離開扎爾達星球之後,凱爾 · 克雷特同佢嘅同伴帶住原力水晶,繼續佢哋嘅旅程。佢哋嘅下一個目的地係位於銀河系核心區域嘅「科洛桑」星球,呢度係帝國嘅政治同軍事中心,亦係佢哋獲取更多情報同資源嘅關鍵地點。
然而,就喺佢哋抵達科洛桑嘅途中,突然遭遇咗一支帝國艦隊嘅攔截。帝國嘅指揮官達斯 · 維達親自率領艦隊,顯然係為咗追捕凱爾一行人。
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就喺呢個時候,據點嘅通訊系統突然響起,一個熟悉嘅聲音傳嚟:「凱爾,係我,盧克 · 天行者。」
「住手!」一個聲音突然響起,達斯 · 維達出現喺實驗室嘅入口處,佢嘅西斯光劍閃爍住紅光。
「達斯 · 維達!」凱爾心中一緊,佢知道呢場將會係一場艱難嘅對決。
「你以為你可以阻止帝國嘅計劃?」達斯 · 維達冷笑道,「你太天真喇。」
戰鬥隨即展開,凱爾同達斯 · 維達展開咗一場激烈嘅對決。光劍同西斯光劍嘅交鋒喺實驗室內激盪,原力嘅波動四溢。
經過一番苦戰,凱爾終於搵到咗達斯 · 維達嘅破綻,一劍將佢擊退。達斯 · 維達退到一邊,冷冷地望住凱爾。
「你以為噉就結束咗咩?」達斯 · 維達話,「帝國嘅力量遠超你嘅想像。」
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"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 14: The Empire's Conspiracy
After leaving Zarda, Kyle Krayt and his companions continued their journey with the Force Crystal. Their next destination is the planet "Coruscant" in the core area of the Milky Way. It is the political and military center of the Empire and a key location for them to obtain more intelligence and resources.
However, just as they arrived at Coruscant, they were suddenly intercepted by an Imperial fleet. The Empire's commander Darth Vader personally led the fleet, apparently to hunt down Kyle and his party.
"It seems that the Empire has discovered our whereabouts." Leia said nervously, she clenched her lightsaber, ready to deal with the upcoming battle.
"We must break through!" Kyle said firmly, he activated the spacecraft's defense system, and commanded his companions to prepare for battle.
The Imperial fleet launched a fierce attack, and laser artillery fire poured down like a rainstorm. Kyle drove the spacecraft flexibly to avoid the attack, while using the power of the Force Crystal to interfere with the enemy's aiming system.
"Open the hyperspace channel, let's rush out!" Kyle ordered.
Under the siege of the Imperial fleet, the spacecraft opened a hyperspace channel with difficulty and disappeared in the depths of the universe in an instant. Although it successfully broke through, the spacecraft was also seriously damaged.
"We are safe for the time being," Kyle breathed a sigh of relief, "but the Empire will not give up easily, we must find cover as soon as possible."
They decided to rest and repair the spacecraft in a secret base on Coruscant. This base was provided by an agent of the Rebel Army and is located in an abandoned industrial area on the planet.
After arriving at the base, they quickly began the repair work. At the same time, Kyle sensed an unusual fluctuation through the Force, and it seemed that some conspiracy was brewing in secret.
"We must be careful," Kyle said to his companions, "The Empire may have infiltrated every corner of Coruscant."
Just then, the base's communication system suddenly sounded, and a familiar voice came: "Kyle, it's me, Luke Skywalker."
"Luke!" Kyle said in surprise, "Do you have any news?"
"Yes," Luke said, "I just got intelligence that the Empire is carrying out a secret plan on Coruscant, which may be related to the Force Crystal. You must find and stop them as soon as possible."
"Understood," Kyle nodded, "We will act immediately."
According to the intelligence provided by Luke, Kyle and his companions sneaked into a secret laboratory of the Empire on Coruscant. It was heavily guarded here, with Imperial soldiers and robots everywhere.
"Be careful," Leia reminded, "We don't know what traps there will be."
They carefully walked through the corridors of the laboratory and finally came to a huge laboratory. On the central platform, there was a strange device surrounded by several Imperial scientists.
"It seems that this is their secret plan." Kyle whispered.
At this moment, an Imperial scientist discovered their traces and immediately sounded the alarm. The Imperial soldiers in the laboratory quickly surrounded them, and the battle was about to break out.
Kyle and his companions quickly joined the battle, using the power of the Force crystal to repel the Imperial soldiers. Kyle rushed to the platform and tried to destroy the device.
"Stop!" A voice suddenly sounded, and Darth Vader appeared at the entrance of the laboratory, his Sith lightsaber flashing red.
"Darth Vader!" Kyle's heart tightened, he knew it would be a difficult duel.
"Do you think you can stop the Empire's plan?" Darth Vader sneered, "You are too naive."
The battle began immediately, and Kyle and Darth Vader had a fierce duel. The confrontation between the lightsaber and the Sith lightsaber was stirring in the laboratory, and the fluctuations of the Force were overflowing.
At the same time, Leia and other companions were also besieged by Imperial soldiers, and the two sides fell into a melee.
After a hard fight, Kyle finally found Darth Vader's flaw and repelled him with a sword. Darth Vader stepped aside and looked at Kyle coldly.
"Do you think this is the end?" Darth Vader said, "The power of the Empire is far beyond your imagination."
Kyle ignored him and quickly destroyed the device. As the device exploded, the Imperial soldiers in the laboratory collapsed.
"We succeeded!" Leia walked to Kyle and said softly.
"Yes," Kyle nodded, "but the Empire's conspiracy is far from over, we must move on."
They quickly left the laboratory and returned to the secret base. Although they successfully destroyed the Empire's plan, they knew that the road ahead was still full of challenges.
The story of Chapter 14 ended with the Empire's conspiracy. Kyle and his companions once again defeated the threat of the Empire, but they also realized that the Empire's power was far stronger than they imagined. The future of the galaxy is still full of unknowns, but they firmly believe that as long as there is light in their hearts, the darkness will eventually be dispelled.35Please respect copyright.PENANA1E9OXBo8Xl
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