I blinked my eyes open to whispering. Frowning I looked around, cheeks flaming as I realized Aodh had moved over in his sleep and wrapped his arms around me....and as I looked around....everyone was staring at us. I slipped away from Aodh, running a hand through my thick hair. I stood, uncomfortable not just to be caught with Aodh spooning me, but also because I was currently the center of attention. "Are we ready to head out?" I said, feeling I had to say something.
Sultan shook his head, jerking his thumb toward where the firepit is located outside. "No, it's not that late yet, but dinner is ready." My stomach growled at the thought of Perce's cooking again. We all filed out, leaving Aodh to sleep. Perce sure enough was over the fire with a pan grilling hamburgers, two trays on either side of him had done hamburgers and raw burgers yet to be cooked. He smiled up at us as we clustered around. Beatrix and Gaetano were yet to be seen. The rest of us found seats around the area. I myself sat on the porch.
"Sleep well?" Perce asked us.
Pyrrhos snorted. "As well as your hard wood floors allow."
Smiling widely, Christine shoved her elbow mercilessly into Pyrrhos ribs, causing him to grunt, flinching away from her and holding the area. "I slept just fine Fox." Perce smiled at their exchange. When Perce was almost done with the hamburgers, Beatrix exited the house, looking like she'd just woken up, her hair having a little bed-head look.
She yawned and ran her fingers through her midnight black hair. "Where's Mutt?"
"Visiting Theodore and saying goodbye to Albina." Beatrix nodded, some sadness entering her eyes but she looked away. Pence passed out dinner and Gaetano returned to take his burger as well. Dinner was fairly quiet. The wind was picking up, bring in some cool weather, causing the fire to flicker. I watched it, sitting on the porch. I jumped as cloth was placed over my shoulders and looked up to see silver. Aodh. He'd laid a black cloak over my shoulders. I tugged it on further and clasped it in place. He wore a light blue one.
"Thanks Griffon." I nodded toward Perce. "There's a hamburger for you." Aodh smiled, clasping my shoulder before going to get his hamburger from Perce, smiling and talking about something, I watched them, admiring Aodh before he returned to sit by my side.
After he was done eating he took the big bag next to him and went to the others scattered around the fireplace. "I went to a blacksmith this afternoon and got some things for tonight.
Pyrrhos raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" Aodh smiled at him, then opened the bag and started passing what was inside out like it was Winter Solstice. They were metal helms. He threw the wolf one to Caesar, that was layered to look like hackles rising a lot like my mask. Caesar was excited and put it on. I do have to say, it looked bad ass and I smirked. Aodh passed a cute cat one to Christine, a sharp beaked one for Pyrrhos, another that looked a lot like Caesar's minus the layers in the back to Gaetano. A helm shaped like a roaring lion for Merlin, and two helms with fox tails in the back, the front looking like narrower versions of Caesar and Gaetano's for Perce and Beatrix.
"Listen." Aodh said seriously. "We are now a band...an Order...against Efruigro who has taken control of this nation. We're outlaws. We keep our faces covered." He received nods of understanding from everyone and he nodded back. It was getting late now. "Then let's get ready for a hunt my beasts. We have a killer to catch."
"Alright!" Gaetano and Caesar said at the same time, high-fiving. I moved to where Star was standing with the others and retrieved my leather helm, I didn't have my leather jerkin which was drying but, aw well. Aodh joined me and started putting on his armor, I stepped in and helped him with the straps and buckles. Reggiero and Sultan joined us in suiting up. Sultan had a helm that had wings on the sides like Pyrrhos, but no sharp beak. Once we were all ready and armed, we gathered around the horses.
"Leo, Jag, Robin and I will be checking the streets on horseback. Hawk, Cat, do your thing by rooftop. The rest of you on foot. Mutt, you're with Foxy."
"Aw, man, why can't I be on my own?" Gaetano complained.
"Because you're 10, that's why. Leo's 14 and he's not going alone either." That did nothing to deter Gaetano's pout.
Beatrix slapped the back of his head. "Is there something wrong with going with me?"
"Yeah Ugly."
"What did you call your mother?"
"Uugaly." Growling in frustration, Beatrix chased her rebellious son around the yard.
Laughing, Christine turned to Perce. "Shouldn't you do something?"
Perce shrugged and showed his palms. "What to do? It's all in good fun anyway. They really get along." I shook my head.
"Hey." Aodh caught my attention as he tightened Star's girth. "Be careful, remember you're not completely recovered yet." I nodded but there was worry still in his eyes. We all headed in different directions, Beatrix and Gaetano still fighting. For most of the night, the streets were deserted and quiet. Sometimes we'd run into one another before departing once more.
