After being convinced to go to the Bayou doctor for a check-up, Katherine went, only to have to flee from maniac witches. As she ran through the woods with witches after her, she text Rebekah where she was and what was happening.
When Rebekah got her text, she vamped towards the Bayou to save her.
Meanwhile, Klaus’ plan to get Davina on his side half way worked when he threatened Tim, so Klaus left and Marcel went searching for Davina, having gotten word that Cami and Davina weren’t in sight. He found Cami though who said she went to the church.
Marcel walked into the church to find the mess.
“Davina!” He looked around at the mess. “What happened? What are you doing here?”
“I live here, remember?” she angrily replied, before walking to the attic.
Katherine stood in the woods in front of Rebekah.
“Who are they?” Rebekah inquired.
“Witches,” she replied.
Rebekah noticed more people with flashlights in the distance whom were heading in their direction.
“There’s more of them. Run!”
Katherine didn’t have to be told twice, but didn’t get far. She stopped when she saw Rebekah get an arrow in the heart, and knew that she was on her own.
A moment later, Katherine got shot in the shoulder that had something on it, but she fought against whatever it was, as she ran. She didn’t like leaving Rebekah behind, but she didn’t have a choice. If she stayed, she’d be killed or captured. She got almost half way through the woods, before she tripped over a twig and hit the forest floor. Then everything went black.
After Rebekah woke up and pulled the arrow out, she noticed that Katherine was gone, so she called Klaus.
“What do you mean, “she’s missing”?” he angrily said.
“What do you think I mean? There’s blood and bodies everywhere, someone’s ripped this lot to shreds, and there’s no smart-aleck pregnant girl.”
“Keep looking. I’m on my way,” Klaus told her, before hanging up and heading for the Bayou.
Rebekah was still walking around and looking for clues as to where Katherine might be, inside the clinic.
Klaus suddenly appeared, when she saw a used syringe and a doctor on the floor.
“Wow! You abandoned your quest for power to help out your family! Having an off day?” she said to him.
“Who took her, Rebekah?” he calmly asked.
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know? And who killed her attackers?”
“I don’t know! I had an arrow in the heart. If it wasn’t Katherine who killed them, then—“ she began, but then they heard werewolves howling in the distance.
Klaus raised his eyebrows at her.
“Lovely. Maybe they’ll know where she is,” she commented.
Klaus followed Rebekah outside, where they saw Katherine stumble out of the woods, the arrow still in her shoulder, whom looked exhausted and dazed.
Klaus blurred over to stand in front of her, and pulled the arrow out of her shoulder.
“Katerina, what happened? Tell me what happened,” he said calmly, as he examined her for any wounds apart from her shoulder.
“I don’t know. I saw Rebekah get an arrow in the back and got an arrow of my own. I ran and tripped over something. Then I blacked out,” she said groggily.
When he looked at her shoulder again, it was healed.
“You’ve completely healed,” Klaus stated, but not knowing how this was possible.
“Leave her alone,” Rebekah told Klaus, once she stood by them. She looked at her. “It’s the baby. The vampire blood---Klaus’ vampire blood---in your system. It can heal any wound. Your own child healed you.”
Klaus smiled at the thought.
Rebekah continued, saying, “How did you escape? Outnumbered, unarmed? They were ripped to shreds.”
“I think it was the wolf I saw by the pool. I think it’s trying to protect me,” she answered.
“The witches were supposed to protect you! When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux---“ he fumed.
“It wasn’t Sophie,” Rebekah informed him.
“It was Agnes,” Katherine informed him.
“Fine! Agnes, Sophie, it’s all the same to me! I’ll slaughter the lot of them!”
“Not if Elijah gets there first,” Rebekah intervened.
“Did you find him?” Katherine questioned.
“He’s been in touch, and he has a plan after finding out what’s going on here. He’s been involved in other matters. All he asks is that we take care of you,” she replied.
“So, can we go home now?” she replied after the good news that Elijah was well and coming home. “I’d like to go to sleep for a few days,” she added, the events of tonight and whatever was on the arrow catching up with her.
Klaus gave a smile in agreement.
Suddenly, she began to collapse, but Klaus caught her with hybrid reflexes, before she could hit the ground.
“I’ve got you, luv. I’ve got you.”
As everything went distant for her, she felt him gently pick her up in his arms, carrying her. Then she finally let the darkness come, for once in her life, feeling safe in his arms, knowing that he wouldn’t let anyone harm the child or her.