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銀河系嘅和平雖然暫時得以維繫,但凱爾 · 克雷特同艾拉 · 賽德深知,黑暗勢力並未徹底消失。佢哋喺絕地聖殿內繼續修煉,不斷提升自己嘅原力修為,時刻準備應對新嘅挑戰。
一日,絕地議會嘅長老召集咗凱爾同艾拉,神情嚴肅噉講:「我哋收到咗新嘅情報,一股未知嘅原力波動喺銀河系嘅邊緣被發現,似乎同古老嘅西斯遺跡有關。 。 ”
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飛船穿越咗無盡嘅星空,最終抵達咗目標星球 —— 一顆名為「西斯遺跡」嘅神秘星球。呢度嘅景象令人不寒而慄,星球表面佈滿咗古老嘅西斯建築,散發住令人不安嘅氣息。
「我係西斯尊主達斯 · 莫爾根,」西斯武士回答道,「我嘅使命係復興西斯帝國,將銀河系帶入黑暗。」
一場激烈嘅光劍對決再次展開。凱爾同艾拉聯手對抗達斯 · 莫爾根,光劍交織,原力波動四溢。神廟內嘅空氣仿佛都凝固咗,充滿咗緊張同危險。
佢哋集中力量,發動咗猛烈嘅攻擊。凱爾利用原力操控周圍嘅物體,干擾達斯 · 莫爾根嘅視線,而艾拉則趁機發動致命一擊。
然而,達斯 · 莫爾根並非易於對付。佢釋放出一股強大嘅黑暗原力,將凱爾同艾拉擊退。
「你哋太天真喇。」達斯 · 莫爾根冷笑道,「黑暗力量係無可阻擋嘅。」
就喺呢個時候,絕地小隊嘅其他成員趕到咗現場,加入咗戰鬥。佢哋聯手發動攻擊,終於將達斯 · 莫爾根擊退。
佢哋透過原力傳遞信息,向盧克 · 天行者同絕地議會求援。好快,盧克同其他絕地武士趕到咗西斯遺跡,同佢哋匯合。
喺絕地聖殿內,盧克 · 天行者望住凱爾同艾拉,眼中充滿咗欣慰同期望。
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"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 60: Guardians of Light
Although the peace of the galaxy was temporarily maintained, Kyle Krayt and Ella Seid knew that the dark forces had not completely disappeared. They continued to practice in the Jedi Temple, constantly improving their Force cultivation, and were always ready to face new challenges.
One day, the elders of the Jedi Council summoned Kyle and Ella, and said seriously: "We have received new intelligence. An unknown Force fluctuation was found at the edge of the galaxy, which seems to be related to the ancient Sith ruins."
Kyle and Ella looked at each other, and an ominous premonition surged in their hearts.
"We must act immediately," Kyle said firmly, "We can't let the dark forces spread again."
"Yes," Ella nodded, "We will do our best."
They quickly prepared, led an elite Jedi team, boarded the starship, and headed towards the unknown area at the edge of the galaxy.
The spaceship crossed the endless starry sky and finally arrived at the target planet-a mysterious planet called "Sith Ruins". The scene here is chilling. The surface of the planet is full of ancient Sith buildings, exuding an unsettling atmosphere.
"The force fluctuations here are very chaotic," Ayla said when the spaceship landed, "I can feel a strong dark force."
"Yes, I feel it too," Kyle nodded, "We must be careful."
They stepped off the spaceship and stepped onto the land of Sith ruins. The ancient Sith buildings loomed in the darkness, as if telling an ancient dark legend.
"The dark power here seems to be related to the history of the Sith," Kyle said, "We must find its source."
They went deep into the interior of the planet and found a huge temple hidden in the darkness. The entrance of the temple is engraved with ancient Sith runes, exuding an unsettling atmosphere.
"These runes are very similar to what we saw in the Shadow Abyss," Ayla said, "It seems that our guess is correct."
They carefully entered the temple and found that the interior was full of gloomy atmosphere. The walls are engraved with the history and rituals of the Sith, as if telling an ancient dark legend.
"Everything here is full of evil," Kyle said.
As they explored the temple, they suddenly heard a deep and familiar laugh. A Sith warrior in a black robe appeared in front of them, holding a lightsaber, with a cold light in his eyes.
"We meet again," the Sith warrior sneered, "this time, you won't be so lucky."
"Who are you?" Kyle asked, "Why do you repeatedly make enemies with us?"
"I am Darth Morgan, the Sith Lord," the Sith warrior replied, "My mission is to revive the Sith Empire and bring the galaxy into darkness."
"Your ambition is doomed to fail," Ayla said firmly, "We won't let you succeed."
A fierce lightsaber duel started again. Kyle and Ayla joined forces to fight Darth Morgan, lightsabers intertwined, and the Force fluctuated. The air in the temple seemed to solidify, full of tension and danger.
"His power is stronger than last time," Ayla whispered during the battle, "We must work together to defeat him."
They gathered their strength and launched a fierce attack. Kyle used the Force to manipulate the surrounding objects to interfere with Darth Morgan's vision, while Ayla took the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.
However, Darth Morgan was not easy to deal with. He released a powerful dark force and repelled Kyle and Ayla.
"You are too naive," Darth Morgan sneered, "The dark force is unstoppable."
Just then, other members of the Jedi team arrived at the scene and joined the battle. They joined forces to launch an attack and finally repelled Darth Morgan.
"We succeeded," Ayla said panting.
"No, this is just the beginning," Kyle reminded, "The dark force has not completely disappeared, we must find its true source."
They continued to go deeper into the temple and finally came to a huge dark energy pool. The dark force surged in the energy pool, like a bottomless black hole.
"This is the source of the dark power," Kyle said, "We must seal it."
They joined forces to activate the Force and tried to seal the energy pool. However, at this moment, a stronger dark power suddenly surged out of the energy pool and repelled them.
"This power is too strong," Ayla panted, "We can't deal with it alone."
"We must seek help," Kyle said, "Contact Master Luke and the Jedi Council."
They sent messages through the Force to ask Luke Skywalker and the Jedi Council for help. Soon, Luke and other Jedi Knights rushed to the Sith ruins and joined them.
"We must work together to seal this dark power," Luke said, "otherwise it will threaten the entire galaxy."
They joined forces to activate the Force and finally successfully sealed the dark energy pool. The dark atmosphere in the temple completely dissipated, and the Sith ruins returned to tranquility.
"We succeeded," Ayla said with relief.
"Yes, but we can't let our guard down," Kyle reminded, "The dark forces have not completely disappeared, and we must always remain vigilant."
They left the Sith ruins, returned to Coruscant, and reported the results of the operation to the Jedi Council. The peace of the galaxy was maintained again, but Kyle and Ayla knew that the road to protecting peace was still long and difficult.
In the Jedi Temple, Luke Skywalker looked at Kyle and Ayla, his eyes full of relief and expectation.
"You have grown into true Jedi Knights," Luke said, "The future of the galaxy is in your hands."
Kyle and Ayla looked at each other, their hearts full of responsibility and mission.
"We will continue to work hard," Kyle said firmly, "to protect the peace of the galaxy."
"Yes," Ayla nodded, "We will become the guardians of light."
The story of Chapter 60 ended in the Guardians of Light. Kyle and Ayla successfully sealed the dark forces in the Sith ruins with wisdom and courage and protected the peace of the galaxy. However, the threat of the dark forces still exists, and their adventure continues. The future of the galaxy is in their hands. As guardians of light, they will shoulder the responsibility of protecting the peace of the galaxy and meet the challenges of the future.