喺馬拉科星球嘅絕地檔案館取得重要資料之後,凱爾 · 克雷特同佢嘅同伴並冇太多時間休息。佢哋知道,帝國嘅追捕從來都冇停止過,而新嘅線索指向咗一個更為神秘嘅目的地 —— 位於未知區域嘅「扎爾達」星球。
抵達扎爾達之後,佢哋發現呢顆星球被一片廣袤嘅沙漠所覆蓋,偶爾可以見到一啲奇異嘅植物同岩石。根據檔案館入面嘅資料,佢哋搵到咗通往遺跡嘅入口 —— 一座被沙塵掩埋嘅巨大石門。
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一道光芒從祭壇中射出,化作一個虛幻嘅身影。佢係古代絕地大師阿達斯 · 提倫,守護住呢座遺跡嘅靈體。
阿達斯 · 提倫凝視住凱爾,良久才緩緩講道:「你哋一定要通過考驗,證明自己嘅心志。」
阿達斯 · 提倫揮咗揮手,大廳中突然出現咗四個幻影,分別代表住憤怒、恐懼、貪婪同絕望。凱爾同佢嘅同伴必須戰勝呢啲幻影,先可以獲得遺跡嘅認可。
阿達斯 · 提倫見狀,點咗點頭:「你哋通過咗考驗,證明咗自己嘅心志。」
「呢顆水晶係原力之源嘅一部分,」阿達斯 · 提倫解釋道,「佢會指引你哋走向更深嘅真相。」
阿達斯 · 提倫微微一笑:「記住,真正嘅力量源自內心,而唔係外在。願原力同你哋同在。」
隨住阿達斯 · 提倫嘅身影消散,凱爾同佢嘅同伴離開咗遺跡,踏上咗新嘅旅程。佢哋知道,前方嘅道路依然充滿挑戰,但係有咗呢顆水晶嘅指引,佢哋將會更加堅定噉走向光明嘅未來。
"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 13: The Mystery of the Ruins
After obtaining important information from the Jedi Archives on Malachor, Kyle Krayt and his companions did not have much time to rest. They knew that the Empire's pursuit had never stopped, and new clues pointed to a more mysterious destination-the planet "Zarda" in an unknown area.
Zarda is a forgotten world. It is said that there is an ancient Jedi ruin hidden here, which contains secrets about the origin of the Force. In order to uncover this mystery, Kyle and his party embarked on a journey to Zarda.
After arriving at Zarda, they found that the planet was covered by a vast desert, with occasional strange plants and rocks. According to the information in the archives, they found the entrance to the ruins-a huge stone gate buried in sand and dust.
"The force fluctuations here are very ancient and powerful." Kyle said, he closed his eyes and felt the flow of the force around him.
"Be careful," Leia warned, "we don't know what's inside."
After some effort, they successfully opened the stone door, revealing a staircase leading underground. Going down the stairs, they came to a huge underground hall. The walls were engraved with ancient runes and patterns. In the center was a huge circular altar with a crystal emitting a faint light.
"This is the ruins we are looking for." Kyle said, he walked to the altar and carefully observed the crystal.
At this moment, a low voice suddenly came from the hall: "Trespassers, you will pay the price."
A ray of light shot out from the altar and turned into an illusory figure. He is the ancient Jedi Master Adas Thielen, the spirit guarding this ruin.
"We are not here to destroy," Kael explained, "We just want to find the truth about the Force."
Adas Thielen stared at Kael for a long time before slowly saying: "You must pass the test and prove your determination."
Kel nodded: "We are willing to accept the test."
Adas Thielen waved his hand, and four phantoms suddenly appeared in the hall, representing anger, fear, greed and despair. Kael and his companions must defeat these phantoms to gain recognition from the ruins.
The battle began immediately, and Kael faced the angry phantom. He responded calmly and used the Force to calm the other party's anger. Leia faced the phantom of fear, and she firmly believed and bravely defeated fear. The other companions also faced the phantoms of greed and despair, and after some efforts, they all succeeded in the end.
Seeing this, Adas Thielen nodded: "You passed the test and proved your determination."
As his voice fell, the crystal on the altar suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the runes and patterns in the hall began to flicker. Kyle felt a strong force surge into his body, as if he had gained some mysterious power.
"This crystal is part of the source of the Force," Adas Thielen explained, "It will guide you to a deeper truth."
Kyle took the crystal and felt the power in it merge with his own Force. He knew that this would be an important weapon for them to fight against the Empire.
"Thank you, Master." Kyle said respectfully.
Adas Thielen smiled slightly: "Remember, true power comes from the heart, not the outside. May the Force be with you."
As Adas Thielen's figure dissipated, Kyle and his companions left the ruins and embarked on a new journey. They knew that the road ahead was still full of challenges, but with the guidance of this crystal, they would be more determined to move towards a bright future.
The story of Chapter 13 ended in the mystery of the ruins. Kyle and his companions not only gained important power, but also had a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the Force. The fate of the galaxy is still undecided, but they firmly believe that as long as there is light in their hearts, the darkness will eventually be dispelled.38Please respect copyright.PENANAqug1dlbMDE
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