"Watch out!" I suddenly heard Gaetano's nearby shout and rushed around the corner to see a giant of a man with a bloodied stomach raise his sword to bring down on Beatrix who had just delivered the cut to his stomach and wasn't prepared to meet the counterattack. I rushed toward her, not sure I could make it in time. Nearing them, I drew my sword and met the massive strike just as the blade was about to bite into Beatrix's shoulder. Growling under my breath, I put all I had behind my sword, not letting the blade lower onto the woman. Recovering from her shock, Beatrix struck the huge man another blow to the stomach. Grunting, the man with his lower face shrouded by a black cloth, stumbled back. Now that the pressure was off, I joined the attack, delivering a blow while the man shouted, from shoulder to hip. And yet the seven foot man still had the strength to turn and run away, only to meet with a steely eyed Perce. Perce drew his sword and plunged it into the man's torn up stomach, causing him to cough blood and eventually fall to his knees.
Perce withdrew his sword and the man toppled onto his side, bleeding out. Perce pulled a cloth out of his pocket and cleaned off his sword, sheathing it before turning his attention back to his wife and child. "Are you okay?" He asked them, coming over to hug Beatrix, who nodded.
"Yeah, I'm okay, lucky Drake appeared out of no where though." Gaetano said.
Perce met my gaze as he hugged Beatrix close. "Thank you." I nodded, making Perce smile.
"He was about as fast as you Dad. Just poof, he was there to stop that giant's blade." Gaetano continued to say. I rubbed the back of my neck.
Perce chuckled, "Come on. we should find the others and head back home."
"Can I go off on my own now?" Gaetano whined. Chuckling some more, Perce nodded. "Yes!" Gaetano raised his fist in the air in triumph before racing off. We split up to search for the others. and just my luck I ran into Star carrying Merlin and Aodh.
"Foxy, Fox, and I got him." I informed them.
"Everyone okay?" I nodded, only then did Aodh relax in the saddle. "That's good. Leo, go with Drake back to the school. I'll find the others and we'll meet you there." I wanted to help him, but obeyed his orders instead, helping Merlin down from Star. we started toward the school as Aodh rode away.
"Are you're wounds okay?" Merlin asked. I nodded. "What was he like? It was a guy right?"
I nodded again. "He was massive, about 7 foot tall. Took 2 slashes from Foxy and a slash from me and was still standing. Took a stab from Fox before he was felled."
Merlin stared at me, "Incredible." I nodded. The walk back was nice, quiet, and uneventful in the chill night air. Once there, I watched Merlin get ready for bed, taking off my helm and laying it near my own bedding. I slipped off my shoulder belt and took my sheathed sword from it. I sat on my bedding, my pillow behind my back and rested my sword against my shoulder, waiting for the others to return while Merlin snuggled down into his own blankets and fell asleep. The others returned one by one and asked about details of the take down. I quietly answered until Fox, Foxy, and Gaetano returned, then let them do the talking. When everyone was accounted for, I laid down to sleep.
Waking up wrapped in Aodh's arms was strangely becoming a thing. A thing I knew not what to make of. But I couldn't say I didn't like it. I sighed and closed my eyes against the bright sunlight, not knowing if I wanted to get up yet, I was so comfortable...
*'Wake up Scevola, I have something for you.' I snapped my eyes open in a panic upon hearing those words to find him lifting up my naked ass with his fingers already inside me. I whimpered, trying to move but my arms were tied behind my back. He turned me over and ran a hand down my naked front slowly. His touch sickened and terrified me. His fingertips grazed my nipples, making me squirm, clenching my teeth. He sped up the thrusting of his fingers, making me whimper more. I knew what was gonna come, and although I hated all of it, I was glad he was stretching me first. He plunged into me in one go, making me gasp as he commented on how tight I was. Over and over again. After 3 rounds, he was still going...*
"Drake!" Aodh. Shaking me awake.
I came up into a crouch, daggers drawn to see the others standing around me, as I breathed heavily, sweating, my heart racing. "Shit!" I dropped the weapons from shaking hands. I ran a hand down my face and pushed through the others to reach the fresh air outside. I felt like I was going to be sick, but I breathed deeply, fighting it off. Once I was out on the deck, I crouched against a post, holding my head in my hands as I tried to fight off my panic. I didn't like how I came awake with weapons ready to fight, not with children around. At least my group from now on would be without the kids. Still, I was a danger to the others. A vision of my father's slit throat spraying me with blood flashed before me. I jerked as I felt his warm blood hit me and closed my eyes, trying to get a hold of myself.
"Drake?" I gasped and jerked my head to see Aodh standing near the entrance, face full of worry. I was shaking uncontrollably. He came over slowly and sat next to me, drawing me into a hug, cradling my head with one hand and rocking us. I was calming down in his embrace, embarrassing as it was, I didn't quite care. It made me feel better. My eyes shuddered as he ran his fingers through my hair. He cupped my face in his hands, stroking with his thumbs and studied me. The vision of his face before me succeeded in washing the remnants of the memories from me. Gods he was beautiful. Aodh just hugged me back to him without a word, and I was beyond grateful. "You okay now?" He asked so softly I barely heard him, but I nodded against his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair again. "I'm here for you anytime Drake."
"Why?" I couldn't help asking.
He hesitated. "Because I like you."
