alliances could the long-term stability and prosperity of the galaxy truly be achieved.
In the Council Hall of Coruscant, Princess Leia stood on the podium, facing representatives from various planets.
"Fellow representatives," Leia said firmly, "We have made significant progress, but the road to peace is still full of challenges. In order to better deal with future threats, I propose the establishment of an interstellar alliance to bring together the people of each planet. Integrate resources and strength.”
There was a lot of discussion in the parliament hall. Some representatives expressed support while others were skeptical.
"How do we ensure the effective operation of this alliance?" asked a representative from the Outer Rim Star Territory.
"The Alliance will establish a council composed of representatives from each planet," Leia explained. "All major decisions will be made through joint deliberations on the council to ensure that the voice of every planet can be heard."
Just then, Kyle Krayt and Luke Skywalker walked into the Council Hall.
"I support Leia's proposal," Luke said. "Only through unity and cooperation can we truly protect the peace of the galaxy."
Kyle also nodded in agreement, "In the process of fighting against the forces of darkness, we have deeply realized the importance of unity. The Interstellar Alliance will be the key to achieving this goal."
After a heated discussion, the Council finally approved Leia's proposal and decided to establish the Interstellar Alliance. Representatives from various planets have expressed their willingness to join and jointly contribute to the peace and prosperity of the galaxy.
Over the next few months, preparations for the Star Alliance were in full swing. Each planet sent representatives to discuss the alliance's operating mechanism and various policies.
"We must establish an efficient communication network," a representative of technical experts suggested, "to ensure that information between planets can be transmitted in a timely manner."
"At the same time, we also need to build a joint fleet," a military representative added, "to deal with possible threats."
Under the guidance of Kyle and Luke, the Jedi Order also actively participated in the preparations for the Interstellar Alliance, providing support for Force sensing and telepathic communication.
"The Force will help us better understand each other," Luke told the delegates, "promoting harmony and cooperation within the Alliance."
After a series of preparations and negotiations, the Interstellar Alliance was finally officially established on Coruscant. Representatives of various planets took a solemn oath in the parliament hall, promising to jointly protect the peace and prosperity of the galaxy.
"Today, we have taken a historic step," Leia said at the founding ceremony. "The birth of the Interstellar Alliance marks the beginning of a new era for the galaxy. Let us join hands to create a better future."
Kyle stood in the crowd, full of hope and confidence. He knows that the establishment of the Interstellar Alliance is just the beginning, and the road ahead is still full of challenges, but he firmly believes that as long as everyone unites, peace and prosperity in the galaxy will be achieved.
The story of Chapter 27 came to an end with the birth of the Interstellar Alliance. Kyle and his companions once again faced new challenges and successfully took an important step towards achieving peace in the galaxy. The establishment of the Interstellar Alliance is not only a test for the New Republic, but also a good hope for the future of the entire galaxy.
The birth of this interstellar alliance is not only a testimony to the faith and courage of Kyle and his companions, but also a symbol of the unity and cooperation of the entire galaxy. The new era of the Milky Way is slowly opening, waiting for them to write a more glorious chapter.39Please respect copyright.PENANAhX7meozSZP
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