I bit my lip, not wanting my hopes crushed. "As a friend?" I asked, looking into his serious light blue eyes.
"More." I gasped and he kissed me. It was a simple kiss, yet so blissful I wondered if I'd be able to stay standing if I was. I was completely shocked. How could this be possible? How could this be happening, yet his soft lips were perfectly molded to mine, taking my breath away. Both of us sucked in air as we parted, then he kissed me again. "Gods I can't get enough of you." He growled against my lips as he drew back the second time. I was too shocked to comment, just enjoying this dream.
"Glad I'm not going with you." Pyrrhos' words carried to us.
"This is so cute!" Sultan exclaimed. My cheeks flamed so hard they hurt. Aodh tightened his hold on me and growled under his breath. My lips twitched, wanting to smile at his reaction. Dare I hope this was real? That I could be happy? I felt like somehow this was a cruel joke. I'd be shattered if it was.
Finally Aodh sighed and ruffled my hair. "You sure you're okay?" I nodded. He half smiled. "Then let's go, we have some shopping to do before we leave." I nodded again and we helped each other up. I jumped a little when Aodh grabbed my hand and towed me after him as we re-entered the large indoor training area where everyone was gathered. "Fox, we're gonna need horses and supplies."
"I know a guy who will see us some horses at a fair price." Caesar put in. Aodh nodded and squeezed my hand.
"Then that's where we head first."
"After breakfast." Perce said with a smile. Aodh nodded while my stomach rumbled thinking of Perce's cooking.
"After breakfast." Still with a wide grin, Perce left to procure the meal. We all gathered out in the yard around the fireplace, Aodh pulling me close to sit beside him as my cheeks continued to flame. Beatrix brought us out the breakfast sandwiches as Perce finished them. Toast, eggs, ham. It was delicious. It was hard not to drool as I ate. Aodh watched me with a smirk and a twinkle in his light blue eyes. After we were done, Aodh towed me to the bath house and I helped him fill the tub, Aodh watching me closely least I bother my wounds. Once done and the fire underneath lit, Aodh pulled me inside. I was confused. I thought the bath had been for him, but he started stripping me. I gasped as he slid his roaming hands up my, well, his shirt. I loved the feel of his hands on me. He chuckled, stroking me with his thumbs as he held me close. "I love the feel of you. Your skin, your muscles, even your scars." His hands slid up further, taking his shirt off over my head. He admired me a way no one has before, sliding his hands down my chest, roaming my skin, sliding over my muscles. I shivered at his touch and he slid his fingers under my waistband. I panicked a little.
'I have something for you.' I heard my father's voice and my breathing hitched. I closed my eyes.
Aodh hugged me. "Hey, are you okay? Sorry. Do you want me to leave?"
It took a moment of me being in his arms before I relaxed enough to answer. "I need to tell you something." He nodded and started stripping his cloths. I watched him, wondering what he was doing.
He grabbed my hand as he turned toward the tub, "Join me?" My cheeks heated, but I stripped and stepped toward the tub. His eyes roamed me unlike the last time I was naked in front of him, and he seemed to like what he saw. He licked his lips and stepped into the water, gently pulling me after. I climbed in opposite and sat down with my knees drawn up to me, my arms wrapped around them. Aodh slowly sat cross-legged as far as the tub would allow.
The warm water around me soothed my worries some. "My father..." Aodh waited grimly and patiently for me to continue. "he often raped me, Griffon." I said down at the water. Aodh gripped the sides of the tub until his knuckles turned white. I bit my lip and waited.
"That's what the nightmares are about?" He asked, his voice breaking. I nodded. He held his large hands out to me. I grabbed them with my shaky ones and he pulled me to him, opening his legs so I could kneel before him. He raised his hands to cup my face, staring into my eyes. I calmed before those icy depths. "I'm so sorry Drake...I wish I could've protected you." It was like time froze. I wasn't sure what to do with his amazing words. This had to be a dream.
"Griffon." I raised my hands to cup his beautiful face. "I'm falling in love with you." He smiled, but I made him gasp as I kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulled me closer till I was straddling him and we were flush. Wondrous skin against skin. He ran his fingertips up my back and I broke the kiss, throwing my head back with a gasp. He chuckled against my throat, making me shiver in pleasure, but then I felt his hardness against my backside.
'I have something for you.' My breathing hitched, panic froze my heart and I was thrashing away from him.
"Drake." He said calmly, catching my arm and I froze, staring at him in fear. I let him pull me closer and he cupped my face, stroking with his thumbs. "I will never hurt you. Ever." I let him draw me into a hug as I bit my lip. "I will never do anything against your will. We only do things you want to do. Even if we never go all the way, it's okay. I love you Drake." I choked. I can't believe I started to cry, what was wrong with me? "Shh. You're okay Drake. You're okay. I swear I'll protect you from now on. Always." I clutched him to me like a lifeline as I cried into the crook of his neck and he held me just as close. I cried like I never had in my life. Cried until exhaustion.